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Posts posted by jjinlasvegas

  1. About 10 am yesterday, I received the 510 starter kit, passthrough, and PCC. After pluging in an AC adaptor and starting the charge on one battery, I then connected the passthrough to my computer, and started to vape. Unbelievable....28 hours later, I have not had one analog since, and there is no pain, anxiety, concern, or stress.

    I had a couple of wobbly moments last night watching a movie on TV, and this morning drinking coffee. But I just sucked on that e-cig, and all was well.

    On Thursday, I bought a carton of analog cigarettes, because I didn't want to put myself under a lot of pressure about quitting. I told myself that if I switch to e-cigs, great, but if not, that is OK, too. However, I cannot....at this moment....imagine going to analogs. I will probably give the analogs away next week if vaping keeps going like this.

    About 4 pm yesterday, I found myself clearing away all ashtrays and bic lighters, not because seeing them made me want an analog, but the sight of them did make my head feel that I should be clicking a bic lighter and lighting up an analog. Out of sight, out of mind. It's working so far.

    I slept extremely well last night, but woke up with what feels like a head cold and some congestion. It cleared up in about 3 or 4 hours, but I still seem to have a "runny nose." I wonder if that is my body starting to detox.

    My passthrough seems to be giving out a bit, but I have another one on the way that I should receive tomorrow.

    My encouragement to give this a shot came from everyone's stories on these forums. Thank you SO much! :P

    LOL...ok, I'm going on 8 days of not smoking, but I remember doing this same thing!! For some reason I went around the house and emptied all the ashtrays and rounded up all the lighters and put them away. I gave 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes away on my 3rd day and I do still have 2 packs of analogs in my purse UNopened. I'm still a little worried that I won't have a charged battery when I need one, but so far, that hasn't happened. Vapeing has totally supressed (sp) my urge to have an analog and I never would have dreamed that possible!

    I am probably not as equipped as I should be at the moment, but I will get there. I too have a huge glass ashtray on my desk and *someone* keeps putting their cigarette out in it. I guess I will break down and wash it out and start putting my ecig supplies in it, lol...great idea!

  2. Hi,

    I am new to the forum thanks to my mother JJinLasVegas! I am smoking both tobacco and e-cigarettes at the moment and hope to soon only use e-cigarettes.

    I am currently enrolled in a journalism class and doing my Final Paper on e-cigarettes titled, "E-Cigarettes Vs. Tobacco Cigarettes" that will be submitted to 2 of our schools publications and cannot find a crediable website specifiying the ingredients in a tobacco cigarette. I am finding sites that give a few ingredients but not even close the 10 of the 4000 ingredients a cigarette has in them.

    If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it so very much! Please excuse any spelling errors.

    Thanks, Celtic

    It's a journalism class and it will appear in the school paper for Copper Mountain College....which means college students will get the information, so that's a plus. Some of the information that appears in this article may include some opinions from these threads (no names mentioned, of course)....well, except maybe mine, which I have given my approval. Anyway, welcome to the forum! Your brother-in-law is here and I'm sure you'll hear from him soon, lol........ Mom

  3. A few of us have cartomizer models mostly the Vapor King (KR-808D1) and there are several suppliers that sell that model.Its a good no hassle model and for a light to moderate smoker 1-3 carts a day should do it.They are refilable

    if you dont let them get to dry and burn and will refill 3+ times,Mine go 3-7 before the vapor is not worth using anymore.I have the one from Vapor King and its a good model for out and about. with a spare battery and a pcc and a few cartomizers you are good for a long time..here are a few suppliers to look into I have had good look with Vapor Kings.But have not ordered from anyone else yet..Hope this helps you out, any more questions will be glad to help!!






    I tried going to www.vaporking.com and that site does not exist....I did however find www.vaporkings.com *with an S*....is that the site you are referring to? I believe it is, but just posting for clarification.

  4. JC ePump

    JC Bees

    I have no ideal if they will help, but they might. You would have to purchase to find out, for sure.

    The sales pitch sounds good. Don't they all.

    Thanks everyone for all your ideas. My Dad's 510 should be here tomorrow or Tuesday. I will see how he likes it and see if he thinks he will give up smoking or at least cut back. If so..then I will look into getting him a unit that will be easier for him to use. He can always give his 510 to my daughter, who has also recently started vapeing. I have saved all these suggestions and I'll let you know how he progresses.

    It was mentioned that there are other people out there with vision issues and I too believe that should be addressed by suppliers/inventors, if at all possible. Thanks everyone

  5. The mind can do amazing things to compensate for any loss of any sensations.

    I think that if your dad had several filled blunt 5ml syringes, he could learn how far to press in the plunger, for the amount of juice he needs. Wither it is carts or direct drip.

    At first, he may very well, want/need to place the device upside down, to drain any excess, before he uses it. – In time, I bet he can fill his own syringes.

    I would recommend that he have one draining, while using the other.

