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Everything posted by Gweetus

  1. There are a few tricks I've kinda taught myself in my few weeks with the 510. I noticed too that after I drip the first two hits are good on flavor and throat hit but not so bueno on vapor. I started thinking about it and the concept is that the battery powers an element to flash boil the fluid. it stands to reason that the fluid at the bottom gets boiled then you are trying to pull the vaporized mixture through the unboiled juice, which would cut down on the vapor. (think of the difference between boiling water in a pot opposed to throwing water on a hot frying pan.) I assumed, and I could always be wrong, that this was what people mean when they say the atty is flooded. So I have been doing two things that work pretty good, holding it level with the ground for the first few puffs to let the fluid come off the element a bit so its just vaporizing the juice coating the coils, also I hold the button for a half a sec till i hear a small sizzle before I start dragging (slow like everyone says). If you are using an auto batt try a primer puff to get the atty cooking before you start taking a full drag. Could be though I'm frying my atty and I don't know it, only about a half a month on this atty so maybe I'm asking for a blowout. Maybe some more experienced heads will know.
  2. I hate my state... scratch that, its a nice place if it weren't so full of religious fanatics with a disturbing amount of control over state policy. I'll be glad to send you my story if it can help. I hope the fears are unfounded, but we need some good press.
  3. I'll throw in my ditto for the pcc. It works great, by the time your battery runs out the other in the pcc is ready to go. I'm pretty new to all this too, so i don't know if I'm inviting the potential problem of multiple blowouts, but I keep three atty's in rotation, rotate daily and just leave the other two upside down on a paper towel. Also, my 2 cents on direct dripping, it felt like a bit of a hassle at first, but after a couple weeks it feels like the same kinda 'ritual' as smoking did. Grabbing my juice instead of a lighter, popping 2 drips and have a vape. I dremmeled off the rectangular part of a blank cart and widened out the hole on the other end until its pretty much just a strait pipe so i don't have to take it off to drip (and it hits harder, maybe just in my head) and no mess on my hands, cuz i'm not touching the juicy bits. Just my experiance, like I said I'm still pretty new too so maybe I'm leading you false.
  4. This could almost be my story, except it was GreenNicotine instead of Smoking Everywhere. Went with Blu next and I was disappointed in it too but found the forums here and youtube vids looking for a way to get some decent vapor. Rocking a 510 now and I couldn't imagine going back to analoges. Grats on sticking with it man!
  5. The little stooge came and tried to apologize to me today. I have been aggressively snubbing him unless the job requires interaction in which case I have been over the top polite and P.C. with him. I think that along with the continuing jokes (My supervisor couldn't sleep all weekend with unbearable Doritos cravings) is starting to get to him. The apology though was the equivalent of putting a band-aid on a knife wound in the back. He said he was sorry, and then tried to argue that it was the only right and proper way to handle his office problem by going to the boss. I told him that apologizing for something means that the person giving the apology is regretful of the action, wishes it hadn't been done, and/or would like to make the offense right, and since it didn't appear like any of those applied that I would graciously accept the apology with the same sincerity it was given. I think I used too many big words cuz then the little mouth breather tried to tell me how he didn't mean to cause trouble but that it wasn't fair to push something on him that he had quit years ago. I actually did bring up the nicotine in plants thing (any subfamily of nightshade: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants), showed a studly result from a test done in New Zealand showing that the exhalation contained trace (if that) levels of nicotine, and suggested that the cravings were simply psychosomatic and not actually chemical, and also pointed out that he had not been shy about coming out on break to talk with the smokers. All he could say was "I know what I felt, you don't know how hard it was for me." So I put my headphones back on and started ignoring him again. Didn't help my case much to get back to openly vaping at my desk, but it felt good to blow up a little, and it didn't sound like he was going to crack. Meh, I really don't mind going outside for my breaks, hell I've been doing that for years. Next time I order Juice I'm going to get some 0-nic and see if that's kosher with the boss and till then I can enjoy my breaks outside. On a more plesant side note everyone else in my office is still way supportive and a few of the smokers have been asking me a lot of questions, so maybe I can get some converts!
  6. I was heading out bar hopping last night and didn't want to mess with dripping so I packed a few carts with the pyramid tea bag mod and it seemed to work like a charm. Still prefer dripping but check out: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/videos/view-80-shredded-pyramid-tea-bag-mod/ for a pretty easy rundown on the PTB mod
  7. MWA HA HA! The plot thickens! Like some of you have said, the boss can't reneg unless the the guy pulls back his complaint... but no one said he can't make fun of it, to everybody, in every department! I was seeing a little to much red to catch what was going on in the background, but apearantly my boss as well as a few of the guys close by who wittnessed it started the office rumor machine rumbling, and while I still can't vape at my desk, my little nemesis is now the butt of several hilarious spinoff's. Complaints are being loudly voiced throughout the office of secondhand pepsi withdrawals, big mac fits, and everyone has been blaming my vaping (jokingly) for everything from running out of staples to program crashes. I should have known in an office of only 20 people that any kind of jack ***ery would go viral. Also we do joke around alot and people can get ruthless. Anyway I feel alot better, the worst i have to do is go outside, and as long as I'm not the one directly makeing fun of him, there is nothing that can splash back on me. Though a couple of guys may or may not have gotten a few ideas for some emails to circulate around I love it when they dig their own graves.
  8. hahaha, indeed he is one of those pretentious "Why don't you just go cold turkey, I did." types. And its funny, that is kinda brown noser mentality, but the reality is kinda the opposite, he's usually way contentious with everyone, including the bosses, kinda an office outcast type, which is another point in favor of just making trouble. Lucky I know the best way to handle his type, I'll ignore him completely unless he come to me with a work question, I think he's the chip on his shoulder type that enjoys people blowing up on him, makes em feel justified. Maybe I can kill two birds, get revenge and test out this theory. If I start stealth vaping at my desk, and he doesn't say anything more, then mystery solved and he ends up looks stupider than he already does.
