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Everything posted by MD864

  1. The 24mg sounds best - but i do recommend the PCC charger! that thing is a life saver sometimes! and you can get different colors at electro-nic-stix Jason has great customer service! as for the flavors, the store here vapor talk store has an awesome tobacco and recommend the midnight or dulcis if you want something different but not fruity. keep us updated!
  2. What's amazing is half of the posters on that article have either A: Never heard of an e-cig or B: just quickly jump on it because its called an E-cig.... I think someone's already posted the thought that it should definitely be called something else as to step away from the bad stigma that is attached to anything "cigarette." Here's a perfect example (population wise) as to why it should be re-named.
  3. Thanks i saw that - was going to email him, but alas no contact info.... i'll look at the other two and fish around to see what kind of ratings they get from everyone.
  4. I used to love clove cigs.... anyone got any hits on a good clove ejuice?
  5. did that very thing on new years day... no stealth for me though! we were in a packed theater and forced to sit 2nd row back.. with all the stuff going on in that movie no one saw or no one cared..... Vape out loud!
  6. MD864


    Thanks for the info on that one! Its always a worry if you're trading one evil for another... But i will admit that this is MUCH better than smoking cigarettes, and not just for me, but for the people around me as well. It would be nicer to have more choices that are made in the USA with more quality control and with the help of people like Chris and his team I think we're getting there. It would also help if the Government would get out of some industries back pockets and get back to helping the american public as they were originally designed to do. I'm just hoping that if enough people are turned onto vaping and away from analogs that it would be harder for the government to ignore us and turn their heads, but thats a whole other soap box to stand on for a later time.....
  7. LOL I know and thats just funny because i did it with a black crayon last night!!!! a 306 and black crayola (minus the wrapper) have a lot in common in the looks area......
  8. MD864


    OK guys - FTJoe here has a point, one that i've pondered myself. Any replies to this one?
  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE the new video on the home page of vapor talk store! It's perfect! I really do fear for those who try to ban this. I will NOT go back to analog smokes, I refuse and they can't make me!
  10. where at in walmart was this? (what section)
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