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Posts posted by Tony_C

  1. Different juices have a different hit, fruit and desserts, for example generally are smoother. You could add a couple drops of pga (everclear) or high proof vodka to your juice before you fill the carto...with 30 flavors, you are bound to just not like some.

  2. No, if it can be charged, It's not a disposable.

    This is the Joye 510:


    This is the eGo:


    *Note you can get the eGo kit (2 big batteries) for price of the SINGLE cig style battery of that brand, or 2x 510 for even less.

    Cartomizers for them typically come empty, and you can fill your own. liquid/juice can be ordered with varying nicotine levels, from 0 to 36mg (highest I've seen as ready to use).

    With the one you linked to, you get two already filled for $8, you get 5 for same price here, but have to buy liquid to fill them as well. 15ml will fill you up probably around 20 times (guesstimate) @ $10 a pop there. For the price you get a lot more usage.





    Just one of many highly touted brands, the regular stuff(like what you see at libertyflights) is still rather decent.

  3. Disposables are a bit pricey. you can get an eGo kit for around 40, and then just buy juice and cartomizers as needed. A pack of cartos runs ~ $8 for 5, and a 15 ml bottle of juice is $10 or so. 15 ml should last you about a week I'm guessing, some heavy vapers use 3 ml a day. The cartos can easily last 2+ weeks if you are rotating through all 5, and makes it easy to change/try new flavors. When you do decide to get a 'real' ecig, keep in mind that most of the throw-aways use 18 mg for nicotine strength.

  4. Yeah, I had a similar experience with the cheap crap. Granted, I had read up some, and got one just to try it out, so I knew not to expect the advertised 500 puffs. I got about half a pack off mine.

    If you want to keep vaping, I'd highly recommend an eGo/clone kit.


    smaller cig style have short battery life 1-2 hours, eGo has 4 on the low end, up to 12 (1000 mah)

    eGo has many options, adapters for other atomizers, can use low resistance.

    size won't matter as much once you've used it. I had a 510, and ordered my eGo within a week. 510 is still around, as backup...but barely gets touched now.

    Much of that probably means nothing to you now, but if you stick around, you'll learn and figure out what you need to be a happy vaper.

  5. Eh...fill method is personal preference, condom method isn't messy after first couple times, and faster than dropping to fill. I will agree on the removing cap though.

    As for refilling, I think its pretty common, I will til the center area turns brown and/or taste goes off from normal. Some people even wash them out...too much hassle for me though.

  6. Cartos have a built in atomizer, so no. They aren't meant to last as long as a normal atty, but you get 5 for roughly price of one atomizer. To fill, simply load the larger rubber cap (condom) about 3/4 and slowly push carto down into it, threads first. Let it absorb, remove and wipe threads.

  7. Manual, first ecig i tried was disposable with auto batt...didn't like the cut-off on it, next purchase was a 510 and it was either manual or auto (with cut off again). Also people were complaining about automatic activating from being jarred, or in loud environments, so I got manual. Can't say anything bad about automatic, but don't think I'd want to change now.

  8. Cigar tube? Unfortunately, unless you know a cigar smoker, you're wasting a few bucks to get one. Maybe a test tube with stopper, if you can find one the right diameter...unfortunately that's gonna be glass :dizzy:

    Cheapest route is probably going to be a button clip and cap carto with condom while in pocket.

  9. My 510 lasts roughly an hour of use, but they are stated at 1-2 hours. I think standard eGo is supposed to be 6-8 hours....I know I can use mine for about a day and a half before the light tells me I forgot to put it on charge, lol.

    For tobacco flavor, I haven't tried it, but I hear C & D is pretty darn close. There probably won't be any that truly replicate a cig flavor, since you are missing so many elements - actual burning, and all the other chems/additives.

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