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Hi everyone! I'm new here, although I have been reading this board for a good week now. I was a pack a day smoker (Marlboro Lights) and have decided to quit for my health. I had the patch on one afternoon and ot wasn't going so well. I was walking through the mall and thwey had a kiosk selling e-cigs. I bought it, and ended up ordering the Joye 510 which I got on Friday. LOVING vaping so far, and am down to 3 analogs a day.

anyway....on to my question. I purchased a 24mg ejuice bottle. I *thought* my cartridge was empty (or low), so I put 3 drops of ejuice into my cartridge (that came pre-filled). Well, today I feel like ****. Bad headaches, and just feeling overall weird all day. What did I do wrong?! Did I make the cart stronger by adding the ejuice?! I'm still trying to figure out how this all works! It was going great until today.

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24mg is a high amount of nic.

you might also have that feeling from the type of juice, vg or pg.

if you feel weird i would say you are getting to much nic.

drop down to around 12-18mg and see how that works out for you.

check what kind of juice your vaping. if it doesn't say pg is more like water and vg is thick.

it could be blended with a % of each also.

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24mg is a high amount of nic.

you might also have that feeling from the type of juice, vg or pg.

if you feel weird i would say you are getting to much nic.

drop down to around 12-18mg and see how that works out for you.

check what kind of juice your vaping. if it doesn't say pg is more like water and vg is thick.

it could be blended with a % of each also.

Is there anyway to water it down? It's a brand new bottle, so I would hate to waste it. How do I water it down? lol. All it says is "Tobacco 24mg"

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Does sound like it is the nicotine strength. couple choices for lowering the nicotine amount.

1. buy some PG or VG 0 nicotine (unflavored)

2. buy some PG or VG 0mg, 6mg or 12mg (depending on how much lower)--0mg would probably be the easiest--in a flavor you like.

3. For a more immediate solution walmart (sometime) and most craft stores carry wiltons glycerin--baking/craft isle. usually in the area where you find cake decorating items. some use the glycerin you find in the pharmacy area (would use this as a last resort--doesn't always taste very good--but would be ok for diluting the liquid you have)

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Does sound like it is the nicotine strength. couple choices for lowering the nicotine amount.

1. buy some PG or VG 0 nicotine (unflavored)

2. buy some PG or VG 0mg, 6mg or 12mg (depending on how much lower)--0mg would probably be the easiest--in a flavor you like.

3. For a more immediate solution walmart (sometime) and most craft stores carry wiltons glycerin--baking/craft isle. usually in the area where you find cake decorating items. some use the glycerin you find in the pharmacy area (would use this as a last resort--doesn't always taste very good--but would be ok for diluting the liquid you have)

Ok, so I think I'll go buy glycerin tomorrow. Now....how do I do it? One drop ejuice to one drop glycerin?

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you probably don't have any empty dropper bottles yet. need a very small container you can up part of you 24 mg liquid in. eye dropper bottle??

if you go about 50/50 you will have about 12 mg, which is a good place to start with experimenting. if you feel you need a bit stronger, add some more of the 24 mg, or still too strong, add a bit of the glycerin.

Do you have a michaels or hobby lobby near by--they are your best bet. if you don't see the baking glycerin--just ask. you may also run across some lorann candy flavoring in the baking section--great for adding or changing flavor. a few drops of flavoring goes a long way.

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you probably don't have any empty dropper bottles yet. need a very small container you can up part of you 24 mg liquid in. eye dropper bottle??

if you go about 50/50 you will have about 12 mg, which is a good place to start with experimenting. if you feel you need a bit stronger, add some more of the 24 mg, or still too strong, add a bit of the glycerin.

Do you have a michaels or hobby lobby near by--they are your best bet. if you don't see the baking glycerin--just ask. you may also run across some lorann candy flavoring in the baking section--great for adding or changing flavor. a few drops of flavoring goes a long way.

I have a Michaels by me! I'll go tomorrow. I'll mix it 50/50, thanks so much for your help! Now, just to make sure I'm doing this right, once the cartridges are empty, I just add the mixture of the ejuice and the glycerin? lol. Sorry if I sound like an idiot....

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Hi everyone! I'm new here, although I have been reading this board for a good week now. I was a pack a day smoker (Marlboro Lights) and have decided to quit for my health. I had the patch on one afternoon and ot wasn't going so well. I was walking through the mall and thwey had a kiosk selling e-cigs. I bought it, and ended up ordering the Joye 510 which I got on Friday. LOVING vaping so far, and am down to 3 analogs a day.

anyway....on to my question. I purchased a 24mg ejuice bottle. I *thought* my cartridge was empty (or low), so I put 3 drops of ejuice into my cartridge (that came pre-filled). Well, today I feel like ****. Bad headaches, and just feeling overall weird all day. What did I do wrong?! Did I make the cart stronger by adding the ejuice?! I'm still trying to figure out how this all works! It was going great until today.

You know I don't know about other people but when I started vaping and having a lot less reg cigs, I did not feel like myself and honest to goodness day three was the worst!!

It could be that you detoxing from the chemicals. You said headache, but honestly nicotine withdrawal causes a headache as well, it is so hard to tell what could be the problem.

Did you get any blank carts? Or just the prefilled ones?

Does the feeling you are getting directly coincide with vaping? Like you vape you get a headache or is it the other way around? Remember that quitting smoking brings on some symptoms as well. I am one month in and still feel a tiny bit off, but I am way better than I was.

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Very good point owutaqt. Withdrawal symptoms do have their own demons. I felt really fuzzy for a couple weeks. but I was one of the lucky ones--not a single cigarette craving--being fuzzy was a small price to pay.

For filling the carts you can wait until they seem empty or you can add a couple drops to the top, wait for it to absorb, when it doesn't seem like anymore will absorb, that is all the cart will hold.

I promise, there are no stupid questions--you are learning a whole new thing. we were all new once.

Just try to save some of that 24mg off to the side, much easier to have around if you think you need some extra nicotine.

Diluting the nicotine will also dilute the flavor a bit too--just a heads up.

If you have questions, ask. we really want this to work for you !!!!

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I do think it's weird that I have too much nicotine. I've smoked for 14 years, I'm 31. I'm not sitting here sucking on the 510 all day long. But I couldn't think of what else it could be. It was going great until I refilled it. I NEED this to work. I have 2 little girls, one is 3 and the other is 1. I'm so so so afraid of dying from smoking.

I only have pre-filled carts. I switched last night, I took off the one I filled and put a pre-filled on. But there supposed to be "high" level :confused: so I'm not sure why they don't give me a headache but the ejuice did. Who knows, maybe I just got some weirdo random headache yesterday. I ordered 16mg from here last night. We'll see!

ETA: maybe it's the random cigarettes I'm still smoking? I'm having a hard time giving up my morning analog and my after dinner one. I need to work on that. How did you guys do it?

Edited by nyaz21
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