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Posts posted by soso

  1. Hey gang

    I've been using my eGo PT for several months now and it's still working great, but I got a small bonus from work recently and it seems like the right time to move up to a more hardcore PV at either 5V or a VV system.

    I know a lot of you are going to recommend the Provari, and I have considered it, but at $153 for the PV plus another $50 for batteries and charger (which I do not have an will need), I'd now be looking at over $200, which is more than I'm willing to spend on a PV right now.

    I've spent all night searching and watching reviews, but I'm still having a hard time nailing it down and I would really value your input.

    I have a few important requirements:

    • 5V or VV; otherwise I have no reason to switch from my trusty eGo.
    • Smaller size; I can go a little bigger than the eGo but not much. I carry this thing in my pocket all day and really don't want to look like I'm sucking on a lightsaber. A reasonably-sized box mod is not out of the question, but I prefer tube mods.
    • Battery life; currently my 650mAh eGo lasts me all day at stock voltage. I'm satisfied with this. I don't need something that can vape constantly for 20 hours, but I don't want to be swapping batteries all day either.
    • > or = about $150; for a complete setup. I don't need attys or juice to come with it. I have those.
    • 510 compatibility; this would seem like a given, but I thought I'd mention it.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Make the switch. Get the eGo.

    If you search, you'll find a thread on here from me from a few months ago posing the exact same question.

    I ordered an eGo PT (regular eGo battery with a USB connection on the tip) and haven't looked back. In fact, I have used the same eGo PT all day, every day, since then and it never dies on me. I plug it in at night or when I'm vaping in front of the computer (like now) and it's been absolutely rock-solid, even when using low-resistance atomizers.

    Do it. You won't regret it. Constantly swapping 510 batteries is a PITA.

  3. 1st-gen (650mAh) eGo PT battery + LR eGo Mega atty and delrin drip tip.

    Sometimes I'll go with a standard or LR 510 atty + cone and drip tip, or a cone + 510 Tank system, but all told I really prefer the LR eGo Mega for atomizers.

    It's got a nice draw, hardly ever leaks, and vapes HUGE. Plus, it looks nice and clean on the eGo battery. I don't know why more people aren't using them. The large opening, and hence, larger drip tip, make dripping really easy with less chance of running juice down the side....

    For flavors, it could be anything. I have about seven different liquids I'm rotating through right now. Everything from clove to blueberry cheesecake.

  4. I like tanks. The cartos just seem like a hassle... why use a cartomizer when you still have to drip to top it off half the time?

    I prefer LR all the way around.

    My current tank atty isn't LR - I went with standard resistance this time after my LR tank atty died on me - and I'll never get another non-LR tank atty. Wow. Talk about too much work for not enough vape. Oh well. Live and learn.

    For dripping on my eGo, I've fallen completely in love with the LR eGo Mega atty. It's huge! I got a perfectly-sized delrin drip tip from IndyVaporShop to go with it and I'm loving this thing.

  5. I had my first atty die on me today. Ironically it is also the newest one I own - a LR 510 Tank atomizer.

    It's the same story you've seen a thousand times - used intensely, with all kinds of different juices.. mostly thick VG ones, recently.

    It was performing great right up until it just went cold completely.

    Oh well. At least I still have my drip backups.

    Has anyone brought a tank atty back from the dead?

  6. For the record, I went with the 510-T system over the cartos. It might not vape as well, but I feel like there's less waste and I'm really just totally over using that filler material for anything.

    I'm puffing on my eGo PT right now.. This thing is amazing. Vapes great all day long. Charges at night. PT in front of the PC (like now).

    Brilliant product!

  7. Just found the notice in my mailbox today that my eGo PT order will be at the post office tomorrow morning for pickup. I didn't realize I'd have to sign for it! I'm gonna swing by and grab it on my way into work tomorrow... looking forward to getting my hands on this thing and put a big dent in the ever-revolving cycle of 510 batteries daily..

  8. Thanks folks

    Yes, I have taken to vaping like a fish to water. It fulfills everything I enjoyed so much about analogs while removing all the negatives. I'm like a walking advertisement for these things. Even people I know who are not smokers are interested in it, and one person mentioned that they might even get into it just because they found the quick hit on my PV to be so enjoyable.

    The cappuccino liquid is nice, if a little sweet. Dripped in a normal atty, it has a nice smooth flavor. In a LR tank, it reminds me of chocolate-flavored tootsie pops. Neither is bad, but I prefer the taste of it dripped.

    I can honestly say though that between the tank and the drip tip I will never go back to carts. Dripping at home and tanks while out is a great balance and super-convenient.

  9. EMS tracking tells me my eGo PT, LR atty, juice, etc. are currently enjoying a tour of the US Customs office in Cuba. Being down to my last 2 ml or so of juice, I felt the situation becoming dire, so I made a pit stop today at the Indy Vapor Shop... (which is a great little vaping storefront to check out if you're near central IN).

    I only went in intending to buy juice, but wound up snagging a delrin drip tip and a LR Tank system to try as well.

    I have to say, the tank is rad. After a very short burn-in on the atty, it seriously tastes like I'm dripping. No hassle. Fill the tank and go.

    I snagged some Janty cappucino-flavored juice and I'm using that with the tank.. the taste is crazy! I don't know if it's the juice, the LR atty, or a combination of both, but it's very intense and the throat hit is good too.

