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Waiting For My Order Why Isnt It Here Yet


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Oh man this is the hardest for me have a bad tasting atty and a pretty much dead but working carto (TW carto not a fan of by the way) still have juice but bad atty and carto so my main question is has anybody ordered from Liberty Flights and have any problems with recieving things from them i ordered from them on Fri and its now Tue and of course they ship from San Diego and i live in San Diego one reason i ordered from them thinking i would get it either by Sat or Mon but still havent recieved my items ordered extra attys this time but its so hard not to go back to analog since my atty tasting bad tried everything from boiling and so forth but still bad taste

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Hi, this must be frustrating. Yesterday, Monday was a non-mailing day as you probably know. If it wasn't mailed Priority mail, it might take an extra day becuz of that. I know nothing about Liberty Flights, but I've had stuff held up too and there was no holiday going on. My advice for the future, if you can budget is stock up as much as you can for when stuff like this happens. Gluck!

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Yeah you guys were right got the goods today and vaping my TW tornado happily happy i didnt have to resort to analogs again whew was a close one though not happy breaking in my new atty but i guess that comes with the territory

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