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Posts posted by igotit

  1. 3 days on the engine.....no regrets,no leaks,no issues.

    this morning i installed the twisted coils that were included....waste of time.i tried upto 70 watts,nothing but poping and some flooding.

    flavor was better with twisted,but wasnt worth the effort.

    my friend has the engine mini,always complains about flooding due to the oblong wicking holes on the mini.



  2. I just got the engine 5.2 ml.

    i love it,i give it 5 stars easily.

    the top airflow offers cooling that actually keeps my coils cooler.....so it takes alot longer before she gunks up.

    i run her ontop my smok alien 220 ,running 26g at 9 wraps to .36 ohms.

    my battery last longer,not sure if the cooling affect helps,but i do know whith anything electrical that draws amps.....heat is the enemy causing more amp draw.

    i draw 9 amps from batts on this tank.

    my griffen with same coils starts off at 9 amp draw,after a few vapes goes upto 13 amps.

    im in love with my new engine and alien combo.

    pictured next to my other setup

    cuboid 200 with tobeco 25mm super.

    25 super is a nice budget rta



  3. my design allows a bigger coil in the kfl,as we all know the kfl is limited on coil space,my coil is very tall and fits nicely in the kfl

    wraping around something flat gives the coil a twist ....like a dna strand.

    test pic


  4. for some reason I cant post pics,but heres a design I been playin with.im having great results.

    instead of a round wrapped coil I been playin with other shapes.

    right now im burning a .8 ohm 24g 7 wraps.i used a flat piece of stainless to wrap around.3/16 wide by 0.050 thick flat bar.the coil is basically a tall rectangle.this gives more surface contact between the coil and wick.

    I have it installed in my stock kfl plus.even with limited airflow.....she really chucks out a cloud on my panzer......plenty flavor.

    I made a macro coil .7 ohm 24g ,my new rectangle design out performs it in clouds and flavor on the kfl/panzer clone.

    not sure if this design has been tried or named yet.im gonna try dual setup on my tugboat and compare it to a round coil build soon.

    more surface area equals more vape and flavor......now I gotta get more air in the kfl.

    imagine combining this with a Clapton design wire.

    another idea is a cotter pin,wrap around 1 half.....gives you a D shaped coil.


  5. I mostly meant ....I think aspire should only include the atlantis with there own mod to help avoid improper use,along with a warning about sub ohming.

    asfar as coil hit or miss....im referring to kanger mostly.i went through 4 5 pack.....out of all those coils,i ended up with 7 coils that burned longer than 4 days.most were shorted out,assembled wrong and wouldn't install properly.ive only used a few aspire coil,sofar they were all decent.a few only lasted 2 days,some lasted 2 weeks.

  6. heres what im going to say....for a manufactured coil burner....the cloud produced by the atlantis is impressive.

    I think this tank should only be sold with a mod that can handle the load of sub ohming.that way aspire can backup and be held liable in court if anything went wrong.so many dangers involved with sub ohm.

    after saying all that....I steer clear of manufactured,unpredictable coils.coil quality is hit or miss.

    if someone wants to sub ohm.....it should be as it is now,research,learn,buy,build.

    safety is key and our responsibility.

    from a marketing pov...aspire will sell a ton of these.

  7. im gonna go try a few vape mixes at a friends tomorrow,hes kinda like a vape junkie....lol.

    I was thinking of trying a 70 30 blen next.im not really after throat hit,i like clouds and flavor.

    I just used the panzer for about 1 hour....I love this setup.

    my current dual 0.34 ohm coils don't heat the battery after 1 hour.i kept checking it every refill,we all hear horror stories of people over loading batts.

    I know the dangers of lipo cells from my rc hobby.

    when I use my elvt/kayfun.....im like....that's it?

    leaves me wanting more.....and the elvt and kayfun is a good combe for someone wanting something more than an evod.....and a way to get into coil building.

    thanx for the info.ill try to figure out how to upload my pics.....unless theres a post count limit holding me back.

    I also drilled my air holes to 0.105 ths,and chamfered the holes with a 1/8 bit.more air,cool draw without the whistle now.

  8. went to ebay and picked up a panzer clone,tugboat ,coil jig,100ft of kanthol 24g and a vtc4 battery for $75 shipped.

    this is my first time with a mech mod/dripper.

    and im impressed.

    I built 2 coils 24g 7 wraps around 1/8th bar,ohmed out 0.34 after a brief burn in.

    im currently burning salty dog perfect melon 50/50 mix 3mg nic.

    the tugboat has a deep well bay,once filled I can get 6 man sized vapes before having to refill of the tug

    and the heat starts going up.

    good flavor and throat hit.

    im sure I didnt build everything just right....im new to building coils and setups.

    im sure with the right juice,this is a bad lil cloud chaser.

    for some reason I cant paste my photobucket img code for the image.

  9. im running a elvt 15w with a vamped 40 amp burst 18650 4.6v max output....tested on my ampro multimeter.

    I just bought a panzer and a 4.6v 18650 vtc4 30 amp burst batt.

    on my elvt I been vaping a ehpro kay fun lite plus,1.7 ohm coil,11.5 w 4 v.

    vapor and flavor is good....not a cloud chaser....but very satisfied.

