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Ok, Im not a fan of Golf by any stretch of the imagination. Frankly, it bores me to tears to watch it on T.V., I would rather watch a rerun of Nigella Bites for some quality action programming. And as for playing golf, well, Im a lefty who could NEVER find a set of clubs to borrow, and I wasnt about to blow some money on a sport Im not even sure I would like. Im a baseball fanatic. Love my Mets, or Mutts, depending on the year. ANYWAY, unless you live under a rock buried deep down below the earths mantle, Im sure youve heard about Tiger Woods and his media frenzy concerning his, well, uh, current situation. Im curious what you guys think about it. Of course, I get to inject my personal opinion here first, because, well I started this.

First, having said my feelings on the sport, I believe Tiger Woods is one of the last best hopes the sports world has in true, genuine, positive role models for young children. And yes, they ARE role models. When I was a wee lad of 9 or 10, Tom Seaver and Jerry Koosman were my idols, my heroes, my inspiration. Seaver was, well, he was Tom Seaver, c'mon. And Koos was a left handed pitcher who I could relate to when I threw a ball. My point is, these guys in the sports world did, and DO have a responsibility as role models, wether they signed up for that or not. That argument, I believe, should NOT be part of the equasion. Tom Seaver was a role model who never made more than a million dollars a year. These guys today make a million dollars a minute. Being a role model, at the very least making an ATTEMPT to be a role model , is a small price to pay for the amount of cha-ching that WE , the fans, pay them. I wish there was a way to weed out some of these creeps who are in it solely for the money, because I know a few guys in Brooklyn who would JUMP at the opportunity to play the game , with heart, for the love of the sport. And at a FRACTION of what some of these guys make. Im sorry, but not even Joe Dimaggio was worth a 95 million dollar contract. Ok, back to the topic.

All that being said, heres MY point. If Tiger Woods had used his wood inappropriatly, ON the back 9, behind his caddys back, then I say put it on EVERY front page, website, and milk carton in the world. That tarnishes the sport, as well as the man. BUT, this is a personal issue, that does NOT belong in the media. This is between Mr and Mrs Woods. Tiger has already been tried and found guilty by the media, and now doesnt stand a CHANCE with his wife. I'll play the devils advocate here, IF Tiger is innocent and has NOT been unfaithful to her, there is NO way that women can walk into ANY store without seeing it plastered on every tabloid, she cant change a channel without seeing the sound bites, she cant HELP but think the man is a low rent scum sucking ameoba. On the other side of the coin, lets say he DID commit adultery. Who cares. Why should we care. Its between them. All the media has done is taken a MASTER, a GIANT in the arena, and driven him to his knees. The man can no longer put a ball in the ball washer without THIS becoming the topic of the announcers. In my opinion, this is sad, and wrong. What do you guys think ?

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All that being said, heres MY point. If Tiger Woods had used his wood inappropriatly, ON the back 9, behind his caddys back, then I say put it on EVERY front page, website, and milk carton in the world. That tarnishes the sport, as well as the man. BUT, this is a personal issue, that does NOT belong in the media. This is between Mr and Mrs Woods. Tiger has already been tried and found guilty by the media, and now doesnt stand a CHANCE with his wife. I'll play the devils advocate here, IF Tiger is innocent and has NOT been unfaithful to her, there is NO way that women can walk into ANY store without seeing it plastered on every tabloid, she cant change a channel without seeing the sound bites, she cant HELP but think the man is a low rent scum sucking ameoba. On the other side of the coin, lets say he DID commit adultery. Who cares. Why should we care. Its between them. All the media has done is taken a MASTER, a GIANT in the arena, and driven him to his knees. The man can no longer put a ball in the ball washer without THIS becoming the topic of the announcers. In my opinion, this is sad, and wrong. What do you guys think ?

I am also no fan of golf. However i am a fan of marriage being a sacred union and as the public we are not allowing her the privacy to handle this in her way. she may have known all along but either way it I agree its THIER marriage.
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I agree with you completely Keenan. My husband and I have been saying exactly the same things. It's their business, not ours. It doesn't have anything to do with us. They are making such a big deal about this and didn't make this big of a deal out of what happened in the house a few years ago. Okay, obviously it was reported, but they tried to make it out like it was nothing. I am of the opinion that if it's the president and it's happening in OUR white house, we have the right to be upset about that. Not so much for a guy who plays golf for a living. I don't believe it's okay for a man to cheat on his wife, but I don't think the whole world needs to stick their collective noses into it.

