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Favorite Video Game

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Ok, I've been playing too much video games on video chat, so I felt like sharing this with you guys since I can't help myself. I grew up playing with an Atari, SNES, Nintendo, Sega and a Game Boy. Then ya know how they come out with something better (never owned an X Box, mind you)...blah blah blah.

The point: I really love playing Mario and the Resident Evil series, but my biggest soft spot is turn-based RPGs. Most people prefer Final Fantasy as the mainstream RPG out there...but I myself have the biggest crush for Dragon Quest(was known as Dragon Warrior in America until Square Soft merged with Enix to become Square Enix). There's nothing more fun than traveling around a strange world, fighting against critters and saving the world, all while doing side quests and getting treasures. Yes, FF set the standard for RPGs out there, but they simply cannot compare to the mass amount of DQ fans out there in Japan. I own almost all of the games, including all 3 Monsters spin-offs in America. For some, they prefer them 1st person shooters, puzzles, etc but for me, nothing gets me more pumped than sitting there, waiting for the enemy to strike and think of a good strategy to wipe them out.

Now that I shared that with you, feel free to post your favorite video game, maybe a small lengthy explanation as to why its your fave...and probably we could sit there and vape while watching Benjamin1990 play Resident Evil xD

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My favorite game growing up was Galaga. I used to go to 7-11 and play that one. In high school I worked at a video arcade and my favorite games were Joust & Q-Bert. Yes I'm old.

As far as Nintendo games I love the Zelda series.

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I've been into video games for as long as I can remember. I was big into the Atari for a little while until Nintendo came out with their ground-breaking 8 bit systems. Once I dove into the Super Mario thing, it was over, a video game junkie was born. I guess I was just the right age at the right time to get sucked into this new gaming scene. I couldn't get enough! My friends and I had a whole new form of competition, which was slowly taking over our daily wiffle-ball schedule! Anyway, it was all about who could get higher scores and competing with everything, twas a blast! Then Final Fantasy emerged. I borrowed it from a friend and was bored to death. Story lines and strategy's with programed style fighting? Meh, gimme some Contra or Double-Dribble! I did get pretty heavy into the Zelda series for a while, I would definitely blame my gaming of today on that series. I was back and forth with the Role Playing games for years, until I got my hands on Doom then eventually Resident Evil. Those were the first game I played that were intended for older gamers. That sucked me in pretty hard. Blood, guts, horror, story-lines, I was at that age and I was sold! Totally hooked on console games and every type under the sun; RPG's, Fighters, Racing, Sports, anything was good with me.

My buddy pushed real hard for me to try World of Warcraft, for months. When it released, he was sucked in immediately. After not seeing him for a couple of months, I figured I should check it out. I didn't like it much, there was a huge difference from console gaming to a Massive Multi-Player Online thing. But, it was the only way I was able to hang out with my buddy's anymore! So, I kinda made myself get into it. Now, like 5 or 6 years later, it's the only damn game I play anymore! It makes me nuts! There's really not much fun left in it, but there's an expansion coming out (again), I can't stop playing it now! LoL!

I'm really looking forward to the new Final Fantasy MMORPG, should be out this Fall and looks promising. Yep, I'm a changed gamer. Grew up all old and stuff, not really into the other games anymore, just like kickin' back, socializing with friends while piecing together the perfect strategy to dive in and conquer some remote dungeon. LoL, oh man... I'm so lame.

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Resident Evil 2 used to scare the pants outta me when it first came out. Afterwards, it sorta became a bit of a cliche: stop the infection, save the world, get out before the damn place blows up. Still, the games are great but the movies are TERRIBLE, save for Resident Evil Degeneration, which is a great CGI movie

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I was an xbox junkie before VT came into my life. I miss playing and I'm now getting behind in games. The kids all do FV on the computer and I have to farmsit for them, so naturally I built a few farms for myself lol. That takes up way too much time. I still much prefer the Xbox. My most favorite of all games was COD4. I kicked hiney with that game online and off lol. (it was all I could do to not let on that a girl pawned them and won again. lol) What a blast!!! (oh and 4 player mode is a blast too. We'd have family night where we'd kill each other. Quiet night where we'd only use knives. ect. The youngest (10) always won these though, so then we'd match up 3-1 and he'd still own us!).

All the Modern Warfare games, COD's.

Conflict Vietnam

All the Medal of Honor games.

All the Need for Speed games. The boys prefer the newer ones, I still prefer the first ones not on 360.

Indianna Jones. That one kept us all busy helping each other out. It has it glitches, but it was challenging and fun. We were all scared of those sharks and that gigantic octopus whatchamacallit thing.

