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Rip Topaz

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Posts posted by Rip Topaz

  1. And this morning I can add my second mod, just finished.

    This one is kinda cool. I roasted the maple in the oven before making the box. It caused the maple to darken a bit and it really popped the grain. Not sure if it'll ever work again, but this one is unique.


  2. Here's my first mod. 3.7v, really easy one.


    My second mod came out pretty good. I think the inside of the first one came out ALOT cleaner but I can still live with it.


    I love the way the maple looks. I actually roasted it in the oven for about an hour. Darkens the wood a bit and really makes the grain pop.

  3. If you stay with the standard 510, Madvapes has some chrome dual coil cartos that KICK!! I can't decide which I like better, the eGo DCs or the regular 510 DCs. Both are great.

    Also check out Madvapes dual coil tank carto. At $12, it's a freakin' STEAL.


  4. Yeah I'm not really in any actual NEED of a wired box. I just want to make one!!

    I just made the switch to 14500 mods myself, with eGo batts for when I'm out and about. Haven't had to change batteries once yet. Pretty cool considering this time last week, I was swapping KR808's every hour or so all day long. That got annoying QUICK!!

    Instead of buying the box mods, I've really gotten into making my own. I started with Madvapes 3.7v mod kit, sort of. I pieced a couple of them together ala carte. Being a woodworker, I had no desire to use cheap plastic battery boxes to house my mods. Yuk.

    It took about a week of playing around in the shop for me to come up with a design I felt worked well for the intended purpose, but I think I finally have a good start at making my own box mods. I plan to continue, and just see how cool of a mod I can create. Next up will be 5v and VV mods.

  5. I've built a few 3.7v box mods now, and would like to get a bit more complex.

    I'd like to add a mini USB jack to my mods, either for charging, passthrough, or (hopefully) both. Unfortunately, there isn't alot out there as far as wiring diagrams for this sort of thing.

    Can anyone help?

  6. I can't figure out how to post pix here, but the mod was a success!!

    I've been using it as an "at home" vape, since its got a bit of heft to it. Decent enough sized box that it'll sit on the table by itself with a tank carto screwed into the top. Killer amounts of vapor!!

    The KR 808 is now on the shelf. I may throw it into the car so I have a backup, but it has at this point outlived its usefulness.

    I'm working on several more mods, as well as matching USB passthroughs. I have a ton of great looking, matching scraps, so each mod I'm making, I'm making a matching passthrough.

    Modding is fun!! Try it.

  7. So I placed an interesting order last night. I got an eGo battery and charger (for when I'm out), a 510 tank cartomizer (for the all day, at home vape), a few different dual coil 510 cartos (just to see what's out there), a bunch of Trustfire 14500 batteries and charger (may use 18650's in future builds), and then the fun stuff.

    Parts. Lots of connectors, LEDs (the cool UV ones!!), battery holders, switches (including one of the expensive C&K ones), and all the fixins to wire up the mod boxes I've made over the last few days. I couldn't stop at just one.

    So I'm going to take some measurements and try my hand at designing a nice ergonomic, exotic wood box mod. Given my background with musical instruments, I'm sure there'll be pix I come of intricate inlays, crazy fiber optic displays, and all other kinds of goofiness.

    I'll post some pix as soon as I figure out how to, using the mobile app.

  8. It's a wooden (of course) box mod, it'll have an 18650 battery, UV LED(s), and 510 connections.

    Everything else is still being decided. I have the box built and ready to go. Just gotta get the parts ordered, probably Monday.

  9. Quick update. It has now been a whole month since I had my last analog. I feel great. Only problem is that all the money I'm saving on cigs I'm spending on ecig gear!!

    My mod plan is still in the planning stages, but it's coming along. I have all the wiring diagrams I need, but have to decide on batteries and such before I start cutting holes in expensive exotic woods. This will be a tabletop model, something I can sit on the end table beside my recliner, totally for home use. An AC cord would be really cool, so I wouldn't ever have to charge.

    If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, please share. My mind is on overload with all the info out there!!

  10. I've heard ALOT of complaints from people who bought the ego-t and got some Chinese knock-off instead.

    Who should I buy my ego-t from to ensure that I get an actual JOYE version, and don't get ripped?

  11. Well, unfortunately, a full recovery won't ever happen. I'm in a " this is as good as it gets" situation.

    I'm in the same boat as far as stores here in PA. Nothing but the (not so) cheap starter packs. An ecig store would be awesome, especially to just be able to browse and see the different items instead of just researching them online.

    Might be something to look into. I have PLENTY of time on my hands!!

  12. I've had that same thought. Mostly cuz I'm stuck at home anyway, and always looking for something to keep myself from going insane.

    I've been laid up and out of work for over two years after a back injury and the resulting (5) surgeries. Not going back to work anytime soon, so an ecig store may actually be in my future. Just waiting till I'm ALOT better informed, but I have been studying and learning alot.

    Just for comparison, about a year ago I got a wild bug and decided to learn how to build guitars. To date I've built 14 instruments, so it's all about setting your mind to something.

  13. If the cartos you bought are anything like the ones I've bought, they will be hit and miss. I've already gotten several that were dry when I got them, and neither the store or the company wants to do anything about it.

    Your best bet is gonna be to get online and order some liquid. Blue Mist's Robacco Menthol is very good.

  14. There's a Genuine Tobacco in Millersville and in Columbia. They sell the Encore and Cig2o brands. That's what I'm using at the moment, until the wife lets me get the eGo.

    I've been refilling my cartos that I bought, I got my e-liquid from Blue Mist Vaping, in York. Very fast shipping. No actual store, online only. I got my liquid in two days. Good stuff too.

    If the 18mg is burning your mouth, go lower. And stop buying prefilled cartos. They SUCK. once I started refilling them, I realized how terrible they are.

    My suggestion is to order some liquid and refill them till you get your ego. That's my plan.

  15. Refilled my first cartomizer today. My juices from Blue Mist Vaping (very close to home, in York, PA) arrived after ordering Thursday evening. Sweet.

    I decided on Robacco Caramel and a larger bottle of a menthol flavor (for everyday vaping). I'm liking the caramel. I'm sure I'll order more flavors in the coming weeks, but this order was mainly to hold me over till I can upgrade my PV.

  16. Well, as I wait and save for my next PV (whichever one I end up with), I placed an order this evening for juice to refill some of these cartos. I've saved them as they ran empty, so I'm figuring they should at least function until I make up my mind.

    I've been watching so many videos and bugging so many people for info, I'm surprised anyone even is willing to talk to me anymore!!!

    So far the one that's standing out is the 2.1ml ego mega. I've also been looking at wiring diagrams as I get ready to build my own box mod.

    This is so much more addictive than smoking. Lol.

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