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Posts posted by TeriJo

  1. Coming from California, I didn't expect to see the juice til at least today. Got it yesterday. It seems my daughter got it out of the mailbox and didn't tell me, so I discovered it late last nite. Coulda beaten her GOOD I tell you. LOL

    So yeah it VROOOOOOOOOMED here to Tennessee :)

  2. Aren't these anti-smoking people really just "holier than thou?" Sure seems that way to me. This is not anti-smoking, it's anti-nicotine. Again. Hypocrisy at its finest.

    Organization's Efforts to Ban Devices

    They ALL amaze me. It's just amazing. Let's take away a safe alternative that people are actually using to get off the tobacco, and try to force them on the things that HAVEN'T WORKED.

    The article about NRT's that was referenced, says in no uncertain terms that people often continue using them and don't ever wean off the nicotine, but that it is BETTER THAN TOBACCO. So how are electronic cigarettes worse?

    Do some real research and show us how Ecigs are worse for us than the stuff that hasn't worked for us. I'd be happy to listen to or read some actual information, some FACTS. But all this hot air is just irritating. LOL

  3. I agree with Joe, if you MUST vape, Go with 0 nic. It's healthier than the cigars and pipes anyway.

    If you click Suppliers up there you'll see a list of suppliers that are here on Vapor Talk. In the Suppliers Forum you can see comments on those suppliers as well.

    I don't know which suppliers have the model you are looking for, but I'm sure you can find it. :)

    Welcome to Vapor Talk! But personally, if you aren't addicted, I'd find a better hobby. LOL

  4. Don't feel silly, Brandon. We've all spent money on stuff we decide not to use anymore. For whatever reason. It's part of the process. Just look at that stuff as...more backups! I keep thinking I've finally got it all down and know just what I need and how much I need and then a new subject comes up...like 510 cartomizers...and I start thinking, hmmmmmmmm. Now I'm considering trying some of these, too. It's part of the process. Right? :rolleyes2:

    Keep telling yourself that Nana. LOL Never admit we are somehow catching the guys' gadget addictions!

  5. Glad to hear you're doing better, TeriJo. And I really and truly hope it is not the vaping causing you problems. Of course you'll still need to take care of whatever it is that is causing the problem, i.e. the pinched nerve. Doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but then I'm one who will not go to the doctor without throwing a huge fit, so I might not be the one to talk here. LOL

    You take care and don't be a stranger. Even if you have to wear the sunglasses to stay in touch. :on2long:

    Yeah, not the fastest person to run to the doctor. I did find some stretches that should help. I just know that most of the time when I go to the doc for a pinched nerve, they don't actually DO anything. They give you pain killers and anti inflammatories and charge ya big bucks, and your body actually fixes itself.

    However, in this case I may have to get off my high horse and go see about it because it's lasted longer than they usually do. :)

    Keep smiling and stuff!!!!

  6. Even though I don't think vaping was the cause of the migraines, I've been going back to it slowly. I'm also being a huge wimp at the computer by wearing the sunglasses while staring at the screen.

    I don't think it's worry that has me going back to vaping so slowly though, I think I'm once again getting myself off the OTHER stuff that analogs do or something. Or I'm just unbelievably lazy. :hrhr:

    So because of the allergy symptoms that have been following it, I'm RELATIVELY sure vaping wasn't the cause. Which makes me happy. If I have reason to change my mind later, I'll be sure and say so, but even if my body had reacted in this odd way, obviously from the responses I've gotten from ya'll, it still wouldn't be a common reaction to anything that I could find in my searching different forums and all.

    Thanks you darlin people. I am not like MS. Health queen at the moment, but now I'm just dealing with the yearly allergies. (and a bit of cowardice with the sunglasses hehe)

  7. Well, when I get to vaping insanely, they probably say something like "OW!" OR ya know "Hang on woman, take a deep breath already, I'll be here in aminute" LOL

    I find that when I've been somewhere I can't vape and get back to the car I tend to do the same thing I did with analogs...try to make up for lost time. LOL

    Although I'm getting better at it, they don't get hot as often. :)

  8. Nicotine raises blood pressure and is a vasco constrictor.

    "Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of the blood vessels resulting from contraction of the muscular wall of the vessels, particularly the large arteries, small arterioles and veins. The process is the opposite of vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels"

    Now this can be a good thing to stop hemmoraging - but as a general thing, no, it's not a good idea. However, it is certainly not Cancer, Emphysema, etc.

    There is a very good article about it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine.

