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Posts posted by drummerjims

  1. 50/50 pg/vg is a good combo to start experimenting with pg/vg levels. I really my favorites are the 50/50 and 60/40. However the AVE Hype is 10/90 pg/vg if I am correct and it wicks and tastes wonderful plus I get a lot of vapor. Its all just a matter of preference. Don't be afraid to try a lot of different juices with different combinations.

  2. Actually I am to the point now where I can Vape the Boba's Bounty and it is not bad. But now I don't like the Gorilla juice... Stupid Taste Buds... However I found the tobacco vape that I like today. I recieved the Sweet Georgia Peach from Epipe Mods. It is amazing. In my opinion.

  3. So I decided to place my first order on AVE a few day ago and I received my juice today. I bought Boba's Bounty, Gorilla Juice, and Hype. I have been looking for a good Tobacco Juice for quite a while and The Gorilla Juice and Boba's Bounty just did not do it for me. I do enjoy them but I do not think they are spectacular. THe Gorilla Juice is my favorite of the two and I think I may grow to like it a lot more after I give it some time. However I think I am the most disappointed with the Boba's Bounty. I feel like I should be shot after reading and watching all of the reviews however I just can't taste the complexity of it that every one talks about. However However I definately know what all the hype over The Hype Juice is all about. It is one of my new favorites right next to the VaporRoom Watermellon.

    Does anyone else feel the same way about the Boba's bounty or should I just chop off my taste buds now?

    I do have Sweet Georga Peach coming in from epipe mods this week. Since I love fruit flavors maybe a fruit flavored tobacco is what I really need.

  4. I say you should give it a try. You might be really good at it. I was terrible. I started out my first week I made some really good flavors but after that I started sucking at it. I should have written down my recipes but I did not. However I now have all of the stuff to make a bad Juice vapeable or even sometimes really good just by adding some flavoring, PG,VG,sweetner, or sour to it.

  5. The Lava Tube has a built in safety feature which bumps down the voltage so that anything low res will not work. If you pick up some 3ohms you will be back in business for sure.

    I have personally never been able to get a carto to last longer than a week personally but I say give it a try.

  6. The trustfire chargers are crap. I am on my second one now and they have both had that annoying noise. On my first one they chord actually blew up. It was nothing too serious just a spark and some smoke luckily i was there to unplug it. The bad part of it is that I know 2 other people this has happend too so I only put my battery on charge now when I am awake.

  7. I maybe a little ridiculous but I take my lava tube with 2-4ml tube tanks 1-7ml tube tank an extra battery.and 2 volt batteries with a carto on each of them. I like to switch it up a lot. However I do not carry these in my pocket. They stay in my car and then I decide which one to take in places with me. even though sometimes I will take the lava tube and put one of the volts in my pocket.

    I may over do it but I get bored with flavors very fast.

  8. Dripping is best when you are at home with a whole lot of flavors next to you and you want to try them all. In my opinion dripping on the go gets old. It is also very dangerous if you are driving. I think they need a bumber sticker that say's don't drip and drive. however if you are like me dripping does serve a point but I would get annoyed with it after a while.

  9. I love trying new juices and with his reputation I hope they will be good. My only problem would be if the juice is really that high. Its not too bad but if you add in shipping It's not really worth it. That is getting up into pink spot prices.

  10. Hahaha, That is actually the decision I made last night. I already have a lava tube and I am just wanting a 3.7 big battery mod. I am currently stuck between the E-power, the Indulgence, or the bombshell. I have seen and tried the Bombshell and it is pretty slick. But I like the price of the E-Power and Indulgence. also the indulgence also looks pretty slick.

    I'm also thinking maybe a copper. I am kind of tired of push button I may go for something more mechanical.

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