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Has Anyone Gotton Pulled Over With Their Ego? Dh Says It Looks Like A Crack Pipe


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Yea it's happened to me twice... I get pulled over a ton cuz of my loud music and both times when i had it on me they inspected it like no other.. The ego and the e-liquid.. They even test the liquid LOL.

I must say it gave the cops got a good laugh when i explained what it was after the tests :harhar:

Edited by KaYoTiiC
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Our Farrier thought I had pulled out a crack box when I vaped my new Stu's Illuminated Juice Box ... she's familiar with my eGo, but not with my new toy. lol.

I never had a clue what a crack pipe looked like until I began reading stories like this thread all over the net.

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::think this threads gonna get locked sooooon::

Anyway, I was showing friends of mine my ego/drip tip/liquid/ and my gear box or whatever and as they were all smokers they tried it and all said that the flavor was much better and they'd think about switching, BUT since they were people who enjoyed other activities as well, the look of the unit and everything would definitely be a negative in that it would draw obvious suspicion and a closer look from authorities should they be pulled over.

I personally haven't had any problem, also, unless they pass these bans, don't worry about it.

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I have used my eGo, red no less, with a drip tip right next to cop at a light and he didn't even blink. It may have been that a middle-aged woman in a mini van didn't look like she would know what to do with a c**** pipe. My Mark Mod might draw a bit more attention.

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I have been right next to cops using my gold elegant easy, but they looked at me and looked away again....didn't get pulled over. I think here it isn't really an issue, because they sell e cigs at malls, gas stations, smoke shops, etc. I guess it would be different if I was driving erratically or speeding or some other thing that would indicate a problem, but I would just explain what it is. I have no clue what a "c*^&%" pipe looks like, I have only seen like that type of stuff on A&E watching Intervention....but never seen anything that looked like anything I have, or like what we will have with the mods. I wouldn't really care since they could test my stuff all day long, and then I can explain what it is, and perhaps educate someone. It DOES sort of concern me that things like that could be another argument against e cigs....that police are wasting time checking out nothing, when they could be spending it doing something that is important. Or God forbid they are wasting time like this and someone else is waiting for help while they are messing around with nothing. I also think if you are clearly NOT hiding what you are doing when a cop is right there and it is clear that you know they see you they are less likely to think you are doing something you shouldn't be since most people would look nervous or like they are trying to conceal something. I do think a certain amount of it does depend on your age. I think they would view a middle aged woman driving a van a little differently than say a 25 y/o guy driving a sports car. There is a certain amount of profiling and assessing they do. I think it depends on a bunch of stuff.

Two years ago I had to go to a laundromat because my washer was broken...a 15 y/o neighbor girl went with to help me because I can't carry baskets of laundry. On the way home I took her out to eat, picked up some prescriptions, etc. so afterward, about 9pm we are at a stoplight and there is a cop on the passenger side of the car. Well this girl is going on and on...."omg Julie, look how hot that cop is, omg, I want him, omg, he is so hot, he is so cute, omg, look at him" and the whole time she is staring at him and then looking away toward me and then glancing over at him. So I told her to STOP it...the cops in that town (literally blocks away from where I lived in a neighboring town) are notorious for giving people a hard time for nothing. So the light turns green and I go and the cop then gets behind me, next thing, flashing lights. So I KNEW I had done NOTHING wrong. So I get out my license, registration, insurance card, he comes up to me and starts asking a million questions...he is walking all around the van shining his flashlight in and ASKING me what all the stuff in the van was....well one thing was a computer monitor that I was bringing to my parents the next day. So he is like, what is that? where did you get it? It was craziness. He had me get out of the car and he called for a female officer. Then he was asking why the passenger kept looking at him and then nervously looking away, why would she do that if we had nothing to hide?? So I am like she is a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL...she thought you were hot and she was checking you out. Well he was NOT amused, he told her that she should NOT do that with anyone...that it can be flat out dangerous and invite the wrong attention, and it can create a lot of trouble, like the situation we were now in. So the female officer comes, pats me down and they are like going through everything in my car, which I allowed them to do. It was well below freezing, and I had to go through all of this, OUTSIDE in the freezing cold. Oh, and then the cop tried to tell me I couldn't smoke, I said, unless it is against some law that I don't know about, I AM smoking and I did. I got REALLY pissed and told the cop exactly what I had been doing, that we were on the way home after these errands, I have NEVER had a ticket in my life, I have NEVER been arrested or in trouble in my life for ANYTHING. I explained exactly who the girl was and that she was just being a kid....>I agreed on his points about her behavior and said I would talk to her. He had me there for over AN HOUR....FOR NOTHING. Obviously he ended up having to let me go, I mean I was doing nothing and other than acting goofy my passenger had done nothing.

My point of telling this is that you can get pulled over for ANYTHING that a cop finds suspicious and I think it wouldn't necessarily be the vaping but the behavior. If you feel self conscious and you are acting nervous, or like you are trying to hide something or looking at them like you are hoping they won't pull you over, then you probably will get pulled over. I think in most major cities and metro areas cops know about e cigs...BUT if you are behaving like you are doing something wrong, that is more what catches their attention. Just like in a store they will start watching you if you are glancing around or acting weird....they think you are up to something. SO my thing is that I openly hold my e cig totally visibly in my hand, that I am in NO way trying to hide anything. If I was using illicit drugs I would not just do it out in the open like that and I don't think most people would. Anyway, it is overall behavior and then if there are other factors, like maybe super loud music, acting obnoxious as if intoxicated in some way, driving in some abnormal way, etc. I wouldn't really care if I got pulled over, other than the time wasting aspect. Anyway, just my opinion....if you do get pulled over, ultimately you won't get in trouble anyway since you aren't doing anything illegal, so I wouldn't worry about it.

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My husband says he's going to get pulled over one of these days using his ego. He said it looks like a crack pipe.

He said he's already gotton a few snears from nearby cars.


I was a passenger in a car yesterday and I was dripping e-liquid into my Joye 510. passed a cop real slow, and I was afraid he would think I was doing something wrong. so I stopped until we went past him..

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::think this threads gonna get locked sooooon::

Why on planet earth would this be locked?

I don't worry about anyone thinking my pv is anything but what it is, but then again I do not have anything to hide. If I did, I would not vape where anyone who had any authority to search me would be present. Like juliery stated, the police do not need much of an excuse, if any, to hassle you. I always make sure that I hold my e-cig up when cops are around, as I think it looks more suspicious to drop it below eye level quickly when they are passing. But as of yet, I have not had any problems.

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