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Posts posted by profbeard

  1. May I be the fly in the ointment? Of course I may, particularly since it's now moot, eh? :) If my potential buddy ProfBeard were here he'd be saying Screwdriver to the rooftops. It's a solid, dependable, proven device. I will admit the eGo is sweet too, and you're going to like it cr2. Particularly if you ordered some LR 510s to go with it.

    But it's true that there are no Screwdriver users that I know of in this forum, which kind of skewed the recommendations in one direction. It's enough to make me wish I had gotten the payoff on that lottery ticket last week! But alas; a wasted dollar like they all are, and no Screwdriver for me.

    Yep - I'd say Screwdriver :) BUT I'd say get a trog original from here:


    and read these:



  2. Hey prof - I always recommended TW but this thread had me thinking twice about it.

    Well, I know that TW sell genuine Joye 510 attys - it is entirely possible that they had a batch which performed differently from normal, but that would be down to Joye (not TW) and I would imagine that other vendors would have received similar attys from Joye too. TW are a successful company and provide good service in the main - they are, however, in the hands of the Chinese manufacturers - like like all other vendors. I would agree that TW are more expensive than many vendors, but their atty prices are competitive. I use quite a few different vendors (including TW) and I must say that I do wonder why TW seem to get "singled out" for criticism as much as they do - they are better than many vendors in my experience (that's not saying I think they are THE best please note)

  3. As real SDs don't have lights - you DON'T have a Screwdriver - what you have is probably a DSE905. (I really wish vendors would stop passing off 905s as SDs - The 905 is good value for money but is nowhere near the quality of the real thing))

  4. Just got four more from nhaler so I have eight now, but I am intrigued. Will let the dust settle and see what people think, I'm worried about the reports of TWs product being iffy now. I am loving it on the spade I have to say. Just got the tips and with my needle dropper from JC, this couldn't be simpler. Should have my stock of 510 mega batts refreshed and a mega PCC for the missus trying the low resistance. I know I'm not supposed to use them less than a certain mah, but for the wife, we can charge up after each "use".

    I have used TW on numerous occasions over the last year and can say that I've never had a problem with product quality. I've bought lots of multipack attys from TW and other suppliers and have NEVER had a DOA from any of them. I ordered two bottles of juice from TW on Thurs and they cam a few minutes ago. You might fairly criticise TW on price, but I've never had quality problems/ The TW LR attys are Joye by the way...

  5. My Screwdriver is designed to work with the 901 and I have three atties that I have broke in for it. Once broke in I like the 901 better than my 510 atty. I think the primer is the issue. I'm nigh near a chain vaper, (I like to blow rings), and it has taken me on average a day to break one in. :offtopic: This is way off topic but I need to get a dedicated 510 device and give that atty a good shake. I've heard such good things about 510's being great all-rounders yet I am unimpressed when I use my 510 with an adapter equipped screwdriver.

    I have a device (Super Six) with a dedicated 510 connection (it has interchangeable connections for 901/510/801) and I can assure you that an SD with a 510 adapter (I have that too) is just the same as a dedicated device

  6. Attys can come with some pretty persistent primer fluid on them, and 901s can take a while to "break in" (difficult to say how long, but I'm a heavy vaper and it takes a few hours). As has ben said they a tighter draw than 510s but it shouldn't hard to draw. 901s are normally GOOD on flavour (much better than 510s) - I use RN4075 attys - a 901 clone - rather than SLB 901s as they run a tad hotter. I get my RN4075s in multipacks from places such as Liberty Flights (good value) and TW.

    This might help: http://www.vapersplace.com/profiles/blogs/comparing-901801510-atomisers

  7. The original SD is designed so that, should a short cicuit occur (for example in an atomiser), the spring will melt and break the circuit. With a 3.7/4 volt device this is really the only likely cause of a battery "turning bad". (Of course if you maltreat a battery by charging it too fast or too much, that is a different thing) The problems with "venting with flame" reported have been almost exclusively with devices using two batteries and drawing a higher voltage.

    Please remember that a "protected battery" is normally only protected against over- or under-charge - not against short circuit. (There are batteries with short-circuit protection, but most are not). I've used both protected and unprotected batteries for ages (in single battery devices) withour problem BUT I'm careful not to do things like put them in the charger upside down, and I use a slow charger... I treat batteries with respect.

  8. Thanks Prof, I'd noticed that no one seemed to pick up on that too. Probably a lot of people are not as well informed about the nuances of various models, and when an opportunity to become better informed presents itself, it doesn't get through - possibly due to innocent reckless enthusiasm? We're mostly newer vapers here and still in the "gosh wow" stage of happiness. Maybe not the most discriminating bunch? ;) Thanks for your input.