  9. So after what may have been two of my more productive days at work, I am no longer allowed to vape at my desk... and the reason why is questionable to me at best. Story goes, Monday I let my co-workers and bosses know that I had tossed my pack last weekend and didn't look back. I showed off my shiny new 510 and demonstrated how it works. I was met with a lot of support and a few of the other smokers are curious, and one at least is really thinking of giving it a try. So all is golden I thought, then this morning one of my bosses is at my desk talking about a project I'm on, and one of my co-workers comes right up to my boss and tells him, "I had really bad nicotine withdrawls last night, I think it was Topher's fake cigarette (hardy har funny guy) that's causing it." THEN looks at me and says, "Can you not use that at your desk anymore?" Now for one I'm pissed cuz that was a b*tch move, second I'm about 90% sure he's making it up. for one thing the location doesn't fit, my desk is right next to an open stairwell, his desk is on the next floor up on the other side of the stairwell, so its close, but I doubt whatever nicotine is left in my exhalation stays suspended after the vapor dissipates and then rises UP (is particulated nicotine lighter than air? I'm no chemist but for some reason I don't think so). Also he's been off tobacco for 5 years, even if he is picking something up secondhand, could it be enough to trigger withdrawal symptoms? Maybe I could see it if he had quit within the last six months or so, but a five year successful quit? What I'm getting at is I think at best he's getting psychological triggers from seeing me use my PV, and at worst he's just making trouble, but for the sake of argument has anyone else heard of anything like this? Anyone had any ex smokers mention heavy urges or withdrawals after spending time with a vaper?
  10. Aside from times like long drives when dripping would be inconvienient I would highly recomend setting aside the filler and direct dripping. Personally I feel like i get bigger, more satisfing hits dripping than using carts. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?app=videos&do=view&id=19 as can be seen here not too hard and you get huge vapor this way.
  11. What it kinda comes down to is that vaping is still a skitish subject, especially with the FDA trying to bury it. Going mainstream, putting ads in smoking areas, if a supplier could find an open minded bar owner and set up a demo stand on the smoking patio (or better and more effective IN the bar), kinda throwing it in peoples faces, in a nice "why NOT vape instead?" kinda way... mor about answering questions instead of letting the misconceptions continue. Anyways... I got some business cards with my order from E-N-S so I would guess Jason has a some kinda physical presence in the state, Ima have to drop in next time I'm out to Salt Lake, but yeah I think here, at least, it would sell. I don't know about enough to have a Vape exclusive shop (though smoking anywhere and the mall kiosks seem to be pulling it off), but getting in with the smoke/head shops it could work. I think if more smoke shop owners knew how Vaping kinda turns a habit into a hobby with people increasing their gear and e-juice stock constantly, they would be a little more interested, if as a business move if nothing else. (lol had to split my post, i talk too much)
  12. I don't know how it is where you guys are, but here in Utah, I actually think they they might sell well in a store front here. In the state of the Mormons anything that is on the fringe of social norms tends to go way overboard. for instance I don't think I have been in a smoke shop here that didn't have a "glass pipe" and "water pipe" (along with all the "body cleansing" supplement) collections that took up as much if not way more shelf space than the ciggys and accessories. Most also carry extensive hookah and shisha product. Like all things it comes down to a choice, some people are always gonna want the visceral appeal of breathing fire, and others are gonna wise up and vape. The biggest problem is that except for some minor ad's on satilight radio, there isn't alot of advertising for these so they mostly spread by word of mouth, I know I didn't take the idea seriously until I had actually held one in my hand. I imagine that It wouldn't be hard to find a niccy fiend working the counter at a smoke shop that would love to have something to puff on while jocking the register, and that would lead to questions, which would lead to converts. If any of the suppliers would hit up the bars about throwing up a few posters around the smoking area of local hot spots that would undoubtedly generate interest, at least get people looking into it.
  13. Blu was one of the ones I tried before I got the 510, and I ended up shipping it back for the money back guarantee before I had even received the 510 I was so disappointed. With the carts you get one hit of with any kind of noticeable vapor and then have to wait like 5 minutes before you can get another good hit. I kinda wish i had kept it a few more days just to see how it worked with e-juice, but meh. And as far as the pack goes, it IS cool, but no more so than a PCC, it feels kinda flimsy, but flip side it stores 5 carts, a spare battery in the charging socket, and a fully assembled e-cig to just pop out and go. After dissing, I do have to admit the with e-juice to top the carts or drip straight onto the atty it may well have been a cool compact. My $0.02 is if money isn't as tight for you as it is for me, then get it for the sake of novelty and comparison (price of kit and carts sounds like your guy is knocking $50 off brand new ones from the supplier), but I wouldn't recommend it as your main unit for sure. the difference as far as my very limited experience goes is the difference between the blu and the 510 is like the difference between an m80 and a hand grenade.
  14. Haha, yeah I know how that goes now. I got my 510 kit yesterday, got lucky by complete accident and ordered from a supplier that happened to be all of 4 hours away from my house, so 2 days... woo! I have this little cherry wood valet stand that has a couple drawers and a tray on top that I had just been tossing change into, that got converted to holding my gear... alas I think I also kinda have an addiction to collecting gear when I find a hobby I'm excited about so I'll probably out grow that in a month or two, but fer now it's almost perfect for me, keeps the stuff I'm using at the moment in the tray and extra/spare stuff in the drawer.
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