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Posts posted by myrielleak

  1. Jeez, i'm like a PV horder then. I've got a couple of stick batteries laying around somewhere, 5 ego batteries (a couple out on extended "loan"), 2 LTs, a Mark's Mod, a reo grand (sold my other one), and a GVM mod.

    After the loss of my first LT, i had to buy a backup in case one ever turned up missing again.

    I have an entire huge kitchen drawer (one for the pots and pans, not the little junk drawer) full of supplies. I've got clearos for days, tank atomizers, repetitious tank attys, empty tanks, a variety of attys, hybrid attys, and cartos in standard, LR, and HR. I've got a bunch of DIY flavors, nic, and mixers, empty bottles, pipettes, and syringes. Also a huge mass of 3-6ml sample bottle of crap juice i didn't like. Not to mention the bunches of batteries!

    'eh. At least its better than smokin. :geek:

  2. I really liked the 306 (standard res) when i first started vaping. I used to toss one on my reo grand with the cannon drip tip and was happy, but then i guess my tastebuds got tired of it because i wasn't getting the flavor that i was used to out of the LR 510 atty. I started stacking batteries to run at 6v in the reo and tried that with a boge 2.0 carto. (Just remember, don't stack batteries. Don't turn your mod into a bomb.)That worked great for several months, then tastebuds decided they wanted something different so i picked up some hybrid attys, the 5V battery (for safety) and some new juice flavors.

    The 3.99 price tag stuck it for me, and i figure, since i was ordering batteries, why not try one.

    I feel for you completely, cause i got super tired of dripping within the first 2 months of vaping. These days I don't mind here and there, but for work or anyplace out of the house its just downright inconvenient.

    *FOR ME* the Clear Bud Repetitious Tank Atomizer is as close as i've found to the flavor produced from direct dripping. I have run it on both my ego and my LavaTube. Ego battery is a standard, haven't picked up a twist yet. And i have run it to 4.4V on the LT but i tend to keep it at 3.7-4.0 to keep from getting a burny flavor.

    Hope that helps!


  3. If you want to try something similar for way way less cash, check out the Clear Bud Repetitious Tank Atomizer from COV. Its a similar concept, yet 3.99 to try it out.


    I grabbed one and LOVED it. I'd give it high marks for both flavor and vapor production.

    I'll wait for the price to go down on the nhale tank to something reasonable. I'm thrilled to death with the one i picked up from Bruce. The only issue i have at all is it is pretty much a requirement to use a blunt tip syringe or a needle tip bottle to fill it. It says on the description that it is a small rubber plug - i'd go so far as to say tiny.

  4. Haven't gotten around to trying boba's. I hear great things about it, but i just honestly feel like its not going to be my thing. I like fruity tobacco blends, but not too keen on the straight tobacco flavors... To me it sounds like an off the chart RY4. I haven't yet met an RY4 that i like.

    Update on the tastebuds:

    Dude, tastebuds are fickle creatures. Sometimes they are all about the flavor, and then all of a sudden nothing. That means its usually back to the hot hot cinnamon flavors or some rich coffee, but sometimes even my coffee tastes like ick and my cinnamon falls flat.

    Sometimes its the atty, sometimes its the carto, but i'm more likely to blame my mouth for the problems. Its usually my mouth that gets me into trouble anyway...;)

    One thing i've found when my mouth is not cooperating with me is salt. This happened totally by accident while I was whining to a friend about losing the flavor. They had a bowl of those salty mini pretzels, I ate one and when i was done munching i took a puff and BAM. My tasetbuds decided to wake up.

    I wish this would work every time, but alas it is not a solution either, but you might want to give it a go if your buds are high maintence like mine.

  5. You can pass a journeyman electricians exam in your sleep.

    Your co-workers request that you vape a particular flavor so you can freshen up the office.

    You can pinpoint on a map where your mailman is at any given hour of the day.

    When you are channel surfing and your heart jumps with excitement when you see the DIY channel.

    When you have 50 3 ml sample juice flavors and you think, "Man, nothing to vape."

