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Posts posted by Hawk

  1. There's a lot of talk going on around the batteries, because of this and a few other stories in the last week.

    These new LifePo4 batteries are truly NOT PROTECTED. They have no PCB board in them, no electronic fail safe to stop overcharging or overdraining. The Lifepo4 (phosphorous & oxygen) are marketed as safer than Lithium Ion, as they are basically a powder (phosphorous) material used to store the electricity vs a the liquid lithium. I have seen these batteries on tons of sites listing them as protected, when in fact in they are not. They have no PCB board, which will allow the batteries to over discharge, going below 2.2 volts, which is where you can get into trouble.

    CR2 batteries, which are the ones people use in the BB's to vape at 6 volts are ALL UNPROTECTED. There is no manufacturer curenntly making Protected cr2's. CR123A batteries however do come in both Protected, and NonProtected LifePo4 versions.

    Basically, I would never use a battery that does not have a PCB board for protection in it to protect against over charging and over discharging. That's where the trouble lies.

  2. So I was cruzn the net checking out pv products and came across a new "510 Mega XL Atomizer". Looks to be new to the new market. So I checked out the pictures they have, and it looks identical to the std atty except it has an extended sleeve on the atty body. At first I wondered, why the heck make it with a larger sleeve... So I got to thinking and my only guestimation is that perhaps they would run a little cooler, more like 801 atty's and provide a tastier vape. Other than that, i can't really figure out why they would make the body longer.

    Here's the link:

    My link

  3. Jeff,

    I'm sorry for your loss brother! I did the same thing a couple of times, now i don't clean em, just vape em up.

    Did that atty get hot when you used on your PT? I had 2 complete failures, but the third ended up just needing a ton of juice and patience to bring back to life. That particular 302 has been with me an additional month now. If it still gets hot, then maybe it can be saved?

  4. I work in an open office environment with pretty open cubicles, however whenever I hear everyone typing away or on their phones, I always take a quick vape, and blow the vapor down the front of my shirt. I also find myself going to the copy room a lot, the copiers make a bunch of noise so no one really notices I'm in there; except the one time I was hitting my JS and got walked in on by an HR person. I used the "this is my inhaler" line from Chris and Sean's Janty Stick review, and got a "oh" response. Thanks guys, it worked great!

  5. I gave up my 510s for a Janty Stick for battery life. Thought it was great, then a bunch of problems ensued (seemed constantly clogged was the worst). I got some attys from the VT store but never tried cranking it up again (have the spade now) and 510s as a backup. The form was pretty compact though, could easily pocket it. Maybe I'll crank it up again and have that as a backup. Guess I would have to do a PTB mod for the 801 cart...

    You know I had some issues at first too. The JS takes some finessing to get it to work right. I really have to watch how much I drip with it, I was using carts at first with the 302 atty it came with, with no luck. I then tried standard 801 attys, and kept breaking them having to screw them down so much that eventually they kept breaking. I also wasn't letting the atty break in enough, the 302 attys take a little more time to break in than standard atty's of any other type - IMO. I finally found the balance with dripping 3 drops out of a 3ML bottle does the trick perfect. If i'm not sure I really need to drip, then I'll just drip 2 drops, and that way I don't get it clogged up, and if I overdripped it's not flooded.

    If you got one of those 801LB's (302) atty's from Chris it should work nicely for you! Hope it goes better this time!

  6. This is sounding more and more like something I need for a portable, small unit. I spend so much time outside in the summer and neither my VP2 or VP/PT would work for me out there. I need something small and light that can go in my pocket. Something with a long enough battery life that I don't have to keep going back for a new battery. This just seems like the answer. Really, I haven't vaped in the summer yet and it could be that I would only need to vape when I came inside to cool down or whatever, but I don't know yet and want to be prepared ahead of time.

    I am a bit concerned about there not being enough vapor now. I just knew the VP/PT was going to spoil me for that.

    Does anyone know if this is the same as the Joye stick at Wordupecig? I would rather keep my business with him if I can, rather than going somewhere new.

    Hey Nana,

    His site is listing the stick #3 although the pic is of the #2 version. At work I use my Janty Stick #2 all day long. It does not compare to the VPPT, but does match that of the VP2 or VP1. It's battery life is about the same as the VP1 or Spade, so about 4 hours average. I really like the fact that you can charge it and vape it at the same time, and the size really works well - pretty hassle free.

  7. BirdDog,

    I have tried to use a couple of different carts on the LB atomizers and had no success. They barely touch the bridge, and don't push the wadding in far enough to wick the juice down. I only drip with the LB atty's (302 or 801).

  8. Nana,

    You are going to love the 302 (LB) atomizer on the PT! They take a little bit to break in, but on the PT only half as long. Once you get them going, watch out! I have had the same 302 atty for 3 months, and I have been abusing it on the Janty Stick taking a bunch of 10 second draws in a row, the VPPT and not resting it, and used it on my VP2 and it just keeps on going. They are tough and give great vapor. My 510 too was my go to atty until I found these! Glad you are having great vaping! Cheers!

  9. Yeah, that crap is bad news. I was one of the first couple of thousand that tried the initial release, and let me tell ya, all those symptoms and side effects are true. After a week of not sleeping and having crazy LCD dreams, I was ready to wack myself. My wife who was my girlfriend at the time thankfully got me to the Dr. quickstyle, and got me off that killer. Freakin FDA man, who the hell are these people?! IMO a bunch of pushers worse than crackdealers..

  10. Keenan,

    Wonderful post brother. We are thankful for ya bud! ;)

    I sure have learned a lot from you since September, and am looking forward to kickin it with ya here on VT in this next new year, and learning a bunch more. We all wish you and your family the best!

