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Everything posted by lightbringer

  1. As you may have read my birthday is next week; September the 15th and it is also that day that is my payday and so as a gift to myself I was going to buy a lot of juice from Vapor Talk...I almost did it last night though I only have 100$ in the bank right now but I am scared that I might not get to buy any if the FDA has their way. PLUS, I am not supposed to know this but someone "may" have bought me an EGO!!!!!!!!!! for my B day and I would really like to put some VT cola in there!!! Soooooooooo.... I guess I want some assurance that I will still be able to buy my juice Wednesday the 15th... I would think I'll be OK...what do you think? Everbody 'round here's makin' me think the worst might happen anyday THANKS!!!!!
  2. Been wantin' to ask... How long do you guys find that your attys last you...typically. I know every atty is as different as every person and I don't mean low res. attys. I have had my attys for less than 2 months and they seem fine. I would like to know the longest someone has used a low res. before it is no more. Is it worth it? I am thinkin' cartos may be my future.
  3. Where'd ya get a carton of cartos? How much $? I have only now started using cartos but I think it may be the future.
  4. I agree w/ the new atty idea...I don't know about harsh but an ugly taste when those attys are new...primer and all that. Beercityvaprz how do you do those emoticons drinkin' beer etc.
  5. I am also def interested in mint choc. and blueberry... have you had the bounty at the highest nic dosage? If I knew how those tasted and with this info about irish cream I'm about ready to place an order...now all I need is more $$$$
  6. Yeah cause I have had Viking Vapor and they are not great... The vanilla was good but it is VERY strong so it will drown other flavors if yer mixin'. Same with the butterscotch. Their Mar Boh(marlboro flavor) is OK. Caramel apple is HORRIBLE in my opinion, which is the other thing about juices...everybody tastes differently and some juices change flavor at different voltages...or so I have heard...but yeah caramel apple is ugly from VV. Their marshmallow is good but it was weak. their honey is the same and I got these at double flavor. Cherry cola was not bad but way too cherry (like a slushie) cotton candy tastes like candy corn which I do not like personally. If ya want cheap go to Healthcabin...50 ml for 12 bucks! I have ordered from them but still havena' gotten my juice so I cannot tell you how they taste. They are in China and you will heare a lot about China and customs, shipping delays, the FDA, shipping costs etc. I am sure you will hear more soon Hope this helps
  7. HA! I have all of the NHALER lung juices I bought a sample pack and one of the sleepy time teas that does not come in pack...they all taste GREAT esp. the pomagranite and pear...and I do not like pears... the teas you can hardly tatse!!! and I need a bigger nic dosage so I usually mix these with drop of vanilla at 26 mg. I cannot say that the herbs are helpful but I do not believe they are bad for you...at best you may receive very minor benefits though as these are in low dosages and it would take big dosages to really have major effect. I am all for hollistic and natural meds and I get carried away quickly with the idea of repairing my organs and living longer but I would say and bet many agree that the best thing to do is just quit analog cigs which i assume you have done!
  8. I have tried Blue Cola from www.cignot.com in VG and PG and both are good but the only thing I can compare (cause I havena' tried anymore yet)it too is www.vikingvapor.com cherry cola which is NOT good...its more like a cherry slushie but too cherry and not great cherry. Now I put 2 or 3 drops in a bottle w/ 10 or so drops of blue cola and get on OK cherry cola taste. I have also had these cola flavored gummies that taste sorta like the blue cola. COLA is a very imporatnt flavor to me as I love it and only drink Diet Rite now b/c of high fructose corn syrup and sodium. I am as a result going to find the best cola flavor vape for me! VT is one at the top of my list and DIYflavorshacks cherry cola is too. Original poster- I have found that there are few of us who are searching for the great cola flavor or others are reluctant to chime in! evrybody loves the VT store though and I will be trying their cola and grape soda (not a grape soda fan but everyone here loves it) but everytime I read something I see how all of VT's falvors are the best...now this is their site so it stands to reason that they would say that but (the way these guys who are the customers talk about them)they have made me want to try Mignight (and I don't even know what that is!) Dulcis, the aforementioned cola and grape soda, tobacco, choco java, sweet pear, pretty much all of them but mentha.
