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Direct Dripping + Polyfill?


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Hey, When you guys direct drip, do you use an empty cart, or do you keep the polyfill (or whatever) in the cart?

I direct drip exclusively, and my biggest problem is that I often end up drawing some of the juice out through the mouthpiece after a few long draws. I thought maybe using a small bit of polyfill might help this, but I dunno.

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Hey, When you guys direct drip, do you use an empty cart, or do you keep the polyfill (or whatever) in the cart?

I direct drip exclusively, and my biggest problem is that I often end up drawing some of the juice out through the mouthpiece after a few long draws. I thought maybe using a small bit of polyfill might help this, but I dunno.

I don't drip anymore, I like the Pyramid tea bag mod for my 510. But dripping is without the filler. I think bottom line is, only 2-3 drops, take a long slow drag, don't pull like you would a cigarette. Drippers will be here shortly to add/correct me. Oh...and I think they keep the e-cig pointed "down".

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Hmm, I just saw this thread: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/3612-not-on-the-lips/

It's got some good ideas, like using canned air to blow out the mouthpiece. Might have to try that. Still I wonder about using the polyfill. I'd rather not, but just thought it might be worth a try.

...and I think they keep the e-cig pointed "down".

Yeah I've definitely been doing that, tends to be a bit of a pain sometimes tho.

Edited by mmseng
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Hmm, I just saw this thread: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/3612-not-on-the-lips/

It's got some good ideas, like using canned air to blow out the mouthpiece. Might have to try that.

What a great idea! :thumbsup:

I find that I've been direct dripping for the most part.

To me.. it tastes better and I don't have to jack with the carts.

Although, I do have some PTB carts for my 510 that work great.

But you still have to drip into the cart every 10-15 good drags.

To each their own I guess...

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I started vaping almost a year ago, and for most of that time I continued to use carts and dripped into the filler. Over the holidays, after reading countless posts here in VT recommending direct dripping, I changed over, and I'm sure glad I did.

Benefits I've seen from direct dripping include:

* better flavor, and none of the burnt taste I'd sometimes get when I used carts

* my 801 atomizers last MUCH longer. I'd sometimes go through an atty a week when using carts, but now my atty lasts a lot longer, sometimes 3-4 weeks. I'll let them drain and rest while using another atty, and this also seems to help prolong atty life.

* I had this notion that by using carts I wouldn't have to top-off as often. I'm finding no evidence of this when compared to direct dripping. I'm adding drops just about as often, maybe even less.

* and lastly, there's much less waste of juice and messy components when direct dripping. I'm conserving my juice and don't have to constantly keep a damp rag around to clean juice oozing out between the atty and the mouthpiece.

Don't know why I was so slow picking up on the advantages of direct dripping, but I was. Live and learn.

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I personally feel like when i fill my carts and use them that way i waste a lot of juice, i can still see a lot of it in teh bottom of the filler when i go to refill it but it taste horrible. That is pretty much one of the main reasons i choose to drip. Along with all the other points chris made.

All in all, what ever works for you and keeps those analogs away! Just play around and have fun with it that's what im doing.

drip take 5-8 drags.. repeat! carts are good for the car.

Good luck!

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Yeah, similarly I slowly evolved in to a dripper. First, cartomizers. Then carts, thinking that was the way it had to go because they were designed that way, right? Then I'd started dripping one or two on the atty and one or two on the cart. Then one evening rinsing out carts I wondered why in the world I was rinsing all that good juice down the drain? That's when I gave up the fill and realized how much better and more consistent flavor I got without the polyfill in there getting hot. Yippee!

When I think my commute is going to be longer than normal, I'll load up a PTB cart. That does deliver juice a little longer than simply dripping, in my experience. But it's not as satisfactory flavor-wise for me.

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I like to direct drip when @ home, but I am on the road for 8-10 hours a day and don't like to drip & drive (although I have been known to do it). I like the fluval in the carts for when I'm driving. Just my humble opinion.

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I only direct drip, whether it's at work, driving, or home. I keep the unit pointed down ward and I still manager to get juice in my mouth. I've gotten pretty good at knowing when to drip even without tasting the burnt flavor, it's like second nature now. Sometimes, I'm a little off though and there will be too much juice in the atomizer. Generally, after I put three drops in I take a primer puff and the first couple drags I take slower as to not suck up juice. Then for the rest of the hits I hit like I normally would. I've found this method to be the best in terms of not taking Juice into the mouth. Don't worry, with time you'll get it down.

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