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Any Ce2 Users Here? Advice?

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so my buddy shipped me a couple of CE2'S was confused at first like what the hell? found how to fill, vapes a couple nice hits then goes the slight burnt taste..... cartos taste better burnt then those!!!

1) what the hell am i doing wrong

2) how long do these last? and is dryburning a good idea?

no leaks, not too hard to fill, i see potential in these just making sure i use them properly.

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  • Did you try to look on youtube? Sometimes I find helpful hints there. Sorry I have not used these myself :cheers:

    Found this don't know if it is your problem or not?

    Hey Joe, I haven't tried these yet due to all the mixed (mostly negative) reviews out so far. But you explain this really well and have given me me the push I needed to make the plunge. Have you modded these cartos in any way ?? Or any mods you recommend on these cartos ?

      • No, I do not mod my Ce2 cartomizers, just use them straight out of the box. Early on I did order some of the lower OHM cartomizers & I did experience a dry taste with those, but since I switched to 3.0 -3.2 ohm ones I have had none of that.
        That makes me think that the issues people are having are one of two fold, either they are using too low of an OHM for 3.7 volts or that they are using these on a high voltage device. 3.0 - 3.2 OHM Ce2s were designed to be used at 3.7 volts.

Edited by Viper Ron
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Wicking has been the biggest problem with CE2s (or so I've heard). I'm using them in a tank mod and really like it. Nice thing about the tank I have is that if it doesn't wick well, I can just lay it sideways or turn it upside down for a second and it's good to go.

For dry burning, I've found that they will perform better if you dry burn every few days. If you go more than a few days the gunk really builds up bad and it's hard to get off. It's like a cocoon around the coil. For the ones I've cleaned regularly (every 2-3 days), they've worked well for about 2 weeks (I vape 3-4 ml per day). If I don't clean it, after about a week it's in sad shape. What I do is run it under hot water (tap water) and then do dry burns for about 5 seconds (let it cool a little between burns) until the coil is glowing good. Then I use a bristly brush and just tap on the coil to knock off any caked on stuff.

While overall I'm happy with them, they are inconsistent. I've had a couple die after only 2-3 days (dead). I've also had a couple that seemed to burn hot and give me burning taste no mater what I do. The one I have on right now tastes bunt even at 3.7v. It's getting changed out tonight.

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I ordered some of the CE2's from the first early batches. I got a 5 Pack and 4 of the 5 had misshapen smashed threads. (Positive center shorted out to the negative outer threads) I read that many people were getting misshapen threads and I also read that some people made a huge group order and had to send all of them back to the distributor, then on to royalsmokers. The one I used had to be turned upside down once in a while to get juice to the coil. Lousy wicking problems. I haven't tried any of these since. Maybe they are better now that the bugs have been worked out. I don't know. Most of the reviews I've seen are bad, due to wicking problems. Personally, I've been wanting to try the CE3's. I've seen good reviews for them and they wick at the bottom using a single stand of wick material. And the coil is at the bottom. Has anyone tried the CE3's/Smokymizers? IGETCHA69 on youtube gives the CE3's a very good review. I've also seen several other good reviews on them. Any thoughts on the CE3's from the VT Forum would be great! :) They seem to get better reviews than the CE2's.

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Pbusardo posted a review of the CE3s the other day. Started off good, but ended bad. LOL!


Ya, I saw that video too. Seems like every product has good and bad batches/stock. Or in some cases, its just junk to begin with. Wish some company could make a product that works perfectly all the time with no wicking problems or leaks. I never have any leaking troubles anymore. I use LR or dual coil cartomizers. Easy to judge the fluid level. But I'd like to find a tank type device. The eGo tank (regular resistance) I bought sucked. These CE3's sounded great at first then a few not so good reviews popped up. :( Those huge add-on tanks that slide over a cartomizer don't appeal to me at all. WAY too big!

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