    It will not be cheaper until he is set-up and succeeds.

    My heart goes out to him and am willing to donate for his crusade.

    wild rusty a t yahoo dot com I will paypal you $5, with no questions asked.

    I have two vapers family/friends that have very poor eyesight, one with a detached retina, and one with new bifocals. It pains me to watch them try to top-off a cart. - Both get it all over their fingers at best.

    This does need to be addressed better, for them.

    Thanks Rusty for the offer, I appreciate that. Although Dad is on a fixed income, he is a retired school teacher so his income is sufficient. I just wanted him to realize a cost savings for switching to the e-cig as well as the health benefits. If it's easy for him to use he'll use it....if it's too difficult I'm afraid he'll give up and stick with his analogs. At his age, he'll just figure; "it's time to die, anyway"! BUT...if he can save money then that will make a difference to him. Does that make sense? lol

  6. What the hell am I supposed to do for two days? :D

    WAIT!!! Isn't this your 3 day weekend?? DANG, that really sux! However, you *could* pack up the car and go to visit your poor old Mother-in-Law who plans to cook for the next 3 days....oh and go to bingo, of course. What a great idea!! Tracy and I could go to bingo and you and Richard could stay home and babysit and do some heavy VaporTalk!!! lolol....sometimes I just amaze myself!

  7. As I mentioned on a couple of other posts my Dad is 81 years old and practically blind and very hard of hearing, almost deaf. He has smoked cigarettes since he was 9 years old and just yesterday asked me to go ahead and order him a 510 (menthol). He is on a fixed income and although he buys analogs at a far reduced price I would like him to see that if he switches to vapeing he will save $$$ (he realizes the health benefit). Because of his long term habit I don't think he will be able to get by with cartridges only but I am looking for options for re-stuffing cartridges. However, I'm pretty sure he will prefer direct dripping.

    My question is: Does anyone have any ideas for a sight impared person to easily direct drip without getting juice everywhere?

  8. Hi jj. If your direct dripping there is no need for the poly. You can direct drip and use the poly filed cart if you want to. I have empty carts with no fill that I use when I direct drip and carts with fill for when I'm on the go. Although lately I've been direct dripping on the go also....... Basically what I'm saying is its up to you. :)

    Congrats on 5 days!!!!!!

    Thanks everyone for the PTB info! Main reason I'm asking is not for myself, I'm getting along fine with direct dripping, so far. BUT... since I have been vapeing my hubby and my daughter have started vapeing; and best of all, my Dad has now ordered a 510 for himself!!! My Dad is 81 years old and has smoked cigarettes since he was 9!! I know that the cartridges will be the easiest for him to manage and if I could find a good way for him to restuff his cartridges (or for me to restuff them for him) that might be the way for him to go. He hasn't yet received his package in the mail, so I'll have to wait and see how he likes it but keeping my fingers crossed.

  9. Pyramid Tea Bag cut to like a small sticky note size folded and used to hold liquid in a cart for better flow than the poly fill that is in stock carts..

    Would that be a normal Lipton tea bag?? After I made that last post I went to Youtube to see if I could find something on "PTB" and sure enough there were a couple of videos there. As far as I know they were using just regular/normal tea bags. I am not sure what a "pyramid tea bag" is. Also, I'd like to know if you really need that stuffed cartridge? I have mostly done direct dripping on to the atomizer and using an empty cartridge, but maybe I am doing that all wrong and need to use a stuffed cartridge. I'm not sure. Anyone with any advise on this issue would be appreciated, thanks!

  10. Jeff you really need to try the PTB mod.I refill cart filler easy with 6-8 drops and keeps me going for a while.It will hold more(10-12) but if it leaks its bad.Its not polyfill so no burnt poly taste and it flows real well.Refilled the same one today or topped off more than 10 times so far..

    At the risk of sounding like a "noob" (which I am); what is a PTB mod????

  11. Yea, I wasn't complaining, just sharing. I'me really loving this... smoke free for 2 days! Yeeehaaaw. Just tried Dulcis for the first time tonight... very nice. However, I think I'm hooked on the tobacco. It tastes like the 555 I got. Like them both. Definatley think that will be my staple.

    Welcome!! You have 1 day on me!! I'm wrapping up my first smoke-free day! I didn't think I could do it, even ONE day, lol.

  12. Welcome to the forum JJ. As everyone already said, you're fine as long as the atomizers are working. So do we have another vegas head here? or is that just your user name, your location says california lol.

    Right now it's just my user name :( I lived in Vegas for 10 years and really really miss it. My Mom was ill and my Dad is nearly blind and can't hear, so when Mom passed away someone had to stay here in California with my Dad. I got elected. My Dad is very stubborn and won't leave here and I can't just leave him here. BUT...if I had my way I'd still be living in Vegas. I guess that's why I refuse to change my User name!!

