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Posts posted by SonjaWi

  1. So, I'm still waiting on my shipment to arrive from Goodejuice. I've done a lot of research meanwhile because I want my first experience with the kit to be pleasant and enjoyable and not burn out anything on the first try and all that :).

    Now I read on a couple of pages that some cartomizers come with primer fluid and that it tastes shooty. Do all cartomizers have primer fluid? And if yes, how do you get it out? I saw something about blowing it out. Others boiled the cartomizers, but I would love to have a technique that does not require me to wait another 2 days to finally start vaping.

    I bought the 808 soft tip cartomizers from Goodejuice as I got me the KR808D starter kit.

    Thanks for any pointers, Sonja

  2. Thanks for the replies! I am currently looking at the Joye ego-T or the mentioned 510 T most likely as a starter purchase. I've been vaping the Njoy so far "on schedule" *lol* as I would smoke cigarettes, at about 8 to 10 puffs every 2 hours, and it has no adverse effects on me , so I guess there is not much more nicotine getting to me than it would with my analogs. Unfortunately they don't do the zero strength and at 27 dollars for a threepack they are rather pricey compared to a starter set and self refill of liquid.But they might be enough to go to Germany for a couple of weeks *lol*

    Price wise I am not really gaining much from switching to vapor, as a carton of my cigs only costs 36 dollars,and I smoke maximum 2 a month. But - I'd like to get rid of the stink, and I would like to not look like 50 when I am 40.

  3. Christopher: that is exactly why I ask :). I have zero experience and as far as I know Nicotine is also absorbed over the mouth tissue, if for sure not as much as if you actually inhale the smoke.

    Candy...nope, doesn't do it for me, I go back to the cigarette. Holding a pin...nope, won't do it for me neither. I quit the last 2 times with Chantix, and actually it held up good until I run into a stress situation and then I am back on the cigarette. Cigarettes calm me down. My husband is annoyed at the smoke smell that I bring with me, that is why I am looking into vaping.

  4. I might have to add, I am no longer an inhaler smoker. I just puff and turn the smoke around in my mouth, pretty much as people do with a cigar. So if anybody has an idea what starter kit could satisfy that need (I think a good throat hit would help) I'd be thankful for pointers!

    mse12: thanks for the welcome! I just don't want to up my nicotine intake, as I ultimately want to get to the zero nicotine. For me, it's about the habit of having something in my hand and mouth,so to speak. Its more the menthol that gets me to smoke than the tobacco, actually.

  5. Hi!

    My name is Sonja, I have been an analog smoker since I am 29 (yeah, I know, kind of late). I stopped two times for a total of 3 years, now I am 36 and back on the cigarettes. I received a free trial of the NJoy King cigarette to see if vaping would be for me before I go out and spend a hundred on a kit, and so far, I must say I like it.

    The only thing that disturbs me is that the e-cigarette says that I am not supposed to puff more than 15 times in an hour. When I smoke, I smoke at home probably 6-10 cigarettes over the whole day, usually one to two at a time, so for that it's not an issue. However, if I am at work, I tend to smoke 5 cigarettes when on lunchbreak, and I would want the e-cig to be able to replace that habit. If I am limited by the amount of puffs that I can take I can't emulate this habit and I am sure I will go back to the cigarettes just due to convenience over the e-cig. I really want to get to zero nicotine in the end, but don't want to overdose myself right now either.

    I am smoking analog Pall Mall Menthol 100s, which have 1.2 mg Nicotine. What level of E-Liquid would be a good fit, if I do not want to be limited to the 10-15 puffs per hour per se? The Njoy King Gold has 3 % right now. Hope I'm not going the wrong way *lol*

    Next question: I travel to Europe. Can I charge an e-cig battery on the 220 Volt over there or are the batteries not made for that? I have a plug converter, I just don't know if the batteries are usually multi voltage as my cellphone is, for example. If not - what kit offers such a possibilty cheap? I don't want to have to spend 100s to get a good starter kit.

    Thanks, Sonja!

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