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Vapornine Nebula Express Kit


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Ordered this a few days ago and it showed up on my doorstep today, just kinda wanted to check it out due to the incredibly low price. Since the site doesn't list any real specs on the batt i had assumed i would be receiving a Gen1 Kr808 65mm batt, some cheap prefilled carto's, and a cheap little usb charger........

Much to my surprise (and enjoyment!) i received a Gen2 Kr808 65mm batt, 2 prefilled carto's (horizontal coils), and a nifty little usb charger.

The batt is identical to my smokeless image Volt 65mm batt, rubbery feel instead of a gloss finish.

The prefilled cartos are horizontal coils, with a flavor called Carolina Tobacco, which i figured would be a nasty flavor, much to my amusement it's not bad at all! Rather pleasant actually. 16mg nic content, with the same type of rubber cap as the Bloog MF carto's which don't need a paper clip or anything but a fingernail to remove, which is nice because you don't need to worry about a drip tip. My only complaint so far is that like all pre filled carto's they are higher in ohm's, i'm guessing 2.6-2.8???

The little usb charger is kinda cool because instead of the led being on the outside of the charger it's underneath what looked like a solid black plastic, well it's actually a translucent black plastic that reveals the led when it's plugged in.

I do not have a volt meter or anything but like all gen 2 batts i'm going to go ahead and assume that the batt is regulated to 3.6 volts, and should be roughly 220mah.

My only real complaint so far is the ohm's on the carto, which was not a surprise to me at all, with a higher nic content the throat hit would probably be fine but i like 16mg, so i'm going to stick on a Boge 2.0ohm carto with some of my own vanilla 100%pg 16mg juice and see how throat hit is after that.

So far the +'s

1.) Gen 2 batt and charger for $8!

2.) Shipping was fast, package was nice

3.) Flavor of the carto's was surprisingly good even if the throat hit is non existent.

4.) Vapor production is awesome out of such a small batt

So far the -'s

1.) It's a gen 2 batt, and although they have their +'s, they have a tighter draw than a gen1 batt which i'm not particularly a fan of. Also gen2 batt's have a 5 second cut off on auto's (which is what this is), with a better th i won't care, but right now i feel like i'm sucking a watermelon through a straw.

2.) Not near enough th, however with a higher nic content that can be alleviated, can't really blame that on the device quite yet, usually with a lower ohm carto i get better th whether that makes sense or not, but i'm still going to count it as a minus since straight out of the box there's no th, and i have to use a different carto/juice

I'll update this later on when the battery dies, i fully charged it before using it, at 220mah my vape pace, i'd guess it'll die somewhere around 8:30 or so. So far for me, i've been pretty happy with what i got for $8 and i think this would make either a great, cheap little starter kit for a newbie, or a nice "going out/back up ecig" for a veteran.

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forgot to update this last night, batt lasted a hair over 2 hours of pretty much straight chain vaping. So pretty spot on for 220mah. Today I'm going to pick up a multimeter and check its voltage throughout various stages of its life just to confirm for 100% that it is in fact a gen2.

I'm also goin to take it "out and about" with me and vape closer to my regular vape pace to see how long it'll actually last. (typically I'm not a chain vaper lol) also those numbers last night were with a 2.0ohm carto with some vanilla juice, and the warmer vapor really helped the th of this little guy. Was pretty impressed :)

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