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Posts posted by 00MustangMom

  1. That's why I broke down & bought (after a whopping 2 weeks of vaping) a bigger battery - a Vision Spinner 1300. Now it's time for a bigger (and non-disposable)) clearomizer (but I think they might be called something else when they're permanent)?? Just not ready to tackle that issue yet, but it's coming :on2long:

  2. :animier: I got my Vision Spinner 1300 yesterday and, so far, love it. One question, though - does it have to be set at an exact voltage (say, 4.3V) or can I dial it anywhere in between say, 4.3V and 4.8V that makes me happy? So far, I have it set just north of 4.3V and it seems to be working just fine, I was just wondering if that meant I was getting actually a tad more than 4.3V or if that was just wishful thinking. Thanks guys for all your help on this topic so far.

  3. I tried drying it out like in the video above but it was taking forever, so I got impatient and just blew it out with my hairdryer and that seemed to work just fine too (and faster!). Now it's working fine for me, I'm using it again and it's working like new. I'm glad there's not just one way to get something done around here, I guess the motto is "as long as it works, it works."

  4. Is it harmful to consistently draw until the 10-second cutoff (to the battery life, or the battery itself?). As I get off Marlboro's, I find my lung capacity increasing and as I really like some of the flavors I sometimes (often) reach this limit. Just wondering if I was doing any damage.

  5. My name's Bettina. I got into "vaping" by going into an e-cig store to get a disposable e-cig since I normally smoke Marlboro's but won't smoke in my car. The girl working there talked me into this vapor system yesterday (sorry, I'm so new I don't know the terms for anything yet, except the chocolate-hazelnut nicotine I got with my starter kit - yummy!). I'm so in: vaping yes, Marlboro's no! :clover:

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