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Bad Vaping Day


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I had a snow day off of work today (teacher here). So I was stoked that I'd get to sit at the computer, vape, play some PS3 games, vape, etc. So not to be.

It all started with my atty. It's been working rather poorly for the last few days. Over the weekend I vaped about 10ml of Cafe Macchiato from Tasty Vapor. While it is very tasty (haha), I did add sweetener and I think that gunked up the atty. I need to try el Duderino's PG cleaning method.

Anyway, I went to the tank. I put the same liquid in it. Man, did that so not work! It's all PG, but it just didn't want to wick down. I got so mad, I threw the eGo (a long one, probably a 900mAh) at the wall. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind NOT to throw it at the TV. Phew. That battery was broken. Totally shot. The top part where the threads are came up a bit, like popped out, but not off. I was also mad at my tank atty. I threw that at the wall a few more times trying to hit the trash can.

That little fit over, I went to a cartomizer on a different (obviously) battery. It was brand new and performed HORRIBLY! I hope the rest in the batch aren't like this. I bought ten five packs of them back in December because I had purchased a bunch of different vendors back then and this particular one had the best cartos. My boyfriend put some of his no nic liquid in a new one, too, and another, and they both were terrible. (He likes the taste of coffee, but doesn't want to drink coffee all day, and it's zero nic. To each his own.) So hopefully, the rest of the ten packs aren't bad because this was the best of the five vendors I tried.

Then I decided to "fluff" up the carto filler a bit with an unbent paper clip. It helped. But it's time to go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better vaping day.

Moral of the story: Even people who have had success, and a lot of it, can have a bad vaping day. Keep plugging away all of you who are just starting, there will be a few bad days when nothing works like for me after being off analogs for five months, and there will mostly be good days when everything just flows and there are no problems.

Vape on!

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Yeah, Jeff, you have a point! I did not brave it to walk the quarter mile to the grocery store to buy some smokes because of this. It actually didn't even cross my mind to do so. There's a win, right? :)

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I know exactly how that feels Aimee, So many problems with LR attys back in the day, and cartomizer problems, it was more like a bad vaping period of time, not just a day. Then i switched to high volt mods, and regular atties with plain old dripping, and i havent had a bad vaping day since, just some frustrating ones.

Congrats on not buying a pack of analogs tho! =)

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I had one of those days last week, I got a bunch of vg liquid with a new,used ego I got, and the attys were in bad shape, so I busted out mine, to try the flavors, first one seemed dirty , second same issue, and so on till I did not have any attys left, I was like, ahhhh! So I decided to have a atty cleaning sesh. So I filled a cup with hoit water and dropped um in, let sit for like 5 mins and swished around for another 5. Dumped out, blew out and let dry. Did a few dry burns, and they dident seem to be any better!! Dang. So I remembered a thread I read from eldude. About pg cleaning, so on lunch I grabbed a bottle of juice I had the had no flavor, and put a condom cover on each one filled um up, and let sit then drained and did it again, then I cleaned um in the cup again, blew out and let dry. Dry burned and still seemed the same. So I watched a video or ten, about cleaning, and decided to do a dry burn clean I saw from basil. Did that and got all to glow again, ok now! Time to ty again, first not much vapor, tryed another atty still no go,. Buy this time I decide to stop and just busted outa cart and vaped usual stuff. Attys still don't work right. Guess I killed the attys tryen to clean um. Humm just a bad day.

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