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Everything posted by PoppaC

  1. Oh Yeah, couple new penstyles I keep on the side. I need another passthrough. Your opinion, which is the best buy? Also, what do you think about the electronic item you can use to recharge a battery from thinkgeek.com?
  2. Yeah, I haven't met a bad *** yet over my vaping anywhere.... That guy really sucks....
  3. You're thinking what I'm thinking.... Light 'em up... Ha! Ha! Ha!
  4. Okay, Vacker, the Fluval works perfect... now I'm saving time and money... Thanks, Princess, I love ya.... I'm getting most of my juice from Johnson's Creek. American made and taste is great (I still have to try Chris's coca cola). That's set. Now, guys I'm a bit unsteady about cleaning my atomizers. Tried the hot water thing with the super mini and a penstyle.... The super mini died but it seemed to help the penstyle until today and now it croaked.... I've only been doing this for a couple of months, but my batteries are starting to die out. I like smoking with the drip method with the penstyles but I leave a wet cartridge in when I do it. Wondering if I'm getting too much juice for the atomizers and batteries. I'm scared to drip with the super mini cause I'm afraid I'll kill it too. I'm a bit frustrated! I walk around with two penstyles and one super mini. If one slows down on the vapor, I just pull out another one. Almost like a chain smoker. My girl friend says that I vape like I smoke a pipe and not an analog. Is there a doctor in the house??? Splain what PoppaC is doing right and/or wrong. I need vapor, lots and lots of vapor. All we need to do is figure out how to make the batteries and the atomizers, and ones that hold up. Sorry,kids, just blowing off some steam here................. Signed, a highly aggitated PoppaC.........
  5. Ha, Ha, Ha.... what a riot.... Hope he doesn't try it with a passthrough.....
  6. Hey, let me in here. What a nut case! I like screwng with their heads. Agitate until they swing. Then they are all mine! Nose, throat and chins... HA! HA! HA! People like that really are just looking for trouble..... People are really changing for the worse.... Every time I have been out people usually a very open and curious. It has gotten kind of interesting in a way that I get to talk to new people. Chalk this one up as an *** wipe...
  7. Wow! That was really neat. Tried clicking on all the boxes, thought my heart was going wacko! Then clicked on the the opposite direction. Lot of fun..
  8. Damn, my kind of woman..... He, He, He... Along with Vacker and all the others, me thinks we got a vaping army in the works here mates... I'm loving this forum more and more.
  9. Absolutely! I get a little tired of being treated like a second rate citizen too..... !!
  10. Most of them, I assume, have never smoked or if they have they were blessed with the ability to quit 'cold turkey'. They have no inclination of what we go thru, I don't understand people trying to be our moral watchdogs and feel their way is the only right way and intend on forcing it on others. How arrogant and obnoxious. Very seflish and self-centered. Their way is the only way.....
  11. That is what I want to hear! We fought the good fight, now it is definitly in your hands... In Louis Armstong's song, "What a Wonderful World" his lyrics mention the children and he says, "They will learn much more than I'll ever know". It is so true, you are much smarter than we are in my generation and I am very proud of you.
  12. You and I have seen a lot of changes in our lives. I know that our values are being attacked. I also know that we are fighters as most here. What you dug up is some sick stuff. I fear for those younger than ourselves. In some cases they don't even realize what they are about to loose. I'm with you, I haven't much cared for the way it has been run either. Like Chris said earlier, I believe, interesting how the elections always funnel down to only two to vote on. The news in that site I gave you is opening my eyes even more. Where are we going on the trip, anyway?
  13. Wow! Look what happens when your chillin' to good sound and flying high on 'water and nicotine'!!
  14. I likes it, I likes it a lot.... great job.....!
  15. Vacker, there is an overall view from the Christian prospective of why and what is going on... You can get a better feel, I think, of where we are headed and how this administration is thinking..... I offer, www.prophecynewswatch.com. Interesting reading, if nothing else....
  16. Incredible stuff! Just another step toward one world gov't. the way I see it. Have you noticed the appointments our pres has been making. Nearly all of them against our standing by Israel. The ideology is that the international attitude against is is due to our pro stand for Israel's right to be a country. And there is more, much more.
  17. I have a feeling, "you ain't seen nothing yet". It appears that he is really of the European ideology of democracy. Watch and listen closely and you'll pick it up. Not good for the USA.
  18. Alright! I'm working right now... but I'll be playing with this when I get a chance... Thanks!
  19. Damn, how do you guys do that..... YOU'RE KILLING ME AGAIN!
  20. Wow! Great reviews, gonna get me one...... Thanks for the response...
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