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Posts posted by Inspector7

  1. I vape where flavor and juice production are the best, not where something i read, posted by someone with completely different gear and juice then me said i should. I am finding that everything in the vaping world is different. Even that bottle of your favorite juice you reordered is different then the bottle you just finished off. I got a box of Boge carto's the other day, tested em all on Vamo, everyone of them is a different resistance then what is stated on box.

    I'm running the Vivi Nova w/ a 2.8 ohm atty right now. Also running it at around 4.1V-4.2V. Don't feel obligated to run at the highest wattage your atty can handle. Set it where you like it.

  2. Hello!

    A quick about me: Quit smoking analogs in January after 16 years. I made the transition sucessfully with my Lavatube v3 and Vivi Nova combo. Went through a couple kinds of cigarette look-a-likes (Blu and No.7s) unsucessfully about a year before that. In the months since quitting I've been slowly reducing the nicotine levels in my juices, and have gone from frequent "need" to satisfy cravings to vaping more recreationally. :yes

    I've fallen in love with all the hardware options available, and I'm looking forward to exploring them with the rest of you!

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