    Most of the articles I have seen don't separate nicotine from tobacco, and so confuse the issue we are attempting to deal with.

    It also discusses THERAPUTIC EFFECTS of nicotine in certain situations. And cites FDA studies on it.

    Now for my DISCLAIMER. I have not done a zillion hours of research on this.. I found this one article that is interesting, and says some of the same things I've seen elsewhere.

    However, as most of you know, Information on the Internet is put there by PEOPLE. And PEOPLE posting information don't necessarily do THEIR research. PEOPLE have OPINIONS.. etc etc etc.

    Whenever you research anything, you should never take ONE SOURCE as being the end all be all. The same can be said for any kind of research of course, but our main sources are found on the Internet.

    I've known a few people to claim that "THE WIKI" is an unblemished source of info on a zillion subjects. Let me just say there isn't just one WIKIPEDIA for one thing. Many folks think anything wiki.blabla.blabla is gospel. Nope.

    Secondly, information changes constantly as we learn things. If you don't believe me, just look through an encylopedia from say, 1970. Not only are countries named differently, but everything changes, including history.

    There, now I've been all school marmy. I know most of you know all this. Maybe even all of you, this is a very intelligent group of people. But I am soooooo tired of hearing folks cite some website as gospel.

    GOOGLE is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. LMAO I mean just listing what your pee looks like lists everything from "well hydrated" to basically "you'll die tomorrow". Scary stuff. It would be sooooooo easy to become a hypochondriac with all this at my fingertips.

    There is a reason doctors have a zillion tests and spend many years in school learning all this. It's not wham bam...you have (insert long scary latin word here).

    AANNNNNYway as usual I've gone crazy gabbing and stepping on the soapbox. But I think you'll find the article above interesting.

    Somebody SLAP me !!!!! hehe

  9. Thank all of you again for your good wishes.

    I've gone 2 days without a migraine, this is good. I have jury duty tomorrow, so I probably won't resume vaping til that is over.

    I'm thinking this bout of migraines is NOT related to the vaping, but I'll start back slow and see. It's allergy season, and I have all the classic signs of a pinched nerve, so I'm hoping it isn't the vaping.

    Some interesting notes since I cut the vaping though.

    When you start smoking initially it's a slow process, you gradually increase your intake. When you GO BACK to smoking, it's not.

    You know when you have an analog after vaping - even if you are vaping 0 nicotine., you get lightheaded and all that. I figured a day of smoking would probably set my body back to thinking it normal.

    This is day 3, and every half a cig still gets me higher than a kite. LOL So the body is much more used to the lack of crap than I even thought it was.

    So today I'm vaping 0 nic. I've found when I smoke analogs, I crave them even when vaping for a while, so I figure with the 0 nic vaping I will at least keep myself from ODing on nicotine.

    The other reason is I'm interested in just how much my body wants that nicotine. We've discussed this before, how much or how little smoking has to do with the nicotine.

    I believe THAT is as individual as we are. Obviously if the entire habit had to do with nicotine then all of us that had tried the patch would have been non smokers before we ever heard of ecigs.

    So I am my own guinea pig. LOL. If I do get a migraine then I'll try the VG and see, but I don't know why I would suddenly react after 3 months. So one thing at a time. With luck, it is my pinched nerve that caused it.

    Anyway, that's my thoughts on the experience thus far. :)

  10. Hopeing you are feeling better.

    Since your post I have talked with 3-4 people who get migraines and what an education I got. Apparently there are tons of triggers, the one that stands out the most is stress then combined with something else. Something else seems to be foods and smells and light and sounds but everyone is different!! Wow!! overwhelming information. Good luck finding your trigger, and take care of yourself.

    Oh yes there are a zillion triggers, and then there's a root cause which folks may or may not ever figure out.

    However, I've had back muscle type problems for nearly a year. From what I've been reading, it could actually ALSO be causing these migraine episodes. The trigger can still be light ...etc... but the root cause could be the pinched nerve I've been dealing with forever.

    Usually it gives me a stiff neck, or I get the oh so nice arm going numb when putting it in certain positions, etc.

    I might have to break down and go see the chiropractor. I generally don't like going because their aim always seems to be to keep you coming back forever. But sometimes an adjustment or two CAN help.

    I've been putting it off too long. At the very least I get the old problem looked at and rule it out as the root of these brand spanking new migraines.

    (wanders off grumbling bout doctors, chiropratctors and other ORS...)

