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Everything posted by TerryBrazil

  1. That is a really great idea. I talked to my doctor about them a month or so back and he had nothing but good to say. I will have to hit him up for a letter next time I go in. I do not go to the doctors that often though, maybe I will have to make up an excuse. It would be very powerful if there where hundreds of letters from doctors praising electronic cigarettes floating around the internet.
  2. Sorry I did not post sooner. I took one of those day off things. If the wife did not jump in from time to time I swear I would work 24/7 if I could. Looks like everybody is doing a great job on the letters. I am going to write up one and send it out today. I really like UBrocked's idea of everybody emailing, calling ect... Fox News on one given day. If we could get this thing to break into the main stream we would be doing a couple of things. Obviously we would be heightening awareness about the topic which we really need, so many people are clueless and simply follow whatever the FDA says (or who ever they look up to) like a heard of sheep. Second we will sending a message to the other states, politicians, governors, seniors, etc.... We are electronic cigarette users and we will not just stand by while you take away a product that could not only save so many lives but all around help make our country healthier. We need to let them know that by getting rid of electronic cigarettes they are fighting against everything else they are fighting for. They want lower health care costs, electronic cigarettes can help with that. They want to lower pollution, electronic cigarettes can help with that. They want to give people more jobs, electronic cigarettes are helping with that to. I am sure that there are even more ways electronic cigarettes could help our country that I cannot even think of at the moment. Well now that I have a cup of coffee in me and I am all riled up I think I will get to work and make to send to our friends in California. Everybody keep up the good work. Together we can make a change in this world for the better.
  3. Hello, I could not find the intro thread so I am going to do a quick one right here. My name is Terry Brazil, I own a few electronic cigarette sites. I have been using electronic cigarettes for going on 4 months now. I believe that they are one of the greatest inventions to come out in one hell of a long time and I basically spend my days teaching people about them both locally and on the internet. But none of that has to do with why I dropped by to post on the forum. What I really wanted to do was discuss ways that we could possibly change what is happening in California. I have not read the whole post that I just seen was up on righttovape.com. However this is what I have been thinking we could do if we all got together and fought this. After all we are supposed to have the right of choice. How long where tobacco cigarettes being sold and they where never approved by the FDA. Hell energy drinks still have not been approved and they continue to fly off the shelves on a daily basis. We all know that this comes down to one thing and that is money. Now I know big pharm and big tobacco have a lot of money and I am sure that you would agree that they are behind all of this, not to mention the government itself. However I still have faith that at least 51% of our politicians are not corrupt. What I really think we need to do is make some noise. We need to stir things up, grab some attention and educate these people because when it comes down to it they are holding all the cards (our cards). Now I can think of a few ways that we can do this and by all means share any ideas that you have. 1st Idea I know a lot of us site owners and other various e-cig fanatics post videos. We should all post a video directed to a our president, a congressman, a politician or even the world and let them know what is going on. Tell them to check out the FDA's findings if you can. They speak for themselves. If you compare the e-cig report to pretty much any cigarette report or common knowledge about cigarettes the difference is night and day and common sense tells you that e-cigs are the healthier alternative. You could even try to make a video that is viral. People even play stupid little games with videos. For instance go and make a list of politicians or congressmen. Then pick 5 people that post e-cig reviews or other ecig videos. Then pick a politician / congressman and make a video to them. Tell them what you would like them to know about electronic cigarettes and why they should consider not voting yes for any bill that bans them. Maybe bring up the 40,000 preventable deaths a year thing. At the end of your video name the five people that you are tagging and that they need to choose a person and do the same thing. Don't forget to send the video to each of the five people you have chosen. Maybe even go make a rules page and ask people to post their videos on 5 or more sites, teach them about keywords, etc... so that every bodies videos will be seen more. Essentially people are constantly searching for these sort of people especially when it comes to elections. Videos rank well on search engines and sooner than later it will be brought to their attention and the attention of that persons supporters. 2nd Idea If we all worked together we could try to put together a complete list of email addresses for each states governor, representatives, etc... Afterward we could draft a professional but generic message loaded with facts all supported by the FDA's own findings, and in the end letting them know how many lives they would be saving, how they would be helping save the world from pollution, etc... Something that will stick in their heads and make them feel like complete crap if they voted against it. We all have family or friends that where harmed by tobacco cigarettes. We just need to play on the right emotional cords that most everybody can relate to. Then simply make a page where people can read the message, and agree that they want to support the cause. Once they agree they fill out their name, email, pick their state from a drop down menu and let us know that it is ok to send their ip as a virtual signature. From there the script takes the message and sends it out to everybody who has a vote with the person who sent it's information. I have some programming experience and know this can be done quite easily. However if somebody else knows how they could probably do it quicker than I could. It is the digital age and I feel it is really out of nobodies reach to make a little noise for a good cause. At very least we all need to make our voices heard. Especially if you have time to spend on forums you should have a couple of minutes to fight for the cause. We are supposed to have the freedom of choice the least our government can do is let us choose for ourselves. Especially since I am sure that we are all feeling that money is worth more to them than the lives and health of their citizens. Please let me know what you think and by all means please chime in if you want to help or have a good idea on how we can get across to the people in our country who are making choices for us.
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