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So Stinkin Happy!


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I bought 2 of those super ego deals from vt and only kept 2 of the batteries for myself. I also bought 60 mls of juce and gave it all to my in-laws and brother in law. Talked to my mother in law this morning and she has only had 5 analogs since yesterday at noon! She is a 2 pack a day smoker. I am sooooooooo excited and didn't have anyone to share it with that would understand what a huge deal this is! My brother in law and father in law are using them too! BIL has been on here watching all of the videos and tuts! Woooohoooooo!

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Erica, that is great. Now you can be one happy vaping family. Think about it, everybody buying juice, the swaps you can probably make between family members. Wonderful. Good luck on your journey and your family's journey. Keep on vaping.

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It gives a whole new meaning to sharing the love when you pass along vaping to others who have struggled with analogs for so long. Good call Ericka!

PS - a total +1 for that one!

Edited by ripple
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Awesome. My mom has copd too, i'm trying really hard to get her to switch, I even ordered her a Riva, but she's worried it's wont be save, i've got her to try it but she wont commit. Hopefully in time she will. I know it would be better for her than analogs. My Dad smokes too so not only do they smoke but when you walk in the door at their house it's nothing but smoke, then she complians she can't breathe. So happy for you that you were able to help them. Hope i';ll have some luck too :)

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That is the same way it is at their house. You walk in and it hits you like a ton of bricks. 3 adults live there and i think they go through 5-6 packs a day between the three of them. When i left there sunday, i felt like i had smoked all of thos cigarettes. I am still a little congested but it is better today than yesterday. I hope your mom will see the light. Funny that they are worried about health risks with vaping but they continue to smoke which is obviously hurting them. Gotta love the logic that accompanies addiction;)


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