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Posts posted by Sweatervest13

  1. When I've had that experience with Brian, he moves on it right away. I've never had a bad experience with him, and I try to buy as much as I can from him because of it. Everyone I've recommended Brian's store to has come back with raving reviews about his customer service. He's also a forum member, although he's not on here much because he's focusing his time on his customers.

    I really hope so. I just got off the phone with my wife. She tried the battery that was charging... Dead as a door nail.

    I know that its not the sellers fault, but this completely sucks. I contacted the seller via their contact page on their site. I really wish it was a day earlier, so then there is at least a chance that I could get a replacement before the weekend. Now I have one unit that works, but needs to be fully charged (working at least for the time being, this product is not inspiring confidence in me). And a second unit that is Dead and needs to be replaced. I have a strong feeling the crappy 650mah back up is going to run out of battery life long before the good Vision spinner battery can get a full charge.

    Sorry to complain so much guys, but I did not picture my first vaping experience to be dealing with bad equipment that leaves me without a working unit.

  2. Thanks for the reply Tam!!

    I am going to have my wife check on the charging battery later today. But I do like hearing that the customer service at Veteran Vapor is excellent. I have dealt with a lot of items from China for my other hobby (saltwater reef tanks) and agree that their QC is a bit lacking.

    I will try to dial my clearomizer's in a bit better with the spinner. I am looking for a slight burning flavor?? Than just dial back a bit? I will give it a go later today. All my spinner batteries are down right now, but I can't wait to try.

  3. Hi All,

    I got my starter kit in from Veteran Vaper. It was all packaged nicely, everything looked nice and new. I got about two days out of the batteries initial charge (from the factory).

    I ordered 3 flavors of juice and I enjoy all three better than the two I picked up at the local Vape (smoke shop that has some vape stuff) shop. I can tell that they are higher quality already.

    So far so good. Until I thought I ran one of the batteries down and had to charge. I screwed the Vision spinner 1300mah onto the charger and AC adapter. The light would be constant for about 4 seconds then blink once. I wanted to make sure it got a full charge on the initial charge, so I let it go all night. So I used up all the battery life on the second Vision Spinner while it was charging, thinking that I would be good to go with a full charge on the other one for today. I went to swap them out this morning and the battery did not charge at all, It would not even turn on or fire. The thing was just dead!!! IDK if I did not tighten it on the charger enough or what. I screwed it in tighter and left it to try charging again. We will see when I get home. I hope its not a bunk battery, I would be pretty upset, I did not even use it for 48 hours.

    On a good note. I am pretty glad that I bought that other VaporX XLT to have a spare. At least this morning I had something to get me by for the whole day today.

    I still would like to find something online that is a good guide to show a newbie the best voltage to dial these spinners in to for the ohm's on the clearomizer's. Any suggestions (for example if I have a 1.8omh clearomizer what should I dial the spinner battery to to get best results??).

  4. Hi,there.

    Smokemare here,if you read my name it is related to nightmare.I've been smoked for almost 8 years and i stopped because my first son born.Here i am,kind of newbie in this area.Have been vaping for 4 months.

    How about you?Feel free to talk about yourself.

    Hey there Smokemare!!

    Welcome to the boards. I am brand spanking new here as well. I am just starting to quit and just getting into using a e-cig vaporizer.

    Congrats on quitting, and congrats on your first born son (I take it this is your first child boy or girl? LOL). How long did it take you to quit analogs after taking up vaping?? What equipment are you using?? Any challenges you have come across yet?? Whats your favorite flavor of juice??

    I have been a smoker for like 18 years. I have had limited success quiting (nicotine patch) in the past, but always picked it back up in social situations. I feel that vaping will give me the tools to stay quit this time. Sounds like it has worked well for you already. Congrats man!!! Keep it up.

  5. Hi and welcome!!!

    I am brand new here too. I can tell you that so far I feel so very welcome here. The people are great and really want to help.

    My only suggestion would be to do a google search for vape shops in the zip code that you are driving through. I am sure that you guys have your route mapped out and have a good idea of where your stops are going to be. You may have luck finding something (vape shop) not too far off the hwy. I would think that some of the larger truck stops might have some vaping supplies behind the counter.

    HTH's and Good luck!!!!

  6. Thanks Tami!!!

    I kinda needed that reassurance. It was a bit of a weird weekend. I ordered that kit on Friday just before leaving work (our laptop is down and I don't like ordering things online from a phone or iPad). Than I started to show my wife a bunch of vaping videos online ( I really like research!!!!). There is a ton of great info out there for us N00b's. It is overwhelming but manageable if you want to learn.

    SO I am all into this and ready to commit having a good time with the wife having a little drink. I have a cheap gas station "blu" ecig that is not cutting it. I made the choice to be fine smoking a few analogs while I waited to get my new stuff in the mail. I wanted to quit now and get started with vaping. I stopped my my local smoke shop that has some e-cig supplies. I said screw it and bought a little starter kit from them. I think it's a Chinese brand (Vapor X XLT). I bought the kit (battery, clearomizer, and USB charger) and a second clearomizer, along with two flavors of juice (24mls nicotine, blueberry and tobacco flavor).

    I went straight home and fired the thing up. Wow, that thing hit hard. A lot more vapor than the "blu" e-cig. The thing kinda kicked my a$$. It is a 650mah battery that I knew would not last all day and night, so I still had a couple of analogs, but did a lot better later in the evening.

