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Everything posted by VaporAssassin

  1. osubckys, I have run in to the same thing but I personally think it has to do with taste. I think that you get used to one flavor and when you switch to another your taste buds have to adjust. At least that is with me. as for going stale or bad i have not had that happen to me. i shake my juice before I drip, and keep the juice i don't use in the refrigerator. hope i helped a little.
  2. Mark is right. I bought a usb adapter from Walgreen's and used it with my PS V2 pts and it would not put out the vapor, I got from using it through my computer. I just went back to my Spade and kept an extra battery on me.
  3. The stock flavor is normally a Marlboro or something Similar. I would clean out one of your carts and put some of your menthal into it or clean out the cart and direct drip on to the atty about two drops works for me!
  4. Hello DHack, Well Like Brian said the manufacture prims the atty for you.(sometimes) However, I would not use it with out a cart or direct dripping. if the atty get red it is to dry. you will burn out the atty very fast if you let it run dry to much and for to long.
  5. Hello everyone! I have seen and heard people say you can clean your atomizer to extend the life of it. Is it true? If so how do I clean it? I have heard I put in water and let it soak or I put it in an ultra sonic cleaner with some distilled water. What’s best? Or should I even do it? Thanks for your Help!
  6. Well, I have a spade and I direct drip because of the little bag i got with it. It made it easy to carry some juice with me. I have however, also used the carts and it is all in what you are looking for. You can do both really. I would try both and see which one you like more! The carts are a joye 510; you can get them from parker at dietsmokes.com or from Heaven-gifts.com The only silly questions are the ones unasked! Hope that helps
  7. I would suggest trying Dulcis or Midnight. you can get both from th Vapor talk store!
  8. Well, the copper and the silver bullet are good if you like higher volt, or you could go with a VP2 or spade -(just make sure you charge the batteries before work).
  9. Hello ROOR, I would highly recommend the VP pass-through it great through the computer(4 Volts)! the Wall charger you get makes the VP pass-through just that much better at (5 Volts)! hope that helps!
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