    Thanks Dave - I have NO objection to people selling the 905, and feel that Sailebao (DSE) copying the Screwdriver is just one of those things that happens (especially with China ;) ). What I object to is vendors trading on the Screwdriver name to sell it. As this thread proves, it can lead to people thinking they are being offered an original SD where, it reality, its the 905. Lots of car makers copy each other, but if I want a Ford, I want a Ford not a Tata for example. (Nothing wrong with Tata - they own Jaguar)

  9. His web site says he sells the "Screw Driver Mod". Is this not THE Screwdriver? And why are you yelling? :rolleyes:

    It's not the THE Screwdriver - it is the DSE 905 copy. The reason I was yelling is I had pointed this out already in this thread and no-one seemed to notice. I really object to people calling the 905 a Screwdriver as it is trading on someone else's product name to sell an imitation (which many consider inferior)

  10. Profbeard, there's been a lot of discussion here about the Super T brass and/or stainless "T-tip" mouthpieces. I have to ask if your decision to (apparently) not get one was based on the added cost, or that you didn't like the idea of the metal in your mouth?

    Neither - I don't drip - I use carts and top-up

  11. his may be a silly question, but on those "bottom button" mods... do you use your pinky knuckle to engage the button, or what?

    Depends - with the SD I use the end part of my middle finger near the inside of the joint, with the S6 I use the end of my middle finger:


  12. It's been suggested to me you might like a UK perspective of what is going on in the UK.

    Put simply, there is a regulatory body in the UK called the MHRA. The MHRA are proposing to take all nicotine containing products (except strangly cigarettes/tobacco - what a surprise) under medicinal regulation. This is being put forward under the usual "safety" arguments and as part of a UK Gov initiative aimed at "harm reduction". The proposals are new in that they propose to regulate/recognise products aimed at longer term use (as opposed to NRTs).

    This originally came about because Johnson & Johnson want their inhalers treated this way (and we suspect they have e-cig product in the pipeline) and e-cigs will be included. Strangely (sarcasm) Phillip Morris also think this a pretty neat idea...

    The MHRA have to put all such proposals out to "consultation" - normally this results in no-one replying and they do what they want. Following consulation regulation is implemented. The MHRA favoured option is that regulation should be implemented 21 days after consulation ends on the 4th May and that all unlicenced product would be withdrawn from sale at that point. The regulations would mean ALL e-cig liquids/filled carts would require licences - the licences cost a fortune (many 10s of thousands of pounds), loads of other expense, and months to prepare an application for. (Their second option would be for a one year delay - informed opinion is that an e-cig vendor such as Totally Wicked would struggle to get product licenced even in a year - and then ban unlicenced product). This will kill the existing UK e-cig industry except purely hardware vendors.

    My suspicion is that J&J (and other pharma) are all ready to bring out product (probably useless for vapers as opposed to quitters)... The tobacco industry will see a threat to their profits removed.

    Those who are willing to import their own juice from the EU and China will probably be able to, but it will drive large numbers of UK vapers back to tobacco.

    The hope is that the MHRA are not used to real opposition or fuss. Many of us have sent in replies to the consultation, as have many vendors - the MHRA have already said they will be holding a "stakeholder consulation meeting" which they were not planning to. We have also contacted the Ministry responsible for competition and overseeing regulatory body conduct (the MHRA consulation is very poor in terms of evidence of need and impact analysis) and lots of Members of Parliament. The more fuss the better...

    The important thing is that vapers in the UK need to avoid stressing using vaping to quit smoking and emphasise they have replaced their use of tabacco to enjoy the recreational use of nicotine with vaping - with harm reduction as a by-product but NOT as "treatment for addiction".

    On a personal note - I'm looking for financial links between Altria/Phillip Morris and Johnson and Johnson - there are no "corporate links" I'm aware of, but there seem to be significant shared stock/shareholders (like Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway) - in my view the proposed regulation benefits tobacco/pharma interests at the expensive of small businesses and if these two companies (who have made themselves visible in this case) can be shown to have significant shared "ownership" in terms of people who would benefit from increased profit from both it could be useful - anyone who can point to organisations/individuals who have interests in both companies would have my thanks.

    There is much discussion of this on the UK Vapers Forum:


  13. I have the VP Series, eGo, a 5 volt box mod, and the DSE 905. The DSE 905 is my least favorite. It is cheaply made, the battery doesn't always fire, and if I wanted to vape at 3.7 volts with 900 mah then I would just use my VP2. I don't see myself using it again unless the others break.

    I agree about 905 build quality. If you like the 905's look, buy a proper Mk1 Screwdriver instead - the build quality is excellent - see this thread on ECF:


  14. Thats $60 US plus shipping. For a little more I can get a kit with batteries and charger. But I'm interested in why I would need two bodies? Other than the waaaaaaaaaaay coooool factor that is LOL

    Well, suppose you (gulp) lost one? I honestly think that the Mk1 Screwdriver is the best "value for money" (ie price + quality + service) 3.7v PV around - I've had one for nearly a year without a single problem. The two-for-one offer plus a "spares kit" from trog will give you two high quality devices at a reasonable price... (you could save money by buying the atomisers/batteries/charger from China of course)

  15. I'd say go for the original Screwdriver for build quality. The original Mk1 Screwdriver now has an improved mechanical switch, and is available in silver, black or gold in 901, 801 or 510 versions.

    BETTER STILL - at the moment Screwdriver bodies are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE: http://www.cavecom.com/screwdriver/shop/shopindex.htm

    (The free one always seems to be a gold one by the way, mine was - I bought a black 901 version and got a gold 901 version free)

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