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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2010 in all areas

  1. Hi, I haven't posted here since my initial questions last Dec. '09 upon purchasing my first "kit" of the ecig. I'm a 35 year smoker, and honestly during most of that time, I was struggling to quit. Have tried everything, from over the counter to prescription. Must add here that the prescription med (can't think of the name of it...sorry)...made me insane with anxiety! Anyway...I purchased the ecig kit and, from the first puff, I did not want to inhale tobacco. I've been enjoying the ecig now since Dec. 09, but I am able to ignore it for long periods...like weeks!...if I choose to do so. This is something I could never have done while smoking tobacco. While addicted to tobacco (Marlboro Lights), I would wake up anticipating that first cigarette. I do no such thing with the ecig, and really forget it on all mornings. I only take a puff on the ecig for enjoyment, but it is not an addiction as was tobacco! This leads me to conclude that the tobacco companies enhance the cigarette with an extra something that is addictive! I say this only as an addict myself and my 35 year struggle. I wish that those trying to ban the ecig only knew this truth! Patty
    1 point
  2. Check out the new Natural Flavored & Organic Juices at Vaporite.com I love the peach , raspberry and Todd's (TG's) Tobacco Blend Flavor ! Todd and vaporite.com products, YOU'RE THE BEST!
    1 point
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