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Posts posted by 1cheater

  1. I have taken the wicks apart from the bottom where the white seal meets the tiny metal tube where the wicks make contact with the battery and seen that 1 of the coils are bent and the other is straight and flush making contact with the inside of the metal tube... I think that in most cases the bent coil is pushing that white circular seal out when they are assembled causing leakage onto the battery

  2. We have also had this discussion in another thread and my newbie fix which helped my situation 100% was to change to a 2.2 ohm and 100% VG juice which is thicker juice... I"m a tad bit surprised that juices are never dicussed as part of the leaking issue because is you think about it, different juice mixes have thinner or thicker viscostity which can lead to leaking through the rubber seals/o-rings or the o-rings are shrinking due to heat of the juice over time? Just my thoughts, I'm new to this.. Sometimes its good to get a fresh/newbie perspective..

  3. Hi Spydre, I don't want to turn this thread into a debate; just trying to explain what worked for my situation. I don't see anywhere in this post where Miakoda mentioned anything about what type of juice she's using; this is why I came to the assumption that her juices were to thin. I'm just trying to help others with what helped in my situation, which is changing to a 100% kosher VG and a 2.2 ohm wick..

    I understand that this mod game is 100% trial and error especially where wick/ohms/juice viscosity is concerned

  4. Worth a switch -- to the Kangor Pro Tank 2 instead. It's a bottom feeder like the Evod but the KPT2 has a pyrex glass tank. It makes my juices taste better, IMO, and you never have to worry about cracking tanks with certain flavors. :)

    Pro tank2 is awesome, or the minni... if your gettin burnt taste i would go with a 2.2 ohm wick

  5. Hi All,

    I was wondering if there were any athletes on here and how vaping has effected their "wind"? I have played hockey all my life. I have played as an adult when I was not a smoker, and when I was smoker. And I have noticed a lot more lung capacity when I was quit from smoking.

    When I first switched to vaping I did see a bit of an improvement, but not like when I was fully quit (No cigarettes, and no vaping). Has anyone else noticed this when really pushing your heart and lungs with vigorous exercise? I still get that deep lung burn, but not nearly as bad as when I was still on the analogs. I thought it would have been gone by now. I do feel it getting better, but that burn is still there. Anyone else out there experience this? Will it go away with time?

    On a side note, when I was still on the analogs and dipping, I would notice that my feet would get very cold (numb) very quickly on the ice. I always assumed that it was because of the nicotine constricting my capillaries and slowing down blood flow to my feet and hands and being in a cold hockey rink. But now with vaping, it is not nearly as bad. I still get some numbness on the feet, but not like before. I wonder if it was all the junk in analogs and the dip that made it worse? Anyways, thanks for reading. Happy Friday everyone!!


    I"m a washed up typical 40's jock/athlete.. I ran cross country and track all through high school. I did a lot a distance running; so I believe I have a good grasp of the true meaning after going from running 60-70 miles a week when in HS to a pack a day smoker for 25 years. My lung capicty has changed a signifigant amount in the 5-6 months i"ve been vaping. So I do believe vaping has been a very good alternative for me.... Please keep in mind that I have tried quiting cold turkey lasted 3 years; been on chantix 3 times..yaddda, yadda..yaddaa..

    Let me state the obvious by saying I think that vaping is by far the best alternative.

  6. With mostly VG juices - the higher the VG content, the more stuff builds up on the coil, which possibly shortens coil life. Her issue isn't a PG/VG issue, as far as I can tell. Like I said before, I use anywhere from 50/50 70/30 PG/VG, and don't have the problem except occasionally in my Davide, or when I've flooded it and gotten juice in the center tube.

    Yes, i understand what your saying, but in her case I believe her juice is to thin as was my case, also in my case im using a 2.2 ohm which increases tge life span of the coil depending on voltage

  7. The Davide looks to be the same diameter as my CE4! (I dont like ones that would turn my "wand" in tk a top heavy looking "ceptor". lol)

    It's a bottom coil... is the vape still warm with a bottom coil?

    I wish it came in pink.

    It sounds to me like the KPT minni would be a great fit for your situation. If it fits on your setup. Did you know they sell a minni? Its a slimmer form factor then the regualar KPT and they sell diffrent colored glass tanks; not sure if they sell pink, you would have to Google it or look at http://www.fasttech.com/ they may have it.

  8. This used to happen to me when I started out and were using cartomizers and smaller CE4 style tanks. With KPT2 and Davide Minis I have never had it happen once. I wouldnt worry about it and just be careful going forward.

    Are your juices very thick aka mostly VG?

  9. When I get a glob of juice in my mouth, even though I've never swallowed it, I get aweful burning in my throat and I feel sick for a bit.

    Is this risky? I can't seem to completely avoid it. Is the sick feeling just from getting too big a dose of nicotine?

    Hi Miakoda, Im fairly new to vaping, been doing it For about 5 months... I have a itaste mvp with a kanger pro 2 (love it).. I was experiencing the same problems as you for the past 3 weeks ever since I bought the pro tank2. I racked my brain trying to figure out the problem, i tried everything.. I finally figured out the problem; my juices that I get were to thin. I went to a different Vape store that sells 100% Kosher Vegetable Glycerin because i needed new wicks.. They gave me a free 5mm bottle because i was new to the store and after telling them of my gurgling/leaking issue they recomended a 2.2 ohm (A 2.2 has more coil wrapped around the wicking material making it less likely to burnout to quik if u don't vape at to high a voltage) wick because i vape at 3.8-4.2 and problem solved for the past 10 days. If my wick does start getting burnt I usaully rinse it with warm water, let it dry and i get about 4-5 more days out of it before the coil gets to burnt out... Also, when you take a hit try not sucking in to fast. I try and hit long and slow. my Mvp has a 10 second cut off on hits so i can usaully get 2 medium to long hits in 1 shot.. Hopes this helps with your problem

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