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Posts posted by Hyperspace

  1. I don't like the small adapters either... so I use one of these: http://www.shop.wordupecig.com/Ecig-All-In-One-801-To-510-Adapter-All-In-One-801-To-510-Adapter.htm;jsessionid=2268BE7DB8829EC6DA7E520C4E063F3C.qscstrfrnt06

    I don't mind these ... easier to work with for me.

    I just ordered a Buzz. It said I could get it with a 801 connection....

    then I will just use one of these longer adapters to go to 510.

    Why don't you like small adapters? I bought my Buzz with a 801 connection too and I use a small 801 to 510 adapter that I had from my VP2.


  2. I've only had the Buzz for 4 days now but so far I'm lovin it. I bought the Buzz because of the variable voltage and the voltage is regulated. I read so many reports of people blowing attys at 5 and 6 volts, so I wanted a mod that could do 4.5 volts. According to Janty 4.5 volts is the highest you should go for atty life. That's what their Baby J is supposed to be whenever it comes out.

    I also like that the Buzz's voltage is regulated. So it's going to stay at the voltage you set it at instead of like most mods where the voltage keeps dropping as time goes on.

    I know some people aren't happy that there isn't a digital voltage readout on the Buzz and they joke how you have to carry a multimeter around with you but I see it as set it and forget it. Find the voltage you like and leave it. Why would you need to keep changing the voltage? I can see where you would change it according to the atty or carto you're using but after that you leave it alone. Right now I'm using a 510 Mega atty and cart at 4.5 volts. For me that's the perfect vaping experience.

    When it comes to batteries I wouldn't recommend AW Li-Ion or high drain. I'm using AW Li-Ions and only get 5 hours out of them. Other Buzz users report Ultrafire last much longer. WitchWay says she gets up to 11 hours using Ultrafire and a 302 atty. She only got 7 hours with both kind of AWs. I have some black and red Trustfire batteries on order because the people on the Candlepower forum claim those have the highest tested capacity.


    I highly recommend the Buzz. Mike seems to be a great guy and he answered all my questions by email quickly. :thumbsup:

  3. Interesting... I don't know what I'm going to do now... It's not like I NEED it anyway withh every other one I've got now. Sad really. LOL.

    I liked the VP2 a lot when it was new and working. I'm disappointed I had so much trouble with it. My wife has a VP1 and it's still working great. It just seems a small percentage of Vaprlife mods have problems. I've already read some people are having problems with the Joker. I was going to buy a Joker when they came out but changed my mind when I had so many problems with my VP2. Instead I bought a Buzz VariVolt.

  4. Mine failed again for the second time. I sent in once and it lasted a month. Now it's out of warranty and I don't think I'll send it in anymore. I can't see paying $28 plus $6.95 shipping every month to keep it running. Plus the last time it came back to me with vise dents in it. I wasn't to happy about that.

  5. My VP2 gives me similar problems. I would clean all the fittings and it would work fine for awhile and then start acting up again. Then a couple of days ago I took a paper clip and moved it all around inside the hole of the atomizer connection on the VP2 and it seems to be working fine now. That got me to thinking that the paper clip must of removed a film of something that was causing connection problems. It kind of surprised me because I had cleaned that connection with alcohol a few times and I wouldn't think there would be film left on it.

  6. Mine was only a couple weeks old at the time and somehow some juice dripped down the center pole. I'm guessing it happened from overfilling carts and not blowing the atty out enough. Excess juice dripped down from the atty into the pole. I learned my lesson and blow out the atty 2 or 3 times a day now. It's been working great since. :thumbup:

  7. I got my VP2 working again. I soaked the head of the VP2 in Everclear for 5 minutes and then let it drain overnight upside down. My guess is somehow a small amount of juice got into the center pole and was causing all the problems, so I turned the VP2 upside down in a shot glass and filled it with Everclear up to the light holes and that cleaned the center pole out. It's been working great for a day so far. :thumbsup:

  8. I thought my VP2 was fixed after I cleaned the atomizer fitting but later today it started acting up again. What's strange about is if I screw the atty on and off several times it will start working again for awhile. It will work for a couple or more hours and then start acting up. Then I screw the atty on and off a few more times and it will work for a couple more hours and then quit. I wrote to Jeso about it and I'm waiting for his reply. I'm hoping I don't have to send it in because I don't want to be without it.

  9. I had the same exact issue with my VP2 and I thought it was a switch problem but I discovered the problem was a tiny amount of juice in the outer ring of the atomizer connector. I didn't even know it was there until I use a magnifying glass. I cleaned it out with a tissue wrapped around a toothpick and it's working fine now. Jeso said you could also dip the connector in alcohol to clean it out.

  10. Scottbee posted some interesting info on the eGo batteries on the E-cigarette forum. He tested the batteries under load and they tested at 3.1 volts.


    So it sounds like 3.7 volt mods like the Spade would be more powerful than the eGo.

  11. The one advantage I can see with the eGo is the batteries maintain their peak voltage longer than a standard battery. So if you don't mind spending $23 a battery, then the eGo would be the route to go. Totally Wicked just started the batteries for $22.99 http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/tornado-e-ni-accessories/tornado-e-ni-manual-battery-2-product.html

  12. I debated between the Spade and the eGo too and decided on the Spade because of the cheaper batteries. Since the Mega batteries for the 510 sell for $20 I figured the eGo batteries would be $25 or more. Also I bought it for my daughter and she wanted one that she could hold like a cigarette and the Spade looks thinner than the eGo.

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