    I was told by the local vape shop my elvt was holding me back from gaining more vape and flavor......that's where the panzer came into play.

    onto the point....my elvt smokes the panzer,running kay fun and even the same battery.

    same 1.7 coil,same 40 amp battery.

    I hooked up panzer with 40 amp to my eleaf ohm/volt reader,im putting out 4.3 volts when fired.

    I hooked up my elvt....6.3 volts when fired at 11.5 watts.

    I thought a mech like the panzer gave you full battery power........why does my elvt on 11.5 w smoke the panzer on straight batt?

    the elvt must have a capacitor that boost up the voltage and possibly wattage.

    the elvts down fall....the computer wont let her fire lower than 1.4-1.5 ohm coil.

    if I build a .5 ohm in the panzer/kayfun....the elvt don't stand a chance.if I build a .9 ohm coil,the kay fun /panzer combo keeps up with the elvt/kay fun 1.7 combo.

    on .7ohm the panzer has better flavor and more throat hit.

    im burning salty dog perfect melon 3mg nic 50/50 blend.

    does this sound strange to you guys?

  10. I know this is an old thread,but I can contribute some.

    I bought a mega in april,before the mega I was using disposable gas station tanks.

    at first the mega was impressive,good vape,little maintence.then I started buying coils all the time.i bought 4 5 packs of coils in 1 week,out of 20 coils 6 coils lasted more than 4 days.atleast 12 coils....the chimney was bent/assembled wrong and that stopped the tank from screwing on.then I had a few coils that leaked very badly.

    I only bought kanger coils.i emailed kanger 2 mths ago stating the recent coil issues,still no reply.i recently picked up a ehpro kay fun lite plus......that was a good move.lots more vape,cheaper to replace a coil.....that last a few weeks,i change wick about every 3 days.

    I wish I woulda went kay fun from the start.building the coils is easy.i wish I wouldn't wasted all that cash on the mega and who knows how many boxes of coils.if I had to guess.....15 boxes of kanger 1.8-2.0 coils.every box had atleast 1 bum coil,some boxes had 3 bad per box.thats $15 per box.

    id run the mega on my elvt,4.5 volts 8-10 watts,airflow wide open.

    1. i recently stepped up from the kanger mega tank.I bought the kfl ehpro clone last week,run it on my elvt mod 4.5v 12.5w 1.7 ohm coil....I love it!
    2. easy to use,no leaks aslong as you do your part.
    3. produces a lot more vape than my mega,i mainly wanted to get away from the bum kanger coils i been receiving.
    4. as stated....quality is nice,everything fits well,little maintence.i just wish the air holes were bigger than whats supplied.i removed the 2 bottom screws.....i still want more air,but im used to my megas air flow all the way up.stock airflow is about the same as the mega opened 1/2 way.
  11. after 2 weeks im back on land!

    for atleast 1 week my elvt gave me problems,my coils gave me problems.

    turns out ragin vapes accidently gave me 3 1.0 coils.the elvt wont burn lower than 1.5 ohm coils.

    so I suffered with badly burnt tasting vapes till this morning.i also had a issue with the fire button getting stuck.

    this morning I showed up at ragin vapes shop,the owner Melissa swap me a new blue elvt,and gave me 4 free coils,and a new 40 amp high capacity battery.told me to try it till Monday.....if I wasn't happy she would refund or trade up to a dna 30 for $30 my cost.

    great people to deal with.

    overall the elvt is good for a stepup from something like the evod,but like many im wanting more power....something in the 30 watt range.

    but the elvt does the job.

  12. I bassically need a good understanding.ill search around abit.

    If i run volts high ....how does wattage affect the burn.just wasnt sure if i would mess something up by (example) high volt and high watts on certin coils....ect.im on a budget,and working 140 miles offshore.dont wanna shorten the life of anything that far out.near impossible to get parts shipped out.

  13. For a few mths i was using a v4l vapor zeus....loved it.but i went for a swim with the zeus in my pocket.

    So i needed a new machine.

    I chose the elvt because its water resistant,shockproof,backup phone charger,and the variable voltage and wattage setting.

    I purchased the elvt,40 amp hi drain 18650,kanger mega tank,6 coils ranging from .8,1.8,2 and 2.3 ohm range.the vape shop recomended the 1.8 ohm.

    Stock the elvt was preset on 6 volts,and 3 watts.

    Voltage is adjustable 3-6 volts,watts from 3-15.

    6v 3 watt had to harsh of a throat hit for me,but good vapor.

    I played around and set the volts to 5,watts to 8.5.i like it that way,smooth draw with same vapor my zeus produced.

    Im still trying to research how to set her up for the best ussage,what coil...ect.

    any pointers would be appreciated.

    sofar im very impressed with the elvt and the mega tank.i have the valve set halfway.

    Is there a suggested volt/watt/coil to run...or is all this user prefered.do i change the volts/watts with different coils.

    I have 18 mg nic level....if that makes a difference on settings.

  14. Im still analog free,and i found out my evod is a clone....plenty problems with it.

    But the zues is still kickin and impresses everone that tries it.

    I tried a modded evod yesterday,my zeus blows it away in flavor and clouds of vapor.

    But i will say the real evod i tried worked alot better than my ebay evods.

    Last week i slacked off vaping alot...thought about giving it up.....but im still here.

    Thanx for all the great info posted here.

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