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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2010 in Posts

  1. ROFL!!! TOO CUTE GUYS!!! One time in college we caught a guy sleeping on his side and drooling (LIKE EVERYONE DOES FROM TIME TO TIME!!) his mouth was open and we poured pop rocks in it! MAN!! Wish we'd had a video cam for that one!!
    1 point
  2. SeanPatrick

    Memorial Day Weekend!

    Aside from working this weekend ( I am a cook and the resturant makes lots o' money this week-end) I will be going out and about Memorial day morning to place the flags along the center of town and to the four local cemetaries placing flags on the Veteran's graves and doing a small Memorial Services ( After all it is what the American Legion does on Memorial Day) So fire up those BBQ's, Swim in those newly opened pools and have a wonderful safe and fun weekend everyone. If you want to you could thank a veteran, I am sure they would appreciate it.
    1 point
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