    As a side note, my Mother died of lung cancer attributed to smoking at the age of 77. I wish I'd known about vapeing a long time ago. Of course, there's my Dad, who has smoked since he was a boy of 9 years old; he is now 81 and still smoking with no signs of lung cancer or any health problems other than his sight and hearing. I've shown my ecig to my Dad and he seemed interested but not interested enough to give up his analogs.

    I just recently chose to give up smoking after 46 years. And, as far as I know, I have no signs of cancer, yet. I am having health issues, but I think mostly due to "getting older". I'm among the 40 million people in this country without health insurance, and because of that I don't really know where I stand "health wise". I decided if I can stop smoking now, I might not be too late.

    I had always thought that my addiction was NOT to the nicotene but rather to the tactile pleasure of handling the cigarette, and the oral pleasure of drawing on the cigarette. Until now I coudln't find anything to satisfy those urges. That's why I am so happy that I found the ecig!!

    Ok, this was not supposed to be my life history lolol. Sorry, I tend to ramble on sometimes!!

  13. I had only had my ecig for about a day when I had to go to my regularly scheduled Dr's Appt. My doctor knows that I smoke and has given up chewing me out about it, lol.

    Before leaving the exam room, I wipped out my ecig in front of him and took a hit then said, "So, Doc, what do you think about this?"

    He kinda looked shocked for a sec. and then said, "OH, you've got one of those e-cigarettes!" "But what's the point? You give up one addiction for another"?

    I said, "Yes, but hopefully this one won't kill me."

    He said, "Well, be sure to read the Surgeon General's warning on those".

    And that was it. I haven't bothered to look and see if the Surgeon General actually has a warning on ecigs, but I just know that no matter what it has to be better than smoking analogs.

  14. Good job jj!!! You have two batts don't you? Yeah the battery life isn't too long, especially if your really vaping a lot. Maybe Santa will get you a P/T so you can sit at your comp all day and not hafta worry about batts. Keep it up and good job on trying to bring other family members over from the Dark Side. :D

    Thanks, Jeff!! Yes, I did get 2 batteries with my new 510, but I'm still worried, lol.

    I watched a lot of the videos on the PassThrough and for me, it looks like a necessity. Considering the fact that me and "Betty" are about the same age, there's not a lot for me to do but sit at the computer and play World of Warcraft, write on forums, watch videos and play my facebook games, LOLOL. So, yeah, I do sit a lot at the machine!

    I'm liking the 510 better than my Njoy. The design is better and not nearly as much juice getting into my mouth as with the Njoy, lol. In fact, so far, I haven't had a mouth full of juice since I started using it!! So, that is a definite PLUS!

  15. Well, that's what everyone is here for...support. Good luck. If it helps any, there are quite a lot of us here that made the switch with no problem. There are others that didn't though and yet they made the switch easier than they thought they would. It's different for everyone. For me, when I started, I only had one battery and had to resort to analogs while my one battery charged. I didn't like that, but as soon as I got extra batteries I was smoke free. I still worry about not having enough batteries or enough attys or enough ejuice. I'm finally getting stocked up to where I don't think there will be a problem though.

    I wish you the very best of luck. We're here if you need us. I'll bet that includes Jeff, too, even if he's having some doubts. LOL

    Thanks, Nana, I know where to come and I'm not afraid to use it lolol. I can see already that I do have to do some "stocking up" but hey, it'll still be cheaper than my 2-3 pack a day habit!!

  16. Dammit jj!! I was gonna send you one for Christmas! Now I don't know what to get you. lol You'll love the 510. Let me know when you get it.

    Today is the first day I am using the 510. I did what I was supposed to and charged it for 8 hours, however, after reading a lot of the posts I see that I really didn't have to wait that long on the battery. Anyway, today will be my first "smoke/analog free" day. I'm a little nervous that I won't have one battery ready when the other one dies, but we'll see how that goes. So far I really do wish the battery would last longer. I like the manual operation and I'm not finding it difficult to deal with, so that's good. I got the black one and I like the design. I'll report in later in the day when I need some "waiting on battery support" lol.

  17. Hey I want to join the love fest !...... I don't know how I missed your previous posts but welcome jj...... This cast can answer your questions so ask away ! All I can do, really, is hijack threads....... HA !

    bajan..... Does the "Atty" funeral include a 21 vape salute !!!!

    LOL...Jeff has to be nice to me, I'm his mother-in-law!!! And thanks for the welcome :>

  18. All of California has non-smoking restaurants so we have no choice here. A couple of days ago I went into a restaurant and when the urge to have a smoke hit me I pulled out my ecig. Since I am still very very new at using the ecig I was prepared for anything. I took a couple of hits, no one said anything, so I took a couple more hits. After about 6 hits the urge to smoke (analog) left me and I was fine. In the interim no one ever said anything about using the ecig at the restaurant :> So...I agree! Don't ask for permission, just do it and see what happens.

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