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Vaping And Drinking


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Ok so I need some help! Tonight is the first night I've ever not smoked when drinking! I decided vaping and drinking don't go well together. Basically after I drink a beer the flavor of the vapor disappears. So I need either some tips that have helped all of you, or maybe just a stronger flavored juice! Tobacco flavors preferably! I'm aware that nothing will taste like an analog! Just I need a strong defined flavor. Just I enjoy the tobacco flavors right now. But I really need something strong when I drink! I don't think its the nice levels! I'm vaping 34 or 36 mg. So I'm sure I'm good there. Any ideas? Oh I'm using a Joye eGo with a normal atty and I'm direct dripping. I have two LR 510 attys coming soon I hope. Other than that any other suggestions? Thanks! Fighting hard right now but refuse to give in still have not smoked and will not!

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couple options for increasing the flavor:

1. You can add flavor to you current liquid. using a 3 or 5ml bottle--add your premixed liquid and add a few drops at a time until you get the flavor you want.


Flavourart flavorings has a very wide selection of flavors. The tobacco flavors are very strong--a little goes a very long way.

2. DIY Flavor Shack-- you can have Dawn mix up some flavors to your specifications. DIY flavorshack. Can also get just the tobacco flavorings to add to your existing flavors.

Finding the Right flavors is a big part of the challenge.

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It takes a while to figure out all the bits and pieces involved with vaping. Some (like me)-enjoy mixing or changing flavors, others don't. For me, It was about the premixed liquids never having strong enough flavor.

I love tons of flavor !!!

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So I guess my next question is this...... What do you guys do that keeps you successful when drinking and vaping? Not that I think I would fail. Did you wait until you had swapped addictions? Or were you just satisfied with it outright? Don't get me wrong I LOVE vaping. I honestly could care less about analogs now, but I was lusting after analogs tonight when I had a few beers. Ended up calling it quits and going home. Wanted to free myself of the temptation. Successful as I may have been I still want to enjoy my nights out when I do happen to drink.

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JKimbo what tobacco flavors do you prefer and manufacturer? Maybe just the juice I use isn't that great! The beer overpowered the juice flavor and I had absolutely no TH! I think I will try adding extra flavor to special weekend bottles though!

My FAVORITES are Marlboro and RY4,

madvapes, and vaporgalaxy, and a few other places I can't think of right now.

RY4 is the strongest, but u either like or or hate it :)

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Well then I shall try the RY4 then! If it's too strong then it will be my weekend vape! Either way I saw many positive comments about RY4 just never knew about how strong a flavor it is! Thanks man. Really appreciate it!

Well in my case i like johsoncreeks Marcado flavor when i'm out drinking. it haves a very strong flavor. It haves a Tobacco/cinnamon/clove( http://www.johnsoncreeksmokejuice.com/product/J016/rosj ). Also JC original is a great straight tobacco flavor(http://www.johnsoncreeksmokejuice.com/product/J001/juice ).

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