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Posts posted by BFD

  1. CRAP i just ordered unsealed hope the airflow control will keep if from leaking all the way down to battery.I found them for a penny a piece but the ahole charges 4 dollars per to ship

  2. Does anyone make just a male to female 510 to 510 adapter that could be put on your battery and left there so when you spin tanks off and on you dont mess up battery threads instead any damage to threads would be done to cheap replaceable adapter.

  3. Funny u say that i learned that outside a couple nights ago its always humid as hell here in Florida another quick question what burns first my juice or my wick as i increase watts?

  4. I agree it is about how you vape im just trying to narrow down all of the many excellent choice out there,i would buy them all but would maybe end up a single man if i do ,im sure im not the only one with this issue,dont really need a new tank ,just want one and having a hard time making up my mind

  5. I knew i had to be something to do with the federal government they getcha when and however they can.No worries the strawberry kiwi will hold me over just fine,im gunna try it kiwi strawberry next time cause from what ive tasted fadora cant make a bad flavor

  6. I got my strawberry kiwi juice today from the create your own section from fadora,i didnt think it could be done but he did it another hit flavor for me a little pissed at the mail man cause i ordered my hydras delight first and am dying to try it .Andmim starting to realize i dont need 22 different flavors just a couple of good go toos will do me fine

  7. Ok so i put a new coil in my aerotank today and to make a long story short it leaks juice under itself into what i call the well of the airflow control,should i change the little gasket on the coil or just toss it

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