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    Farny reacted to Tam in Smok 22 won't fire up   
    Thanks for the update, @Farny I'm glad to hear you got it resolved (sort of). Now, next time you're in town, make sure to get some back ups! 
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    Farny reacted to Tam in Smok 22 won't fire up   
    Please don't leave it charging through the night, if something should short out, you won't be awake to take action.
    Perhaps not helpful right now, but we always recommend having back ups. Then, when you get back ups for your batteries, tanks and coils, get more back ups. You can never have too many. I once went through four batteries and two tanks (some weren't charged when I thought they were, dropped one tank and it broke, had a couple of bad coils, etc.). Many forum members laugh when we tell them to get back ups (as many as you can afford), but then they come back and tell us that they either were very glad they listened or they say they should have listened and go out to buy more.
    Good luck to you! Come back and let us know what happened. 
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