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I agree with you completely Keenan. My husband and I have been saying exactly the same things. It's their business, not ours. It doesn't have anything to do with us. They are making such a big deal about this and didn't make this big of a deal out of what happened in the house a few years ago. Okay, obviously it was reported, but they tried to make it out like it was nothing. I am of the opinion that if it's the president and it's happening in OUR white house, we have the right to be upset about that. Not so much for a guy who plays golf for a living. I don't believe it's okay for a man to cheat on his wife, but I don't think the whole world needs to stick their collective noses into it.

BINGO Nana ! I swear you and I think SO much alike its scary. GREAT point about the White House. Forgot all about all the arguments I had when Slick Willie was in office. Funny how back then, I remember SO many people saying " Why make such a big deal about it, that was private ". My whole argument with them was, yeah, it was a private thing in a PUBLIC house, MY house. And, for me, it wasnt so much about what he did with Lewinsky ( although I in NO way condoned it ), what boiled my blood was that he LIED UNDER OATH! He broke the friggin law. Like Nixon said about Watergate, it was "WORSE than a crime, it was a blunder". What he DID with Lewinsky was NOT a crime, nor was it impeachable. It only broke moral laws as we know them. What he did in front of a grand jury under oath WAS a crime, and he fully transformed into a sleezebag by trying to define what the word "is", is. I actually felt sorry for Hillary back then. Like I feel sorry for Tigers wife now. And in this case, I even feel sorry for Tiger, niether one of them deserve this.

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I really think we are so bored as a country that folks "dirty laundry" appeals to us. This Tiger business is nobodies business but their own. What happened to what my mom taught us: "MYOB"? I say leave Tiger and whomever else gets caught with their "driver" in the wrong place alone and let them work it out with their SO if they can. Ain't none of our biz!

Keenan, you are right about Slick Willie. He lied under oath which is against the law. Adultery is not, as far as most states are concerned. Off topic, but what really fries me is that Watergate was child's play compared to Iran-Contra! And yet the ring leader went on to become president! Oliver North is a hero? He's a criminal! Everybody involved in that should still be in Levinworth!

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Nice jokes! I agree completely that the media is taking this all way too far. Unfortunately for the most part the content of our media is a direct result of our culture (and vice versa too). We have created generations of people that all think they should be "rockstars". When life actually deals them a more realistic hand they feel the need to find a new way to connect to that lifestyle. If Tiger Woods was the bartender at the TGI Fridays down the street no one would give flip about him cheating on his wife, in fact I would stop someone mid sentence as they were telling me about it to inform them I couldn't care less. But because our society somehow thinks that by knowing the intimate details of a celebrity's life it somehow connects them to that lifestyle we take great interest in their personal details, the more personal the better. Many people probably know more about celebrities they've never met than most of the people they come into contact with on a regular basis. Now add to that the fact that because there is no easy way to elevate the average person to a "celebrity" status we instead choose to tear them down to our level. I would guess that everyone has done something in their past they are not proud of, people make mistakes, all people, and celebrities are no different. But when a celebrity makes a mistake (or lots of mistakes) it makes the front page news. What about poverty conditions through out our country? What about genocide in foreign countries? What about the inspiring stories of real, average people doing their part to make a difference? No, we would rather watch Britney Spears hit a parked car as she's swarmed by paparazzi.

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It is near the Christmas break of the school year. The students have

turned in all their work and there is really nothing more to do. All the

children are restless and the teacher decides to have an early


Teacher: "Whoever answers the questions I ask, first and correctly can

leave early today."

Little Johnny says to himself "Good, I want to get outta here. I'm smart

and will answer the question."

Teacher: "Who said 'Four Score and Seven Years Ago'?"

Before Johnny can open his mouth, Susie says, "Abraham Lincoln."

Teacher: "That's right Susie, you can go home."

Johnny is mad that Susie answered the question first.

Teacher: "Who said 'I Have a Dream'?"

Before Johnny can open his mouth, Mary says, "Martin Luther King."

Teacher: "That's right Mary, you can go."

Johnny is even madder than before.

Teacher: "Who said 'Ask not, what your country can do for you'?"

Before Johnny can open his mouth, Nancy says, "John F. Kennedy."

Teacher: "That's right Nancy , you may also leave."

Johnny is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the


When the teacher turns her back Johnny says, "I wish these ******* would

keep their mouths shut!"

The teacher turns around: "NOW WHO SAID THAT?"


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