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Are Black 510S Better Than Other Colors?


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I know, it sounds weird to me too, but I've seen a couple of different posts from people saying that they've tried all different colored 510s and that the black ones seem to be the most powerful...? Has anyone else had this experience? I'd be really curious to know! Thanks!

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Hmmm, nope Fatalis, never heard that one, and I SERIOUSLY doubt color has anything to do with performance, unless theyre not a genuine Joye 510. if the colored ones you mention are knock offs, then yes, that might be true. Good to have you back, havent seen you in a while !

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Haven't heard of this either. But I actually had a batch of white attys that performed way better than a batch of black attys that I bought from another supplier. Like keenan mentioned, there's some knockoffs out there so that's probably the case.

Yep sounds to me people that buy colored 510's are buying cheaply made ones that sell only because they are colored. The outer shell color has nothing to do with inside mechanical performance. :thumbsup:

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hmmm...new to me too. i use silver and copper 510 attys (genuine Joye) and mine work great. i am sure people have had bad experiences with the knockoffs but what do expect!! i have one Joye 510 black atty work not so hot!! pieces and part are not always going to be perfect :) is the way it goes!!

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Yep sounds to me people that buy colored 510's are buying cheaply made ones that sell only because they are colored. :thumbsup:

That makes the most sense... My best 510 e-cig happens to be a titanium colored one from TW (Titan 510) and I've vaped them into the ground for 7 weeks straight now, never cleaned the attys once and they're still going strong! They're kind of pricey, but definitely worth the extra $8-$10 per e-cig! $15 for an atty, and $18 for a battery. Knock on wood, great, now I just jinxed myself *LOL*! :P

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OK, thats a new one on me. Are you sure someone's just not jokin with you. :P

No, they weren't replying to me, but to someone else... I was just reading someone else's thread. :shiftyninja:

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