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The Prodigy Is Here

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Sean, I agree with you but did you read that piece that Vacker found about their patents? They have pretty much locked that particular mechanizim

down. What needs to be invented is a more practical atomizer, longer lasting, and more dependable, then build the slim style, that is popular, around that and let's say a AA type battery. And even a rechargeable style AA battery. It appears he has gone the other way around. At least that's what I'm thinking.

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Sean, I agree with you but did you read that piece that Vacker found about their patents? They have pretty much locked that particular mechanizim

down. What needs to be invented is a more practical atomizer, longer lasting, and more dependable, then build the slim style, that is popular, around that and let's say a AA type battery. And even a rechargeable style AA battery. It appears he has gone the other way around. At least that's what I'm thinking.

Ya, I saw that but there's always a way around it. If there wasn't then how could it be that China seems to have a way of "replicating" everthing we make? There's a way around it trust me we just need to find it. If Vacky can get me all the patent info I can have my Uncle take a look at it and see what he thinks. He would have to know something we could do, he already has 58 patents of his own. So first we need to start with the info. Vack, if you could send that to Chris and I at staff@vaportalk.com that would be awesome. Thanks

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Atomizers have been used in medicine for the delivery of medication. My neice and nephew had to use a large device to vaporize medication for RSV. It is possible to look at the heating design of one of these devices and replicate it in a smaller form factor. it could probably be used as demonstration of prior art which could possibly invalidate Ruyan's patent.

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:lol: So, for any of you out there thinking about buying the "Prodigy" by puresmoker here is the case I heard that was suppose to be coming soon. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Now you just attach the case above to your hip with just about any kind of belt before you go out anywhere and. . . . . . . . .


You too can look like this BAG OF D anytime you go out into public!!!

Edited by Sean
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Atomizers have been used in medicine for the delivery of medication. My neice and nephew had to use a large device to vaporize medication for RSV. It is possible to look at the heating design of one of these devices and replicate it in a smaller form factor. it could probably be used as demonstration of prior art which could possibly invalidate Ruyan's patent.

Aww, see good point woodensaint. Now you are starting to think like a modern day "inventor". Did you know that one of the biggest and best computer "inventions/patents" to come out in a while was invented by simply looking at a very, very old memory storage device and someone realized "holy crap, with modern technology we could make this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smaller" and boom out comes SSD for computers. So that's one thing we could do as well.

Ohh, and always remember. Were America, nobody ducks with us without knowing there's going to be some consequences.

Edited by Sean
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And that is a riot... or mabe we can drag around a gas operated generator on a trailer all hooked up to an e-cigar.... lol

:lol::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I know right, at least I'm not alone on this whole bigger is dumber thing.

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Aww, see good point woodensaint. Now you are starting to think like a modern day "inventor". Did you know that one of the biggest and best computer "inventions/patents" to come out in a while was invented by simply looking at a very, very old memory storage device and someone realized "holy crap, with modern technology we could make this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smaller" and boom out comes SSD for computers. So that's one thing we could do as well.

Ohh, and always remember. Were America, nobody ducks with us without knowing there's going to be some major consequences. We are not only the strongest but, were also bully's. You know we've been messin with countries lately just sitting back sayin "Say our name, Say it. Say it three times, ya that's right." - Kat Williams :lol:

Bummer! :(

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I am guessing that Ruyan uses the same or similar cartridge design if there was a "juice" injector, say if the force of suction on the butt, pushed a piston forward, it is possible that modification in conjunction with a redesigned atomizer, could justify it's own patent. I don't know if Ruyan's patent claims are to the entire e-cigarette as a delivery system or if a significant change to the internal components would be enough.

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So Vacker now that you've found this out can you find out exactly what the patents they have in the U.S. state and detail? And do any of their other things have an international patent or just a patent. I know a friend of mine who is a big manager for a hoist company was telling me about some of his companies newest patents and designs that were not even released to any sort of public and only a handfull of people knew about were already being replecated to the "T" by China before they had even started producing them and the way that international patents work has made it too hard for the company to track down the people in China and do something about it. So with this in mind maybe this time we can return the favor to China. We just need to know all the details on their patents, where their held, and how their held in this country.

Sean, the deal with patents can be difficult unless you are very devious. The minute you complete a patent application the information becomes public, it can takes months/years to become final. that is why you always see "Patent Pending" so in the meantime someone who is unscrupulous can come along and start manufacturing your design before you actually get the patent.

What I mean by devious is what was done by Dean Kamen the inventor of the Segway Personal Transportation device. What he did was actually file for multiple patents, so many in fact (up to 100) that no one could figure out what he was building. He did not put the entire device with diagrams into one patent so it could be stolen and reproduced prior to his announcement. Yes this costs a tremendous amount of money but he (and his investors) envisioned this making tons of money.

Also you may see an infomercial for one item then the next night see pretty much the same item as a much less price. Already been knocked off and they bail. Again as always about money.

I have posted this a couple of times but it got bumped by other posts.


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Sean Steve never stated he was 100% china independent, he is just trying. I agree that the prodigy is pretty large and that it would be nice to see something smaller but at least it's a step in the right direction.

As for the atomizers he would have to completely redesign the way it worked, I don't see that happening any time soon.

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Ya I don't know why he went with such a big battery I have found a lot smaller battery's with same volts but if you don't mind a wire you could buy a remote control vehicle battery pack http://www2.gpmd.com/imagel/s/lsumc5100.jpg get a female usb end and the red plug is called a deans plug you would need a male and just solder it together. I plan on making this just need to get the battery cause if we can get around 3hr on regular 300mah e-gig battery just imagine 4000mah thats like a 40hr battery I think not good at math.

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