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Posts posted by FloridaKracker

  1. You know to be honest, I don't think I can make better passthrough's than Florida Kracker, lol. I will hit him up and ask him if he can put out some instructional videos so people can try to replicate and/or play off his ideas. Does that work for that? I'll talk to Chris and see if he didn't already do an instructional video on cart filling methods and maybe we can do one together or something.

    Thanks for the shoutout Sean I have some really cool ideas just need some battery connectors and will be starting some new mods I will document them with vid and see how it goes.thumbsup.gif

  2. I haven't gamed in awhile, but I'm down to tear it up with you guys and start our Vapor Talk Clan. Any of you shoot zombies? My gamertag is Sir Aye J...I think. haha

    I play zombs all the time I will hit you up with a FR tomorrow. And I think Vapor Talk vs ECF in COD that would be funbiggrin.gif

  3. That's actually true. I think it's 100% proven that anyone with the Y chromosome cannot drive. Granted there are a few exceptions but those cases are like 1 in 1.5 billion or something. So if you're one of those people with the Y chromosome, don't blame yourself, blame genetics. biggrin.gif

    I don't want to argue that but take a look at this girl drive.


  4. That is one of the resons I stoped using carts but when you are refilling them make sure no liquid rolls down the side towards mouth piece also use papertowl to wipe down sides of cart. I dont know what style you are but some carts will get a pool of liquid between mouth piece and cart like on the 510 if you bite around edge of mouth piece the pluge with hole in it will pop out and you can dry it out.post-760-125210425028_thumb.jpg

  5. Ive never had JC so cant comment on ruining a atty I've been dripping for about the whole time I've been vaping and I'am still using the same atty's I think its a myth dripping kills an atty and if you flood it just unscrew from battery take cart off and blow threw atty from battery side and get rid of access liquid. You will have to redrip after you blow out you don't want to vape a dry atty.

    And yes you can just take out cart filler and drip.

    I get anywhere between 10-15 good flavor vapes from 2-3 drips of normal bottle.

  6. 1) I would say a full penstyle aka dse801 cart will last about 40 or so puffs.

    2) Yes the H is for high witch is usually 24mg if you buy liquid. Most penstyle carts should fit a janty stick. Don't know how close a tobacco is to a Ry4 never had tobacco but I am a Ry4 fan.

    3) No don't throw them out if you want to use carts you can redrip liquid into the cart 8 to 10 drips usually on a penstyle and once the carts get dirty or you want to change flavor you can pull out the cotton like stuff rinse with water and dry well the restuff and redrip new liquid.

  7. Omg...did this guy just tell me "its not that hard"...lol. I just watched your video(great job by the way) do you know what my response was?.............duhhhhh...how the heck? ....Not that hard? I got no clue. You probably have one brain cell that can suplex my whole brain cause i dont get it.....

    Ya I did you have to break it down into four layers and solve one at a time I can teach any one just takes time and practice.:D

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