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Everything posted by Ian

  1. Any one try it or currently vape on it? I was thinking of getting one but not as a battery charger but as a stationed vape.
  2. 8hrs? mine take about 1.5 - 2 hrs to charge up and i drain those suckers pretty good. i get about 6 - 8 hrs out of em
  3. thanks guys. anyone know if the VT LT510 atty is 1.5ohm?
  4. anyone tried this combo on an eGo? If so, from which stores? Seen the LR attys on VT but Totally Wicked's got the 1000mah batts
  5. are the LR attys from the VT Store 1.5 ohm like the Totally Wicked LR?
  6. just HAD to see if any of the vapors on VT listened to Drizzy
  7. HAHAHA oh no not the Chicago Bears! how many tokes do you think you take per 3 drops? I vape for about 4-6 seconds each vape.
  8. the goldilocks zone lol. for sure. guess I'ma just have to do this enough to know. a little bit of a downer but this is too sick to quit.
  9. I drained it cart end up all day today. Dryed it and the cone. Vaping til the atty is dry is bad? And "flush" as in no space between the battery and the atomizer, I've left a little space between the atty and battery, i'll post a pic. Mind posting
  10. sorry sorry, if there were more videos on the subject I wouldn't have to ask. I got great vapor yesterday, but today, the throat hit is a little weaker IMO but the vapor is significantly decreased. Been direct dripping 2-3, I might have not been draining it completely before re-dripping idk. Also I dropped it once from my lap sitting down, but I don't think it was that, could be wrong though. I'm just terrible at all this lol. My theory is the atomizer broke? And I've been thinking, what the hell is "excessive force when tightening the atomizer". How many rotations? Do I need to line up the holes with the sides?
  11. sweet. thanks again. is there any adverse effects to drying out the atty by vaping?
  12. ordered the Starter Kit from the VT Store YESTERDAY, arrived earlier today, charged up a battery, been vaping ever since. Love it. I know I'm going to smoke analogs on outings where I'm just not going to bring my eGo with me but this is perfect. I ordered the Mentha 16, Dulcis 10, and the Grape Soda 6 just to sample flavors and mg dosages. Mentha is my go-to but the Grape Soda is so tasty. Dulcis meh (sorry lol). Started right away direct dripping (Thanks Chris for that instructional video). My question is this: I drop 2-3 of juice into the atty, but around how many drags to you get out of em before you guys drip again? I'm rocking the normal 510 atty btw. Side note, ordered that Shorty Derlin from Super-T yesterday expecting it soon because this screwing and unscrewing and popping off and on is not the business. But still, this is awesome. Just wanted to say thank you to kitsune, nana, and tha hedgehound for all their help and patience.
  13. thanks for the input. I ordered the "Shorty" Delrin 510/901 T-Tip from Super-T this morning, hoping it works out.
  14. Which do you guys prefer, Short or Long?
  15. thanks ya'll I think Ima check out those twisted ones from nHaler. another noob question: is there a difference between the shortys or longs? besides personal preference, I read once that a user from a shorty would get mad blowback of hot juice. he could have just been over-juicing but it was a concern of mine nonetheless.
  16. Gonna buy my eGo starter kit today off VT and I've pretty much got all the basics down (without actual T&E), however I'm interested in knowing if anyone would recommend any drip tip's for my vape? So far heard good things about the Stainless Steel from Super-T Manu. but I kind of don't want to spend $20 on something I haven't tried or heard enough about from people like ya'll. So I'd appreciate any and all help, want to start vaping asap. Thanks ya'll
  17. oh really. what kind and what's the difference. feel free to tell me to shut up whenever
  18. your ego is hella cool with that charm. i think i might just be charming it up lol. thanks for the pic kitsune. just discovered t-tips. omg is there no end to this stuff!? hahaha kind of like it and kind of don't lol $$
  19. thank you in advance for the pic. I plan on posting mine just for kicks upon receiving. as for the 6-8 bat life, that is AWESOME. i have no problem having a fully charged battery on standby and just switching out when I'm at home, my biggest concern was travelling like parties or shows, didn't want to have to carry a spare battery with my juice bottle.
  20. thank you so much kitsune. I'm getting super excited about my purchase. if you have a pic of your setup would you mind posting it?
  21. kitsune, does the LR fit inside the cone of an eGo or do ya just gotta keep that off?
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