  11. I knew ya'll would wish me well, just hopin someone has a clue. Since I've been vaping 3 months, it's really hard to say that it is the ecig either. The EGO I've only had a month, but I'm thinkin an atty is an atty. If they had something in them to cause such things the 901 shudda had it too.

    It's really hard to say. Hubby says maybe I'm just "hotboxing" the ecig LOL.

    I'm just trying to rule things out at the moment. The only other thing I've changed is laundry soap. I don't know how laundry soap could trigger a MIGRAINE either, but it seems more likely to me than an ecig after 3 months of constant use. LOL

    I figure if I smoke a day or two and it goes away, I'll vape and see if it brings it back. If I smoke a day or two and there's no change, then the laundry soap. After that I gonna have to THINK lmao.

  12. I've just been going through a week of Ocular migraines. I've never had them like this. Usually I get one maybe once every six months.

    For any not "in the know" about migraines Ocular Migraines are like getting the AURA of a migraine without the two day horrific headache. I do get a headache, but it usually lasts about an hour with naproxen.

    Since I've changed nothing but vaping in the past 6 months I'm wondering if vaping could be contribuiting to it. I decided to smoke tonite (as little as I can managage) and not touch my Ego and see if it makes any difference.

    For days I can't even deal with the computer screen without sunglasses. But the sunglasses didn't stop me from having one today, so although it may be lessening the TRIGGER it's still not the root cause.

    I'm really hoping it isn't the ecig causing these because I like breathing! And if it is it could still be PG, VG, (more likely PG since I use that most) or hell even the blue foam. PG I've used 3 months....blue foam only a month. Tho I don't know what on earth in the FOAM could cause such a thing, I'd prefer it to something in the ecig itself that I can't change.

    I originally thought perhaps I was dehydrated, dehydration can cause all kinds of things, so I drank water like crazy and got some gatorade, but I'm well hydrated NOW even if I wasn't early in the week when this started.

    If any of you have any ideas what could be causing these, whether related to the ecigs or not, I'd love to hear them. The episodes don't last long, but life is beyond irritating when I can't even do up an invoice at my computer or something because I can't SEE through the "holes".

    Thanks in advance ya'll.

  13. lmao @ Terijo and I love that post Vapefiend! All these posts put together gives me enough ideas to compose an entire album. But I will take baby steps; a couple originals, a couple of my favorite covers and so on. This is how I keep it real and how I always look at music as fun and enjoyable not just a way to make money or get the girls. ----Why DO young women feel they have to show thier brests at us when we play? This is NOT a complaint I was just wondering. lol Did you get much of this in a Jazz band, Vapefiend? lmao

    I don't know, but I do know Hubby seems to miss it EVERY TIME. Seems like every time it happens, he's lookin down at his keyboard. (Well, so he says) LOL

    I tole the guys in his band maybe they shud nudge him or somethin LMAO

  14. I didn't know a good response to that so I laughed it off ,but I was fairly annoyed ,

    I'm not an idiot but my friend tried to make me feel like one . I was only trying to show my friend that there is another potentially healthier choice other than smoking cigs .

    I wasn't pushing anything on anyone , in fact I ran into him on the street quite randomly , he made a joke because I had my device with me (... what you can't leave the house without that thing ...) .

    I felt a bit like id entered into an arguement with a Christian about religion , that the conversation would be circular and quite pointless .

    Perhaps smoking really was invented as a form of population control or as a way of weeding out the people with a low IQ .

    To continue to smoke cigs after you've been shown that an alternative to smoking smoke has been invented one that could allow you to live many more years is just plain dumb .

    Im beginning to believe that smoking is a desease that prays on depressed people . To say that " were all gonna die someday " is such a depressing world view .

    Look closely at a person who is a smoker and you will see the hallmarks of depression .

    Well, actually that attitude is more fatalistic than depressed, if you wanna get technical. Fatalism is more accepting that "**** happens" than getting depressed about it.

    But as to "can't leave the house without it" I'da just said that it's replaced the cigarettes you couldn't leave the house without.

    Some folks can't seem to feel good about themselves unless they make someone feel like they are LESS. I've never understood it, but it sounds like he doesn't like himself very much.

    It reminds me of grade school where the "bully" made fun of the folks who were in band, or choir or whatever because he had no skills of his own.

    At any rate, I would probably have laughed it off and walked away too. He may grow up some day, but sounds like it won't be today!

  15. I noticed I don't have an *Edit* button on my posts to update them, thus another post when one isn't needed.

    Mind you I'm not here to rag on the vaporlites; outside the wait and few and infrequent updates I've been really happy with the service.

