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Analog's Suck


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So I went out with my buds a couple of nights ago and had my eGo with me for the first time. Of course everyone tried it and loved it. However, I smoked an analog for the first time since I received my eGo. Man, it tasted like crap. I've been smoking (and loving) Camel lights for 22 years. I was totally turned off by the taste. It was like I tasted every chemical in the cigarette.

Has anyone else had this experience?

Edited by mityfine
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So I went out with my buds a couple of nights ago and had my eGo with me for the first time. Of course everyone tried it and loved it. However, I smoked an analog for the first time since I received my eGo. Man, it tasted like crap. I've been smoking (and loving) Camel lights for 22 years. I was totally turned off by the taste. It was like I tasted every chemical in the cigarette.

Has anyone else had this experience?

ABSOLUTELY!!! I bummed one or two off friends while at the bar my first month or so into vaping, and now I just take my eGo outside and be social with my smoking friends because I, too, now hate the taste of analogs. I've never thought to actually offer my eGo to them to try it out. Wow, I'm mean! Or just selfish. I think it's really just that I'm concerned about all of our collective germs on it. To solve this, I should cut the ends off some of those longer caps that come with cartos and make "try-it-out" sleeves. That would make me a better friend, I suppose. :)

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Yep. About a week after I dropped analogs we had a big snow storm and lost power for 3 days. All of my batteries died on the first day and I had to go back to analogs for 2 or 3 days. The taste was aweful!!! Funny thing is that when people start vaping, they always want eliquid that tastes like their favorite analog. You just don't realize how crappy analogs taste until you've been of them for a bit.

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Been here, done this and ewie! I think it tastes like licking an ashtray bottom, just plain nasty nasty nasty :thumbsdown: I think I could go back to smoking and then I remember this and just turns me off it in an instant. I have let others try my e cig and we just wiped it off with a napkin in between, but, others may not feel as comfortable with that. I like the whole condom cut up option.

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