    Also - is it common to find that regular dripping with a drip tip vapes a lot better than just using an empty cart? Because I'm sitting here now with my same-ol' 510 batt and atty, same ol' 555 juice.. the only difference is the tip, and I'm cooking up clouds with it.

  10. My counter seems to be busted, actually. I've been vaping for over two weeks now, but the counter still says 3 days? Maybe I hinked up the code when I copied it into my sig... iDunno. I'll mess with it when I get home.

    I don't know if I'd want to go to a carto.. It seems like they're harder to fill and somewhat more "disposable" than normal attys? Am I wrong in this assumption?

    I also didn't see anything like that in the VT store or Forever Vapor. Can someone provide a link to a reputable place to investigate these?


    PS - and yes, I don't see my 510s going anywhere. They'll stay with me as backups should anything ever go wrong with the eGo PT / LR setup.

  11. The predictions offered by my new forum friends sure didn't take too long to come true.

    While I'm still very pleased with my stock 510 setup, I've found that I'm now swapping batteries several times a day, and for longer, vape-heavy periods where I'm away from home (like band practice) I can burn through both fully-charged batteries before the end of the night, leaving me high & dry. A very sad state, indeed.

    Saturday afternoon, I ordered an eGo setup from Forever Vapor.

    I'm getting the eGo USB PT battery, the eGo LR atty, and (since I've changed to direct-dripping exclusively now) that snazzy little stainless 510-shaped drip tip. I flirted with the idea of the eGo MEGA battery, but since I do a lot of vaping in front of a computer and didn't want to buy another wall-charger for the eGo, I went with the PT instead. I also thought about going to a tank system, but I've read here that dripping is the best way when using a LR atty... Besides, the metal drip tip looks cool. :)

    I'm pretty excited about the extra vapor production I expect to see from the bigger battery and LR setup. I figured one LR atty was safe to start with to see if I like it as much as I think I will, and should it die on me, I can still swap in one of my perfectly-functioning 510 attys until I can replace the LR one.

    Just thought I'd share with you folks that I succumbed to the temptation of upgraded gear even sooner than expected.

    Oh yeah, and I ordered a bottle of 24mg Clove juice in addition to stocking up on my preferred 555. ;)

    I really appreciate all the info and support to be found on this forum.


  12. This is good news! I wasn't expecting something positive when I clicked on this thread.

    Stricter FDA regulation will be good for us. I don't intend to buy my stuff from shady people, but anything that helps us avoid harmful additives used as a means of reducing production costs (or for any reason) is a good thing.

  13. @ soso-- The 510's aren't bad units. New batteries do last a few hours, but the battery life drops off quickly. Honestly, I really loved my 510's, but the ego has more reliable battery life. the 900mah ego gets me through a 12 hour shift. There were times I would need 3-4 510 batteries to get through a shift.

    It all boils down to whats working for you !!!

    That's what I have read from other sources as well..I may one day upgrade to the eGo myself, it sounds like. For now, I'll just use the 510 until those batteries and attys are kaput.

    /thread derail

  14. Did you get the 510 starter kit with two batteries? Juggling them seems to work well for me. Just curious. I ran the one batt I took with me to band practice completely out tonight.

  15. Man

    I have to say

    The vaping really seems like the perfect addiction.

    I'm sitting here with a fresh batt in hand... after wiping one out during band practice (I'll take both next time). I'm finishing off the dripped cart before bed. The rest of the band (all smokers) are jealous of my wondrous puffs of beauty in the jam room, which is smoke free.

    I'll bet I have at least one convert on my watch by the end of the month.

    The best part? My wife doesn't give me a hard time over vaping. She truly has my best interests at heart, but it's nice to be able to get a few puffs while we're watching TV or playing video games, guilt free.

    The next step is making my coworkers comfortable with it so I don't have to go outside the office to vape.

  16. Hi everybody,

    I'm a new member / new vaper and just found this site today. I normally lurk for a while before jumping into forum conversation but some of the things I've read have prompted a question that I should probably get cleared up right away.

    First a little about me:

    I started vaping over the weekend. I'd smoked cigs since I was 15 (I'm 29 now) but quit about two years ago. Since that time I sort of re-picked-up a cigarillo habit (we're talking the $2.50/pack gas station stuff) which has become more-and-more of a habit over time. I'm not back to the amount of cigarettes I used to smoke, or even close, but I can only imagine the filtered cigarillos are even worse for me than my old Camels were. I've started vaping because, if I'm going to be "smoking" something, it might as well be something that's not going to give me emphysema and cancer by age 55.

    The guy I spoke to at the Vapor Shop recommended that I start with the standard joye 510 starter kit with the two attys, two manual batteries, wall charger, and 5 pre-filled carts. I've already replaced the fill in one cart and am using the 555 36ml juice I bought from the shop (which is pretty good, and that's coming from a cigar smoker). No mods yet, but I'm loving the amount of vapor I'm getting so far and with the two batts I'm not feeling any pain from the battery life.

    And here (finally) comes my question.

    Am I at risk of damaging my battery by leaving it in the charger beyond the point that it's fully charged? Like overnight, or plugged in all day while I am at work (with my other batt)? I'd hate to think I'm damaging 1/2 my batteries right now as I sit here!'

    Thanks for any help - this seems like a great forum and it's already in my faves list.


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