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I died laughing when watching TV tonight and the warnings at the end of the commercial for a drug to help you quit smoking. I found these warnings for it on line but it does not do the commerical justice, the guy talking rambled off health warnings for a good minute and a half.

Patients should tell their doctor about any history of psychiatric illness prior to starting Chantix. Chantix may cause worsening of a current psychiatric illness even if it is currently under control and may cause an old psychiatric illness to reoccur.

Healthcare professionals, patients, patients’ families, and caregivers should be alert to and monitor for changes in mood and behavior in patients treated with Chantix.

Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, tension, depressed mood, unusual behaviors and thinking about or attempting suicide. In most cases, neuropsychiatric symptoms developed during Chantix treatment, but in others, symptoms developed following withdrawal of varenicline therapy.

Patients taking Chantix should immediately report changes in mood and behavior to their doctor.

Patients taking Chantix may experience vivid, unusual, or strange dreams.

Patients taking Chantix may experience impairment of the ability to drive or operate heavy machinery.

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Yeah, that crap is bad news. I was one of the first couple of thousand that tried the initial release, and let me tell ya, all those symptoms and side effects are true. After a week of not sleeping and having crazy LCD dreams, I was ready to wack myself. My wife who was my girlfriend at the time thankfully got me to the Dr. quickstyle, and got me off that killer. Freakin FDA man, who the hell are these people?! IMO a bunch of pushers worse than crackdealers..

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And its not just Chantix. If you watch ALL of these new drugs advertisements, 15 seconds of thier 60 second slot is spent explaining the side effects, usually by that guy thats the fastest talker in the world. Then theres Yaz, who now have a commercial aplogizing for the mistakes they made in thier original commercial.

Now, when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's, NOBODY advertised thier drugs. There were no ads for Valium ! Healthcare is more about profits than healthcare. The food chain is :

1 ) Big Pharma

2 ) Insurance Co.'s

3 ) Attorneys

4 ) Lobbyists

Somewhere WAY down the list, the patient comes in. The FDA's MAIN concern is protecting profits for #'s 1 and 4. Thats the only explanation as to why they're LETTING these drugs slip through the cracks. Back in the day, I rode my bike, I fell off it, Mom put Iodine on my boo-boo, and I went back on my bike. Today, a kid rides his bike, falls off it, gets diagnosed with ADD, takes a mind altering drug, the bike company is sued ( numbers 2 and 3 get involved ), the bike manufacturer must re model thier product with safety features after 2 million bikes get recalled, Mom wins a ton of money from them, Insurance premiums rise, a lobbyist skulks around the Capitol Building giving money to the Rep from Moms state to GET money to start a state support group for the life long negative effects for kids who fell off thier bikes.

Oh yeah, the bike I bought for $ 25.00 now costs $ 300.00. God Bless America. Rant over.

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Back in the day, I rode my bike, I fell off it, Mom put Iodine on my boo-boo, and I went back on my bike. Today, a kid rides his bike, falls off it, gets diagnosed with ADD, takes a mind altering drug, the bike company is sued ( numbers 2 and 3 get involved ), the bike manufacturer must re model thier product with safety features after 2 million bikes get recalled, Mom wins a ton of money from them, Insurance premiums rise, a lobbyist skulks around the Capitol Building giving money to the Rep from Moms state to GET money to start a state support group for the life long negative effects for kids who fell off thier bikes.

Oh yeah, the bike I bought for $ 25.00 now costs $ 300.00. God Bless America. Rant over.

And if the bike is broken you get out the BB gun and slingshot!

That was beautiful man! I think I have a tear. :thumbsup:

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I just love the way you put things, Keenan! Sometimes I wonder if you are bugging our house because you say so many of the very same things my husband and I say all the time. We talk a lot about how things have changed since we grew up. I don't know maybe it's because we were all born in the same year. Ya think?

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And its not just Chantix. If you watch ALL of these new drugs advertisements, 15 seconds of thier 60 second slot is spent explaining the side effects, usually by that guy thats the fastest talker in the world. Then theres Yaz, who now have a commercial aplogizing for the mistakes they made in thier original commercial.

Now, when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's, NOBODY advertised thier drugs. There were no ads for Valium ! Healthcare is more about profits than healthcare. The food chain is :

1 ) Big Pharma

2 ) Insurance Co.'s

3 ) Attorneys

4 ) Lobbyists

Somewhere WAY down the list, the patient comes in. The FDA's MAIN concern is protecting profits for #'s 1 and 4. Thats the only explanation as to why they're LETTING these drugs slip through the cracks. Back in the day, I rode my bike, I fell off it, Mom put Iodine on my boo-boo, and I went back on my bike. Today, a kid rides his bike, falls off it, gets diagnosed with ADD, takes a mind altering drug, the bike company is sued ( numbers 2 and 3 get involved ), the bike manufacturer must re model thier product with safety features after 2 million bikes get recalled, Mom wins a ton of money from them, Insurance premiums rise, a lobbyist skulks around the Capitol Building giving money to the Rep from Moms state to GET money to start a state support group for the life long negative effects for kids who fell off thier bikes.

Oh yeah, the bike I bought for $ 25.00 now costs $ 300.00. God Bless America. Rant over.

My favorite disclaimer of all time is the one for the potato chips that may cause "anal leakage", which of course is written in tiny little print on the bottom of the package. Robin Williams did an entire skit on that one. Who in their right mind would buy an anal leakage chip on purpose? That was someones idea to save us from trans fat. Thanks, but I'll keep my fat and they can keep their stained underware. I wonder if you could sue for the lose of a social life?

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My favorite disclaimer of all time is the one for the potato chips that may cause "anal leakage", which of course is written in tiny little print on the bottom of the package. Robin Williams did an entire skit on that one. Who in their right mind would buy an anal leakage chip on purpose? That was someones idea to save us from trans fat. Thanks, but I'll keep my fat and they can keep their stained underware. I wonder if you could sue for the lose of a social life?

LOL! Kinda goes along with that "oily discharge" one.

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