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Snow Wolf 200W issues

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So i recently bought my Snow wolf 200w mod and was not happy with it at the beginning. My friend has one and it was hitting a lot nicer than mine was. It came to my attention that the vendor that sold me my tugboat rad and snow wolf 200w actually screwed in to my middle post too tight and it broke. So I went back to the store and got a new tugboat rda. Later that night my friend was building my mod and when he was done the coils he tried to fire it. It kept saying "check automizer". So we twisted it in tighter and it wasn't working. We put my friends rda's on it and it still doesn't working.  I have no clue what is wrong with it because it isn't my atomizer that is the issue its the mod. If anyone knows any possible reason for why this could be happening I would appreciate it. And again it is the box that is screwed up not the rda because we tried abunch of rda's on my box and they all had the same issue.

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