  11. So I ended up being the lucky winner of SINCIT-E-CIGS contest here on the forum, and my winnings included a 510 passthru, and my choice of any 3 flavors of e-liquid they had on hand. I selected Cherry, Champagne, and a flavor called Andrea. I vaped all 3 of the flavors using the 510 passthru and a 2 week old broken in 510 atty. This is my first review so bear with me.

    Washington Cherry 24mg:

    Aroma: A very sweet and bright smell. It reminds me of cherry lifesavers.

    Taste: This flavor immediately tastes very sweet, but finishes with a smooth subtle tartness that blends out the sweetness. It tastes just like fresh baked cherry pie.

    Vapor Production:

    3.7 volts; 510 Atomizer: Exceptional vapor. This juice is thick and hearty and provides dense clouds of vapor. I only needed to use 2 drops dripping in place of the usual 3 drops.

    I have been searching for a good cherry flavor for a while. Most that I have tried taste like cough syrup. This flavor surprised me, however - it does the name justice. I really do think this is a quality flavor, and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys the fruit flavors.

    Champagne 24mg:[/b]

    Aroma: A mild light lime fragrance, followed with the classic sweet champagne smell. It definitely makes me want to crack a bottle!

    Taste: It tastes just like a quality Chardonnay. It has a full bodied taste that is well balanced, creamy and effervescent. The first flavor is a bit lemony, followed by a dry nutty flavor. It finishes a bit dry, just like the real deal.

    Vapor Production:

    3.7 volts; 510 Atomizer: Excellent vapor. This juice is a bit thinner than the cherry, and I dripped using my standard 3 drops. The vapor production is quite good.

    I wasn’t sure initially about vaping champagne. I have tried the cola liquids and find I don’t like them at all; if I want a cola I like to DRINK them, not vape them. With that said, I wanted to give this one a shot and I’m glad I did. I think this flavor would be a great mild all day vape.

    Andrea 24mg:

    Aroma: A sweet minty chocolaty smell. It smells just like the Andes chocolate mints.

    Taste: Initially the mint is the most dominant flavor, followed by a smooth chocolaty taste. It finishes with a nice blend of the two flavors.

    Vapor Production:

    3.7 volts; 510 Atomizer: Excellent vapor. This juice is the same consistency as the champagne flavor, and I again dripped using my standard 3 drops. The vapor production is on par with any quality juice.

    It is an excellent flavor and a nice treat. I find this flavor to be addictive and hard to put down. A good flavor for anyone who loves Andes mints.

    I dig all of the flavors I tried, and recommend getting yourself some of their juice to try!

  12. @GDub-Good link above..Thanks.

    @JM - yeah, the Joye 302 is the one is Janty Stick. They have been rocking on my VPPT, but not so great on the VP2. It seems to dig the high voltage,and they are really tough atty's. At first I didn't like them, but after abusing a couple of them (Joye 302's) for over a month now, I'm quite happy with them. They don't die off like the standard atty's do at high voltage, and I don't have problems with them in the Janty Stick like standard 801 atty's.

  13. Hey Guys,

    I ordered six of them and have had them for about a month now. These are different than the original LB's that Arno had, and are different than the other LB 801's out there (the Joye 302 LB atomizers).

    They are finicky atomizers. You have to watch how much liquid you put in, seems that more than 2 drops at a time and they flood, and then get all fussy. I have been vaping them on my VP Passthru though, and have had no problems since you the 5volts blasts through anything, but on the 3.7volt batteries you have to drip more often with less at a time.

  14. Kissbox and Stick and Joye 302 are all the same atty .There is the TAWA one and the gaurenteed one which I suspect they are just charging for the replacement and it is the same one as the TAWA.The tipoff is the chrome ring.


    Thank you! So I just checked a bunch of em out on different sites, and I think you are dead on.. They are just charging more for the replacement warranty deal, however they are the same product.. I was not sure about the Joye 302's, but it all makes sense now.

  15. So now I'm confused... I just got my LB801's in the mail, and inspecting them they appear the same as the JS atty's. They have the 2 grooves in the threads for airflow, and they look the same too. In any case they are working great, so I'm very happy with them, however I'm confused as to what is what now.

    I had ordered some LB801's from Myvaporstore a week and a half ago, someone else posted on those so I took a chance and got 3 of them. They look exactly like the standard Highbridge 801 atty's except that they have a shorter fatter bridge. 2 work ok, and the third kinda sucks, however the drag on them is extremly tight and they had a super hard draw.

    So are there basically 4 types of 801 atty's out there right now? The standard High Bridge, standard low bridge, Janty type low bridge, and the Joye 302 2 hole 801 style?

    Anyone know??

  16. Hey buddy! Yes the JS takes the Janty kissbox atomizers. You should pick some some low bridge 801 from the VTstore. Kissbox attys are good too, hope you have better luck with those ;)

    Hey Sin,

    Right on thanks bro. Yea, hopefully the 3 LB's I ordered up from VT store are at home when I get there today! Got one for my brother too, he's been having the same issues the standard 801's.

  17. Hi All,

    Just wondering.. Does the Janty Stick use the Janty Kissbox atty?

    Also, has anyone tried those Joye 302 2 hold 801 style atty's. I have gotten a bunch of crappy 801 atty's lately, they don't drip well, and barely function with carts.

    I had originally given up on Janty Stick, but then recently my original VP 801 atty's died, the ones I got from Jeso, so I went to the new 801's I got elsewhere and they have all sucked, so I gave the Janty Stick another go, and the atomizer finally broke in I guess and it's been ripping!

    Thanks for the feedback!

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