  9. I havena' tried it yet but did ya know that Boba's bounty actually has a pic of Boba Fett on it? Being a BIG Star Wars fan this was an immediate appeal...plus every review I see or read of it says it is awesome or the best smoking tobacco flavor out there... It is Alien Visions and The Vapor Talk store that I am ignoring to my loss! I need mo $$$$
  10. First let me say.... ROCK ON BREAKINGBAD my quit day brother! I think I will be getting the reg. batts based on these replies... I vape all day but 6 to 10 hrs. on 1 reg batt. should be fine esp. if the other is recharged in less than that time...maybe I should get an extra bat. just in case. Of course based on the "underground" thread I was reading maybe I should get a new kit every few months until the FDA takes over and kills the market. That makes me think about stockpiling juice...how long does juice last in the fridge? Oh and how sensitive is the juice to heat and cold? I've got mine in a (deli meat kinda) plastic box just in my room right now. And a 5 or 7 ml bottle in my pocket! PEACE
  11. I am sorry and thank you for your patience... 2 more questions about ego... 1st...(I know, sorry) health cabin has kits w/ bigger batts. for 50 bucks...I was convinced not to go w/ chinese suppliers but them I read people seemed to like healthcabin....I really just want to know 1.if other stores sell kits with the bigger batts instead and 2.if the bigger batts are that much better...I am still waiting to buy my ego (just bought 510 a month ago and I have to save a little) but you guys make it hard to wait! whatcha' think? Also It has now def. been a month since I smoked an analog cig and I am still in total control w/ no drawbacks or side effects and I love to vape! Thank you again everybody for help and advice etc.! I don't know if I should call ya Hogehound but thank you for all the replies! LOOK AT MY COOL BANNER! i KNOW BUT IT'S NEW TO ME! iT SAYS 31 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. This is my issue.. I just got my 510 a month ago and now I want an ego! when I get an ego will their be another to come out that i want? It's like computers!
  13. I am glad someone posted healthcabin ry4 was good cause you guys were scaring me about chinese suppliers and ry4 is one of the flavors I ordered from them...Also COLA! I loved blue cola from cignot and got cherry cola from viking vapor and it was NOT GOOD!!!! (tasted a little like a cherry slushie but not as good) I am now scared to buy cola flavor but really think it could be an allday vape cause i LOVE COLA and have given up the real stuff cause it is poison. I want a good cola flavor to make an all day vape along with tobacco(whenever I find a perm. tabac.) I might just stick w/ blue cola from cignot but I plan to try VT cola and ...wait now I forgot the other place I read had a good cola....
  14. OK I did it yeah!!! but wait...it only says 28 days...that's not a month...July 26...Oh man...fine 2 more days...I know if this had been feb. it would be a month but I will celebrate again when my banner says 30 days! Seriously thogh thanks that was buggin' me!
  15. Ok let's see if I did it right and thank you for help!
  16. I vape in the bathroom at work...laughing the whole time and lovin' no nic fits for the day. No smoking allowed anywhere near where I work. I vape in my car without having the windows down which in the summer where I live is hard on me and the car. I vape in my house and I used to not let myself smoke in the house so I had to go outside at least once an hour in cold, hot, rain, snow. The first night i got my 510 I was vaping in bed just laughin' and laughin' I vape in my friends house and he had to go outside(fiance' wouldn't let him smoke inside) to smoke until he got his 510. Blowin' vapor rings in my bed with my dog at my side is the best cause that was one of the things I would miss the most...the rings not the dog. You'll never take my dog!!
  17. OK... I am so pleased with the feedback here and like how my question sparked other conversations...some of which I understood. I have officially been convinced not to buy my ego from Bigboxstore or liquid nic. I am now scared to buy anyhting from chinese though...should I be cause I ordered some juice from healthcabin a week or less ago before all o'dis happened.
  18. Hello fellow vapers. Today marks one month for me with no analog cigs! I would like to celebrate by finally figuring out why I canna get the "no smoking banner thing"(that's the proper term right!) to work for me. I click the right place and fill in my info but then it goes to a screen with 2 white boxes with writing inside and a blue link button to a pic of the banner but I see no other way to finish or finalize or...I don't know...can someone please enlighten me as to how to do this cause I am jealous of everyone else's display of victory over the cancer stix! Oh and I am NOT getting the ego from the Bigboxstore.com so thank you for convincing me to do the right thing! I will get it from reputable dealer. Christopher I forgot to ask how long is my 10% new member discount good for? I cannot add it to the lovetovape discount can I? (HA!)
  19. Today marks ONE MONTH analog free for me...I opened my 510 while smoking my last analog July 26 at about 3 in the afternoon...I woke up the next day a litttle scared but by the afternoon I was content to vape and now a day hardly goes by w/out me telling my 510 how much I love it!
  20. I notice the same at bigboxstore on the 1st pic but they have several pics with silver band...I wondered about that...
  21. Just checked and with shipping for 7-21 days airmail total would still only be 44.16 bucks...If I didn't have a 510 in my hand vaping I would say that is forever but I was gonna wait for the ego at least till mid or so of Sept...around my birthday the 15th is what I was kinda thinkin' and that is when it would get here if it took max. time...you see I am trying to convince myself to do it like always...I may need more convincin' not to... what to do...
  22. OK see I thought I saw 2 batteries for sure on the VT site. 2 cones as well eh... otherwise it had all the other stuff.
  23. Thats what I am scared of but they have paypal and ususally paypall only is available on reliable sites and it says Joye...Yer probably right but the price is so...mmm...hey I just noticed it says I am a memeber and not a noobie now...I still feel like a noob...also can someone help me w/ the smoke free banner...after I put in info it goes to a screen with 2 boxes and a link to pic. but I don't know what to do after that. Thanks again!
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