All the Splinter Cells. (except the latest don't have as yet, but read the book)

All the James Bond ones (4 player mode too)

Jet Set Radio Future. My goodness how that one kept us busy all through the day and night with it's missions, and then we'd play for hours n 4 player mode too.

There's so many more, I'll spare you. Thanks for the thread, it's fun sharing and remembering the fun.

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Galaga, Asteroids, Donkey kong & DK jr., Centipede, Dig Dug, Ms. Pac Man, Pole Position, Combat, etc. I also have a Playstation 2 but only like the Off Road fury and motocross games. If I had to pick a favorite it would be Galaga. There's nothing more exciting than blowing away enemeys with a double ship on the chalenge stage.

By the way, what's this xbox you guys talk about? Will the games work in my Atari 2600?

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I love any game with killing and or cars! I only have a PS2 but i have over 40 games for it and 38 of them are racing games! I love need for speed! cant get enough of it! and the other 2 games are guitar hero! so yah i love cars and guitars and killing! lol

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i wouldn't mind getting another ps2.

have Rage Racer, by far the best version of ridge racer.

hmm bet i could just hook up my 360 to the pc and play it on here if i find an emulator.

i'm a beast at car games.

none of my friends will play car games with me not one of them have beaten me at any racer.

with shooters they have the chance to catch me off gaurd.

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Need for Speed Hot Pursuit was my fave for a long time! Then along came Wii!!!!! Now there are too many genres to just have a favorite one! The list of Wii games we have played is endless! Me and my boy can sit there for hours racing or playing Resident Evil! Who knew a father and son could bond so well by teaming up together and going killing! LMAO!!!!! :thumbsup:

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i hate those nukes!

I haven't had a chance to play much with the MW2, the kid took it over. He's good, but he's not 30/0 in FFA. (I've been there in COD4 many times though. :D)

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the first time i got 30/0 in ffa was using only claymores. next time i used only throwing knives. then noob tubing, think the last time i did it i used just the raffica.

i'm evil in that game though. ill shoot in a spot of a building to get people to come look for me there and then move to another part where i can see where they will be coming from and kill them. always in the same general area just never the same spot.

my k/d is trashed though, i let friends play that suck. my brother tried and went 0/30 for the first three times he played. after that he started getting kills because i set martyrdom on, lol.

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Those noob tubes are mean business. haha, love the way you play. Me and the kid, we're run and gunners. Hubby stays put and tries his best to snipe. (borrrrring lol). There's nothing like the feeling of winning the game from a good run and gun session. sigh. On the MW2 one, the kid set up one cat with "speedy gonzalez". Man he can fly around that place and kick butt. I have a hard time seeing on that one so I stick with Cod4 FFA with my RPG (when I can play anymore).

Dang, I know what you mean about the rep and k/d ratio. Ours is pathetic now too, from letting neighbors and friends play. But, like I told them, if we were serious players we'd make a special name and not let anyone play. We're not worried about it anymore. (kind of pissed us off at first, because we doing quite nicely without their "help"). Now even they are doing better at the game, so it was worth it.

I'm now wanting to grease the ol' RPD and go target practicing. Maybe tomorrow. haha, I'll probably shoot myself in the foot first thing...

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i have three run and gun classes.

one is the last sniper you get with acog and dual g18s

the other is ump45 and dual g18s

another class has the first shot gun and something else that i don't use when on that class.

i never play with out ninja on my class either. ill get them all to pro except the one you see explosives with and the radar jammer. both are kind of worthless and in most cases if you use jammer you end up getting killed because they are looking for you.

as of late i have most my classes set up with one man army to lay two claymores at a time for the guys on my team that snipe

i have two groups of people i usually play with and daily we tend to do a private on rust, use first recon and just use the tact knife. those matches get crazy but every time you will here "jesus jolly" i usually get in the mix and knife the whole group lol. only problem is the host has the fastest reaction time because you are all connected threw them.

if you are a claymore type person the best way to lay them is facing them the way traffic will be going. say you come in a door go inside move to the side of the door and face it at about a 35 degree towards the way they will be running. if the flow of traffic is to go into the door and go left you would place it on the right side facing left. it's in their blind spot and no mater how fast they are running they are dead.

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i played the first god of war.. it was fun but it got a little easy.

the last boss i killed on the first try and with out much effort. i went back threw the game and he thrashed me so i was a little happy that it was a fluke.

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but the movies are TERRIBLE

Ouch, being a zombie movie fan, I have to object. Mila? Terrible? Ouch.

I am so old (how old are you?), I played ADVENTUR. Text based game on an IBM mainframe (VM/CMS CP OS)later known as zork. Had to have a good imagination. Turn left. You are in a large cavern. Look up.

Right now only fave game is the Call of Duty series.

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