    I'll have some experience to compare them to, my buddy ordered his same setup only from totallywicked and had a great time, mind you he spent like 20$ more for the same thing and didn't get a pcc but it arrived in 4 days. One of my other friends ordered a titan 510 and let me use one of his when I was at the shop; which is the whole reason I wanted to switch over to vaping compared to standard cigs. His supplier was pretty reputable as well, although he got a big runaround due to pricing and promotion codes expiring. I truly expect vaporlites to pull through with an amazing product, I don't have doubts about that. One of the reasons I picked them is because of the customization they offered with their starting kit, where as didn't offer that; which is the company my buddy at the shop used.

    I can't smoke at my job per say, due to hazardous chemicals unless I want to step into the far end of the parking lot. (you have to love OSHA)

    As far as safety is concerned eni's, or e-cigs, fit the bill rather well.

    DP did send me a tracking number, and like I told him in the chat on the website that's all I needed for peace of mind.

    I'm not sure on the whole situation on the shipping, be it back-order or some guy in the warehouse dropping a skid and breaking them all, but that's all I could fault them on.

    My next post on this will be a full review on the product as a whole, from distribution to reception, like I do for my job.

    Edit works until someone posts under you I think. Or there might be a time limit as well, I dunno...but as soon as a post comes after yours the Edit button goes away. Probably a good thing, in that with enuff edits a whole thread could change direction? LMAO

    Anyway, yeah, stuff happens. Whether in the warehouse or on the way to your door. I've seen the way those mail people can fling stuff. You gotta pack things like you expect a bomb to drop on em. Looking forward to the review

  16. Your exactly right, TeriJo, and that's why I'm going to keep it a trio or a quartet. My old band had 5 members but it worked because we were all very good friends before, durring and after. I did come across a dilema though. There is a band out of Ohio going by the name "Local Anesthetic". I read that they have played together for 13 years. Coincidentally, about the same time my bassist came up for that name for us. These guys from Ohio are really good and really heavy and I won't mess with that. When us Taunton boys come out of retirement we will be sporting a new name.

    Yeah I hear ya! I tole hubby if we ever do the band thing again, maybe we'll name it 3 Old Guys and a Hot Granny - but ya know.... kinda long.

    Maybe Old Fartasia LMAO

    I should stick to online singing, I'm obviously not good at band names LOL

  17. Well the baby is now overdue, just like most of our shipments, I think shes stuck :lol: They stripped her membranes today so we'll see how that goes... (I felt so bad for Ashley, did not look fun at all)

    Totally not fun, but most first babies are late. Tardy lil darlins. Obviously overdue is better than premie, but it can get VERY irritating, I know.

    My daughter, bless her heart, had hormone problems and just would NOT go into labor on her own. They PUT her in labor and 6 hours in took off the IV and it stopped. They had to have that drip going til the baby was born. I forget the exact hormone, but luckily that was the only problem. They kept her on it and voila, a baby. :)

    However, ya'll are probably just dealing with the usual late first baby syndrome. My daughter was 3 days late.

    My doctor didn't give me a DAY for my son....he just said DECEMBER. This actually reduced a bit of stress on the waiting. he's 25 now and still healthy as a horse. hehe

    Good luck! That' baby WILL come, fear not!

  18. I very well could be sensitive to nicotine without fully knowing it... I have never experienced anything like this in the 5 years I have been consuming nicotine. I understand many of you here are on your 15-20+ years of nicotine consumption... those exposure levels between me and some of you differ greatly; that could be all the difference right there. I just think the potential risk of nicotine poisoning (any risks for that matter), when using analogs and e cigs in conjunction with eachother, should be known by users before they ever get their hands dirty. Otherwise you might get your hands all bloody like mine... I could have died... I suffered an uncontrollable seizure which stopped my breathing for about 10 seconds, which left me laying there on my side foaming at the mouth. Anything capable of severe health problems like that should be known by its users whether you(community) agree with it or not. That is what I believe and that is how I will pursue my cause.

    I just really feel that many people just don't know that it is potentially hazardous to your health to smoke analogs and vape and e cig together.

    That is all I want to get accross to the community.

    Yes. I assumed it would be dangerous because smoking and wearing the patch together are dangerous.

    And you cannot just take off the patch and have a cig either, because it takes time for that nicotine to work thru your system. Nicotine doesn't live in your system LONG but if you overdose on it it doesn't HAVE to be long, does it?

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