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Posts posted by profbeard

  1. I laughed when I saw it but I knew what you meant :) Remember I was born in the United Kingdom so I familiar with the language of both countries ;) Although for your own image I would refrain from saying anything like " I was sucking on a ***" when your around many American Posters...it would just look weird :lol:

    I was in CA last week and told someone "I haven't touched a *** since I started using an e-cig..." Boy was my face red. :whistle:

  2. It is not illegal to posses an Electronic Cigarette in the listed country only illegal to sell them. Those countries have placed an important ban on ecigs. Hong Kong actually made a couple of arrests against suppliers.

    You have to remember cigarettes bring in an enormous amount of Tax money in for these countries. Do you really think they want these things on the market? Of course not. If they can ever tax them, you can bet your butt they'll be paying companies to get them on the market.

    e-cigs are legal in mainland China,but on Hong-Kong - vengeance perhaps?

  3. I placed an order with those guys from some juice back in September and never got anything from them. They sure took out my paypal, though. I pinged them a couple of times with no answer. You had luck with these guys?

    If you mean ecisdirect.com - yes, I've dealt with them quite a few times - delivery in less than three days everytime - but I'm in the UK as are they....

  4. Sorry to hear about your trouble - You can always try what vegasvapor suggested or buy another unit larger battery mod. The vp2 is extremely nice and you don't have to worry about the cutoff or battery life as it can last a day or two.

    Yes there are lots of mods that take the 901 atomiser - I use a Screwdriver, it suits me, but there plenty of alternatives.

  5. The "3.7v" batteries actually deliver around 4.1-4.2v when freshly charged - BUT standard e-cigs (small batteries) drop below this very very quickly. The reason you will find many people who stick with "3.7v" may well be that (like me with my Screwdriver) they are using big battery "mods" which keep the voltage above 4v for a long time.

  6. This is a more polite version of a post I made on ECF in a thread discussing big battery devices:

    My take is basically that the "vaping experience" is a function of: choice of atomiser and juice (the main bits) and voltage (a matter of choice as that alters the experience of both the atomiser and the juice). The "consistency" of the vaping experience is about batteries.

    So the "big battery device" is indeed a means of attaching a reliable power source at the voltage of choice to the atomiser of choice to vape the juice of choice... It is basically that and nothing more.

    What affects choice of big battery device? Clearly aesthetics, ergonomics, price, reliability, service and in some cases, it appears, prejudice.

    Lets look at a few of these in perspective:

    Price - frankly, if you could afford to smoke, all of the big battery devices are affordable - I was spending 50 UKP a WEEK on cigarettes.

    So, not price, but possibly "value for money"? This is much more subjective - for me, if I get something that does what I want at a price I can afford, and the device is reliable and I can get it fixed if it should break eventually, I've got VFM

    Service - if something breaks - I have two choices - mend it myself or get it mended. I prefer to get it mended. I see no evidence that any of the big battery device vendors don't mend things. Quality of service? It's clear that most of the vendors a) actually provide pretty good service and B) have managed to p*** at least one or two people off (that's business for you)

    Aesthetics? Eye of the beholder stuff - meh (as some say)

    Ergonomics - if you like the way it works it's ergonomic, if you don't it isn't. I like "button on the end" a la SD and AdapteveR - others don't.

    As for whether something is made entirely from UK, US, Australian, Mongolian or Martian components of original conception, I don't give a monkey - if it works well (for me), and doesn't break, that's the job done.

  7. My favourites are TW (good but not cheap) and Dekang - loads of juice firms actually sell Dekang liquids (like Liberty Flights) - you can spot Dekang liquids because the bottles have YNDK pressed into the edge of the bottle top. Mind you, I've only tried their tobacco flavours...

  8. I find most of the liquids have a bit of a sweet taste to them--especially compared to cigarettes. You get really used to it after a bit--makes smoking taste particularly nasty by comparison. caught me off guard at first too. Like you said, not bad, just unexpected.

    Hi Lisa - you get around ;)

  9. Hi Prof,

    I've just signed up! :jump: I really would urge others to do the same because A) It is an independent set-up and B ) After the success of getting Sentate Bill 400 vetoed (with humble thanks to Governor Schwartzeneggar), we need to do all we can to keep the ball rolling and gain even more momentum.

    Good work Prof!

    J :jump:

    Thanks J - we are keen to get more "volunteers" - people who want to be active in fighting our corner - on board

  10. Hi Prof!

    Fancy finding you here Sir! The claims made are laughable really, aren't they? I wonder if they got their information from questionable sources, such as the "dubious" scare-mongering videos off of youtube!!! lol :D

    Lovely to see you here anyway... that's brought a big smile to my face :)

    LOL - yes I get around - nice to see you here too! But re the above: don't the US have advertising standards?

  11. Ryanair offer just about the most degrading travel experience available today. I'd pay (and do) a LOT more than 6 Euros to fly with someone else!

    The devices they are selling are:


  12. We just got our 510's and it took a while to break in one of the attys. But now Im cheefin like a dragon, and am a very happy mofo. Filling the carts are working just fine for me. I did drip once, but with the carts I dont have to fill so much. I definetly am putting a slight drop every cart to keep things lubed. I am so happy the 510. :punk:


    The 901 carts will fit (if a bit tightly) a 510/Titan atomiser.

  13. Well if your using the 801 battery they are a little flaky especially if your dripping in them. They where not designed to be dripped in. Here are the office we all use 801 attys but we use them on a custom battery unit called the VP1 (Sean uses the VP2) It sealed so no juice can get inside, it also uses a manual switch. (The manual switch has to be added because when the battery is sealed there is no way for an air sensor so instead you use a button)

    Manual batteries are really the only way to go. http://www.vaprlife.com it's the only thing we use.

    I agree manual is the way to go.

    With normal e-cigs, if you are getting 3 hours that's pretty good.

    If you want more you will have to go down the "big battery" route (JantyStick, Screwdriver, Prodigy, VP1 and 2 etc) - most of those will run to 7 or 8 hours, some even longer...

  14. Yeah the janty stick is hard to find on the dietsmokes site. Click on Janty and you have to scroll down to the bottom somewhere. Here's the link http://www.dietsmokes.com/products/Janty-Stick-V2.html

    Just a warning if you do buy from him though. The janty stick I got from him was defective and it took about 2 weeks for him to even get back to me about an exchange. Maybe the form on his "warranty and returns" page wasn't working properly. Not sure, but he finally responded to a direct email I sent to him. A replacement should be on it's way. Everyone says he's a great guy and provides excellent customer service, so I'm not talking down on him at all. Just letting you know my experience.

    If you like the 901 I'd advise getting a big battery mod which takes 901 attys. The bigger batteries bring the best ouyt of the 901 atomiser. I've got a Screwdriver and have tried 901, 510 and 801 attys with it (using adapters for the 510 and 801) - I find the 901 the best all-rounder at "3.7v" (actually 4.2v on the SD).

    Don't get too hung up on "size". Unless you want too hold the e-cig in your mouth, many of the 3.7v big battery models are actually much smaller then you think. For example, my SD is not really any longer than a 901 and is much narrower than people think. The VP1 and Bulli Slim are even smaller...

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