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Posts posted by danpio1217

  1. Unless it's a specialized storefront that sells ecig products, i've found that they're entirely clueless, especially when dealing with the gas station/tobacco store brands. Overall they seemed to somewhat interested tho and asked me how i liked them (this was back when i was trying out disposables and different mini models)

    The mall sellers on the other hand, are worse than clueless. Not only do they possess no knowledge about the products whatsoever, but they've been given a list of 15 pre-designated responses as to why their ****ty product is the best and their ****ty price is fair. They exist for no other purpose than to screw over new vapers. They don't even know the mAh of their batteries or ohms of their atomizers, they don't know if their juice is PG or VG, or specifically what nic their juice is (them: there's high medium and low; me: but how much actual mg/ml is that? them: what?)

    So to summarize, unless you have a big ecig specialized storefront near you, we're all probably better off sticking to the internet :)

  2. I think as long as you keep the nicotine consumption in check, vape to your hearts content, although i'm still relatively new to the game. I enjoy the act and flavors very much, so until a definite reason to quit entirely presents itself, i'm happy just vaping away while trying to continue to lower my nic intake.

    I started at 24mg and since i vape quite a bit, I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute by the end of the day. Let's not forget there are negative conscequences to nicotine. Increased heartrate, blood pressure, etc. It's not completely harmless. I bumped it down to 18mg, and now i'm in the process of getting down to 12mg (right now i'm about 50/50 gotta use up the old 18mg juice). If i can get down to 6mg and still get a satisfying TH i'd love to do that.

    At the end of the day i'm sure everyone will have a different opinion, but the way i see it, if you enjoy something, and there's nothing to prove it can be harmful long term, why quit? We're so used to being scorned for being smokers and always having the 'end result' being quitting entirely. Whenever I say that and people suggest 'but you're still an adict' I just laugh and remind them of all the things people are "addicted" to. Caffeine, sugar, fast food, crappy reality tv (HA, way more damaging, am i right?) and no one seems to scorn those people the way that smokers are scorned. Just my 2 cents :)

  3. So i'm new to big battery mods, i'm looking to pick up a device for increased vape time from my ego-c twist. I've done some research on batteries and it seems like most ultrafire and trustfire are a lower quality battery and their true mah rating doesn't come close to what they're labeled as (3000-4000mah).

    Most have suggested AW or Panasonic as the higher quality battery, so i've narrowed it down to a few but have some questions on them.

    This one doesn't look like a high drain IMR, does that eliminate it?


    These 2 look like the same battery but the one has a raised positive end. I'm guessing that's the one i'd want. Anyways these ones are high drain IMR but i don't see anything about protection. Are they unprotected? The mods i'm looking at don't have much built-in protection so i'd definitely want the batteries to be protected right?



    Thanks in advance!

  4. That's a nice looking device, i like the rubberized better too. What about the 2.5 amp limit and not working well with LR devices? That worry you at all? It's cheap enough i might have to give it a try at some point.

    When poking around on discount vapers i also saw this XL3 ego look-alike and i'm intrigued. Not true VV but has different settings, and it can hold up to a 4000mah battery. Shorter and fatter than my ego twist. Anyone own one of these? Any thoughts?


  5. General rule of thumb for me, i pitch the device when it doesn't seem to be working well even after cleaning it. There's no definite criteria for it, I just pitch it if it doesn't seem to be working as well as it did when it was new. To me it's just not worth messin with and they're usually cheap enough to just pull out a new one.

    My Vision V2 clearo's last a couple weeks before cleaning, should last a couple months before pitching, but I switch carts/clearos throughout the day, so that's not a couple months using only that device. Hope that helps.

  6. I know vape time is extremely subjective and based on the individuals pace, but in your opinion, what device provides (or is capable of providing, depending on the batteries one chooses to use with it) the absolute best vape time. Period. No other measuring stick, just vape time/battery life.

    I've made a couple similar posts but haven't gotten any suggestions outside of the most popular devices (ego, lavatube, provari). I'm familiar enough with all of those and i don't think they're quite what i'm looking for (if what i'm looking for even exists). I've heard of a few mods that can last for days, but in searching the web, most seem to be out of stock or no longer in production, so i'd like to hear what everyone thinks.

    Have at it.

  7. I've seen that on the web, i thought the same thing, good price and looks great, nice and compact, but the big turnoff for me was that on smoktek.com it says the device isn't calibrated, and the actual voltage doesn't reflect whats displayed. It said to go off taste not numbers. Isn't that the whole point of having VV device? lol I wanna know what my actual voltage is.

    See the orange text.


    Anyways, if you do pick one up post your thoughts on it and your average vape time when you get a chance, thanks!

  8. How much vape time do you get out of your lavatube mini? I'm a fairly heavy vaper looking for a compact all day device that can last at least 24 hours.

    I like my 1000mah ego-c twist but it's too long and slender and i knock it over constantly, plus i get quite a few odd looks in public. The last concert i went to i kept having people ask me 'can i hit that?'. When i'd reply with 'it's not weed' they'd look disappointed and almost give me a skeptical 'are you sure?' look. Pretty funny but mildly annoying.

    Along the same lines, any reccomendations for a good low profile compact mod with excellent vape time are appreciated.

    I've heard of some mods being able to last several days. What and where are they?


  9. DCT's are awesome, but a few tips to get the best experience out of them.

    1. Are you punching the carto yourself or using prepunched? If using prepunched make sure your juice is mostly PG, if punching your own be careful, if you compromise the shape of the carto at all, it'll prolly end up getting stuck in the tank, making filling/disassembling a nightmare.

    2. After you fill the tank, add a couple drops of liquid into the top of the carto. This sorta 'primes' it up for use. I didn't do this the first time i tried DCT's and got an awful plastic taste. Since i didn't have a syringe to pull the juice in the tank back out it was essentially a waste of the carto PLUS 3 ml's of my favorite juice.

  10. I ran into similar issues with the ego-c. The atty's can be finicky IMO. I don't recommend dry burning the atty, that won't help the gunk. Only thing that will is cleaning them. When you clean all the pieces, even if you dry with a paper towel it's best to let the atty sit for 24-48 hours to dry completely. That's prolly why you're getting liquid all over it, although they also do leak alot, i remember always having to wipe it down.

    Their biggest problem is that they don't wick the juice to the atty fast enough, which is why you're getting the burnt taste. Many have been in your shoes and eventually switch to cartomizers. The batteries are great, but the atty/tank setup is not. Personally i think you'd be better served using some boge low resistance cartos on the battery. Less problems, less maintenance, and if you get a bad one or it starts gunking up too much, just throw it out.

    Hope that helps.

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