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Posts posted by Dozer09

  1. In case anyone was wondering and since Ameravape is discontinuing the Manhattan (supposedly) i did a little research and this is what i came up with. Now i own a 100% authentic Brass Manhattan Mod and i recently purchased a clone of the exact same mod. Now there are the obvious and expected difference with threading and the magnets of the clone not being quite as strong as the authentic. Still i tested both on a .25ohm coil and both with a 1.00ohm coil. The authentic with the .25 ohm had a voltage drop at about .25v and at a 1.00 coil it was a .09 voltage drop. The clone had a .07 voltage drop at the 1.00 but a .37v drop on the .25 ohm. Now before i get bombarded with how i did it. i did use one of those crappy Tobeco voltage meters and i know they are probably far from accurate but still the clone was pretty damn close. and seeing as how the clone cost me $50.00 and the authentic cost me around $220.00 i don't see where the authentic really out performed the clone at all! So for anyone who's wondering what the deal with the manhattan mod is save yourself the money and get a clone. It may not stick to the refrigerator like the authentic but really who cares about a simple novelty like that when you save $170.00.

  2. Ive had the thing for a while so i know how to use it. the batteries are fine and if it wasn't in right it would just flash red and if the batteries weren't making a connection it wouldn't flash at all....... the screws are all tight and theres nothing rattling on the inside ...... I'm just gonna have to take it somewhere or send it to innokin directly ....... looks like there will be a lot of dripping in my future haha

  3. So working the other day my itaste hit the floor and now its not working. When i put a battery in it flashed through the red yellow and green lights but thats it. no matter how many times i try to turn it on it just flashes those lights and then nothing. I don't know what i did or how i can fix this but its really bumming me out. Can anyone help?

  4. All i know is that i have a Manhattan Mod fully brushed brass and he wanted to em patina it and sell it for "twice what i paid" which i thought was crazy. 1. Why ruin an already excellent mod and 2. i didn't think for one second it would double the price of it. Thanks for the input lol some people are crazy

  5. So I was having a debate with a fellow vaper on the patina of his mechanical mod. Now I know that if done right there shouldn't be too much performance loss, but he was saying that a good patina on a mod increases it's value..... Does anyone agree or have proof to the accuracy of what he was saying?

  6. Just Check out ebay ..... Most mod clones in all styles and brands are there for cheap! much cheaper than most websites. Bought plenty off there including attys kanthal drip tips etc. Makes your vaping budget go much further.

  7. This is also very true too but remember not all RDA/RBA are built the same, voltage drop on mods, the builds you actually put in them etc etc etc. i have many RDAs some with sub ohm builds other with stupid set ups that i got bored and tried and some where i just need a cooler vape around 1.2ohms. i use the same nic level across the board but i know what to build and in what mod/RDA to build it in. Its a very fickle thing but eventually you will always find what it is you're looking for. Best of luck!

  8. Yes but at the same time once you get your preferred build down it becomes second nature. Half the stuff i wrap and build it takes me less than 5 minutes. Premade could have hot spots and all sorts of issues as well. For me at least any time i ordered coils for an clear or kanger 30% failed, had hotspots, or couldnt handle my juice etc etc. Now if it works for you thats great and keep on keeping on I'm not trying to put anyones preferences down. I was simply stating that to ME its not cheaper.

  9. well when i started i had a cigalite and jesus was it terrible no satisfaction at all what so ever. When i started "cloud chasing" (but not really) i found that putting out more vapor gave me more of a mental ease for lack of a better term. now the bigger the vapor yea sure the more nicotine but if your lowering it then its still less nic after a while which helps ease the body off of it. You just have to find what works for you. Also you can lower the nicotine levels and just increase the VG content of your liquid so that you're really putting out some vapor and it tricks the mind into thinking that you're intaking more than you really are. Im at 100% VG and i have no cravings at all what so ever just from the mental stimulation of it all.

  10. my first mech mod was a cheap *** grand vapor sentinel m16 clone. telescoping mod but i only used 18650s and i have to say for a first mech mod that thing was badass. had only a .1 voltage drop, spring loaded adjustable contact at the top so every mod fit (even tho it was awkwardly shaped so nothing was "flush" per say) and it had the whole locking ring etc etc. if your gonna buy a mech mod for starting off get something cheap and easy because you may find that you prefer a mod that has safeties and adjustable stuff to customize your vaping experience. Hope you're happy with whatever you get and hope to see a picture of it when you do get it! vape on!!!

  11. When i was smoking in the marine corps i was at about 2 packs a day and smoking strong and drinking pretty much to match. The more i drank the more i smoked. Then i got out and didn't have the money to drink and smoking was really taking its toll as well. And then came the first mod. taste 134 with a simple iclear and the cigarettes were gone. Now like you i wanted to kick the nicotine and i was steadily smoking 24mg. Then i found dripping about a month later and really had to lower the nicotine. the more i build and the more vapor i find myself producing the lower and lower my nicotine levels because. Its been 3 months and I'm down to less than 6mg of nicotine and i haven't had any of the nicotine withdraw rage i would of had cold turkying ....... so give it a few months and just every time you buy juice lower how many mg of nicotine your juice has and don't vape more to compensate for the lowing doses. Slowly and steadily you could probably go down to 0 mg in 4-6 months as long as you have some self discipline and really want to quit all together. I wish you luck and stay strong.

  12. I smoke a variety of flavors none of which are strong menthol or cinnamon ....... and I'm with you i love my real russian and my fake kayfun which is why its so damn weird that its happening. and I'm still tasting all my flavors in my other tanks...... which is why I'm so confused on the whole matter....... as far as vapor production its all relative to the build but its been just fine..... the draw is pretty open in comparison to a kayfun...... its seriously thee oddest thing

  13. So got an aqua clone and the thing is kind of a pain to build. BUT i expected it so it wasn't too big of a deal. Well about 6 builds later I'm still having the same issue. Ive built set ups from 1.3 ohms down to .6 ohms and it doesn't matter. Ive adjusted the coils closer to and further from the air flow and it didn't help. Ive cleaned the thing a million times and even tried different juice variations of pg/vg. Wicking you ask? well I've used ecowool, organic cotton, and silica wick and yea still no flavor. Ive used VV/VW mods and Mechanical mods to no avail. Has anyone else had this issue. Its blowing my mind because I've been building RDAs and RBAs for quite some time and never once have i never tasted e liquid. What could be causing this? Any help would be great.

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