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Posts posted by FloridaKracker

  1. As always great review guys this 510 has totally taken over my penstyle except when I sit at my computer and use my passthrough so I don't burn through battery's cause I don't want to put it down its just that great.

  2. You will for sure love it I do had mine for a week.

    Quick tip I found if you bite around the mouth piece the end will pop out and liquid will collect in there better then in your mouth but mine was making a gurgling noise and poor pull and that was the problem and it hits better without the end cap.


  3. Ya I watched that episode the other week that thing is sweet but I still want a segway I've got to ride one twice now at Epcot for Food and Wine and they are a blast. If anyone ever has a chance to ride one don't think about just do it!!!

    Just don't ride it DRUNK :wacko:

  4. Ya watermelon does taste like a jolly rancher.

    Rating 1-5 for flavor 5 being best for what I've try-ed

    Red Bull 24mg -5 Sweeter kind of like if they made a Red Bull bubblegum

    Grape 24mg - 5 If you like grape soda this is a must

    Cola 24mg - 5 Taste like a Bottle cap candy

    Watermelon 18mg - 4 Taste like a Jolly rancher

    Banana 16mg - 4 Taste like a Laffy Taffy

    Peach 24mg - 4 If you ever smelled a peach blunt it has that taste

    Vanilla 16mg - 3 Need more vanilla taste but I mixed a bottle of my cola 1/2 and 1/2 and it was real good

    Chocolate 24mg - 3 Doesn't taste like it at all but not bad

    Strawberry 24mg - 3 Doesn't taste like it at all but not bad

    Blueberry 18mg - 3 Doesn't taste like it at all but not bad I was really hoping it would cause I love blueberry's

  5. I have 2 manual battery's for my Joye510/Yeti been using for 3 days now and love them. Takes a little to get hang of since you got to press button but you always get full power to it no flickering or early cutoff and the hole for the pressure switch is sealed off so no liquid can get in the battery and mess it up. I would say go with manual battery's.

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