    This morning on the way to work I would usually have a smoke before leaving and have a dip of Skoal for the car (I have between 45 min and 1 hr commute). I had half an analog before leaving, and hit my new Vapor X device instead of the dip. I was satisfied with the e-cig, I felt the nicotine from the juice. It was good!!

    But... The battery needed charging once I got to work (I wanted to drain it for the initial full charge) so now I can't use it for like 8 hrs. Bummer. Now I know why everyone recommend getting at least 2-4 eGo batteries when getting started.

    I received my tracking number and my shipment from Veteran Vapor will/ should be here today!!! Now I will have two eGo twists setups and the Vapor X XLT for just in case!!.

    I have a couple of analogs left and an unopened full pack. My goal is to not open that new pack (or at least have that be the last pack I ever buy!!) and transition over to vaping.

    You guys are a lot of help and I feel like I am getting a lot more support than I ever had trying to quit analogs in the past.

    Thanks for all the support gang!!!

  7. Hi. I'm new here too. Welcome!!

    How are you liking it so far?? I ordered a setup but it probably won't come until next week. I was looking to get some feedback from someone how recently switched. Were you a heavy smoker before?

    Anyways. Congrats for switching and Lmk how you like it so far (any issues with the equipment, any withdrawals??).

  8. 10 bucks per pack. No thanks!!!

    Yeah I figure that three favors is good to start. I think I will like switching them up. I Never minded menthol but did not smoke them. I bet I might like the mint e-liquid.

    I am sure once I get the kit I will have a bunch of questions. I know the first place I am coming for help.

  9. Bang!!! Pulled the trigger and ordered that kit and a couple of extra clearomizers (went with the 2.2 ohm model for the extras) and ordered 8 extra coils (4 x 1.8 ohm and 4 x 2.2 ohm for the respective clearomizers). Along with three bottles of e-liquid. Black diamond, spearmint and pina colada (had to try a fruit flavor).

    Cost about $120.00 but whats that in comparison to $6.00+ a pack for smokes here in Michigan.

    I am hoping to stick around and get a lot of good info from you folks. I'll keep you posted on how everything goes. Hopefully they will ship out fast. Last weekend smoking the stinky's!!

  10. Thanks Jeffb for all of your replies (and everyone else too!!). You are a huge help. Super glad I joined this group!!

    So, you think that should be all I need to get started. I can always order more clearomizers and coils after I start.

    What is the difference between clearomizers of 1.80 ohm and 2.20 ohm??? Does one hit harder??? I am specifically looking at the eGo T2 CC long wick clearomizers.

  11. Alright... I have a starter kit in a shopping cart.

    I went to the veteran vaper and added the eGo 1300mAh variable voltage EVOD and CE4 kit II $79.95.

    Does this have what I need to get started.

    it comes with:

    • (2) Vision Spinner 1300mAh Variable Voltage eGo Style Batteries
    • (3) Classic CE4 Clearomizers (2.1-2.4ohm)
    • (2) Kanger EVOD Bottom Coil Metal Clearomizers (1.8ohm)
    • (2) 1.8ohm Kanger EVOD Replacement Coils
    • (1) USB Charger w/Cord
    • (1) Flat AC-USB Adapter
    • (1) Extra Large Case

    And I added a bottle of eliquid: Black Diamond e-Liquid 10ml bottle 24mg strength. Should I get more than 1 bottle of e-liquid??? any recommendations of brands or flavors??

  12. I have to ask the question so please don't flame me.

    Does this stuff really work? I am not going to quit smoking because I don't enjoy it anymore. I would like to quit because the health reasons. I love smoking. Will this be a pretty good replacement?? Like I mentioned, I found the cheap store bought e-cigs lacking. Will a eGo kit really be close to the feeling of smoking?

  13. Okay. I feel like an idiot. I can't find anywhere to search on this forum for threads started. I am looking for the one that Aquatroy suggested BCarter starter kit. Anyone have a link?? Or can someone point me in the right direction for the thread search tool?

  14. Hi all,

    I am brand spanking new to all of this. I am just starting my research on e-cigs. But I have learned from a few other hobbies that member forums are the best place to get advice. So here I am.

    I have been a smoker on and off for 18 years (half my life). I have quit before using the patch and that helped me get through the hard first couple of weeks. But it always ends up with me starting back up again after hanging out with friends in a social situation. The last time I quit, I made it about 10 months without starting back up. But sure enough, going out or drinking with friends and... Bam!! Right back to it. slowly at first, but soon enough full smoker again.

    I recently went to my local smoke shop and asked what options they had for e-cigs. They said start with a disposable one to see if I like it. I tried the cheap $4.99 one, and a Blu brand one. They were okay, but I did not feel like I was getting anything (for a throat hit).

    Then I was researching on my phone last night, and came across some chat forums and started to see a lot more information on rechargeable e-cigs. I clicked on a video review of one (a twist, I think??) and this guy was blowing out a huge hit. It looked like he had some real smoke in there. LOL. It reminded me of my college days.

    So, now I am starting to research online and I am finding that there is an over abundance of information and options for a rechargeable units.

    Can someone point me in the right direction on what I need to get started and about how much I am looking to spend??

    Right now I smoke about 1/2 to 3/4 pack a day of "light" (I think they have to call them blue now instead of light) cigarettes. And about half a can of dip (I don't like to go into work smelling like smoke so Skoal helps that) per day.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Any name brands I should be looking at?? Any links? PM me if links are not allowed on this site.

    Thanks all,


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