  6. First, 123 batteries stacked in a tube mod = bad news. Don't do it.

    Second, this is such a bullsh*t.

    "d. Pure Enterprises failed to conduct reasonable tests and inspections and quality control of the Prodigy such that it was subject to exploding and catching fire as it did in this case.

    52. As a direct and proximate result of Pure Enterprises’ negligence, Phillip Hahn suffered severe injuries."

    Where does the responsibility of the consumer lie? Why is it not addressed anywhere in the court paperwork that Phillip Hahn chose to use the Prodigy with the incorrect batteries? Where does it say that Phillip Hahn failed to exercise reasonable care by obtaining the correct batteries to use with this unit?

    I am truly sorry for what happened to this man, but the bottom line is that it boils down to personal responsibility. He made a choice to run a 3.7v mod at 6v.

    The product user guide link on the Puresmoker.com site does not link to the usermanual. This could be seen as a very big red flag to both lawyers and to potential consumers.

    Third, in my opinion, mod's are advanced user items. I would never recommend someone just starting on this path straight to ANY mod. Get an ego or a riva, get a blu, or anything sold at a kisok in the mall. Those items are basic plug and play.

    Use your heads people, get informed, not blown up.

  7. Has anyone been to a radio shack lately? The 17 year old kid at the counter just says, "This should work," and sends you out the door.


    I feel bad for this guy, but knowledge is power and you should be using the batteries recommended for your unit. Period.

    I doubt we are going to see this incident compared to a cell phone or other hand held device. I'd hate to see what would happen should you shove the wrong size battery in your iPhone. iExplode?

    As a mod owner several times over, I'm no expert in electrical engineering, but I do my utmost to keep informed. Stories like this just piss me off. I'd rather have my face intact to vape another day than save a few bux on batteries.

    If you aren't going to pay attention to the safety recommendations, just f*ing smoke.

  8. http://www.csdecisions.com/2012/04/12/lawmakers-targeting-electronic-cigarettes/

    Overall a good article, however i did not like the following quote:

    “I am worried about some of the other brands out in the market because I don’t know where they are made, and because of concern over what happens if one of those injures a customer in any way,” Paduano said, adding that he looks to his wholesaler to supply reputable brands that he can trust.

    Isn't a regular cigarette, regardless of where it is made, cause injury to consumers?

  9. So, i just ordered a ton of juice from various vendors. Between a few new flavors and a few old faithful flavors, nothing seems to taste right.

    I'm vaping primarily on my VV LavaTube, and its not like i don't have a variety of accessories. I've found that my cinnamon juice works best in a LR carto at a standard 3.7V. I have a ton of different attys, but the best i've found so far are the COV hybrid attys. I'll toss one on my reo (bottom feeder hybrid) or on the LT (universal hybrid) and run around 4.4V. Taste is just kind of blah. Up the voltage, meh. Lower the voltage, meh.

    My reo has gotten little attention since i got my LT, but going back to old faithful didn't help the flavor of the juice. I tried a single 18650 at 3.7v with a LR atty, and stacking to 6V (remember, its not recommended to stack batteries kids) with a HR atty. I even tried some tried and true go to juices in my Ego T and nothing tastes right.

    Any suggestions?

    I just spent $90 on juice for the next 3 months and would hate to have it go bad.

  10. Check your batteries as well. There are some 123 batteries that are rated to 3.0 and other are at 3.7. If you are stacking 2 at 3.7, that will most likely pop a standard 2.0-2.5 atty with no problem.

    Been stacking 123 3.0 batts in my reo grand for several months now. When i first ordered them, i ended up with the 3.7s so i had to put in a ticket to make sure i wouldn't destroy my reo and they sent out the correct batteries. I'm super anal retentive about rotating my batteries and making sure that they are in good condition, but it is not recommended to stack 123 batts at all from what i understand.

    Hope you LOVE your 5V. I was thinking about picking up a 5V mod battery for the reo to keep myself from unsafe stacking.


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