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Cisco Lr 306 Atomizers

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I got my Cisco LR306 atomizers in today. They were highly recommended for use with the Reo Mini which runs at 3.7 volts. I have a question if someone can answer for me. I've been using one for a few hours and am in vape heaven. The vapor is warm, flavorful and thick. I'm in love. No more LR cartomizers on my Reo, will be sticking them on the eGo.

Question... I saw that you shouldn't use them with regular e cig batteries.. Is that true with the Joye eGo? Wasn't sure why you wouldn't be able to, but I don't want to chance it and pop one of them.

Also, any tips to go with these would be amazing? As far as maintenance and what not.

Thank you!! :thumbsup:

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They say not to use LR attys on batteries with lower than 420 mah. The LR atty pulls more power from the battery and it could ruin the smaller batteries.

Edited by Brian
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