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How Did You Discover E-Cigs?


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I found out about e-cigs in maybe not the most common of ways. I first heard about it on FML.com. If you've never heard of FML it stands for :censored: my life, and people go and post weird, random, funny, crappy things that happen to them.

Someone posted this: Today, my new $100 electronic cigarette came in the mail. I was so excited to try it out, so I used it on the drive to work. The company wasn't kidding when they said it looked and felt real. I threw it out the window when I was done. FML

I saw that and was like "Hmmm electronic cigarette? Wonder what that is."

Anyone else have an unusual story about how they heard of or found out about ecigs?

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Not too funny or unusual I guess, but...I was buying cigarettes at a local "gas station". The gal working there said she hadn't had a cigarette since getting her "electric cigarette". I had never heard of them and thought she must be losing her mind. I asked her what she was talking about. She told me and then showed me. I asked her where she got it and made a bee line for the local "smoke shack". They didn't have any in stock, so I had to wait a few days for them to get some ordered. I vaped for a week before finding out they couldn't keep up with me in the number of cartridges I was using (because they do not last the equivalent of two packs of cigs), so I started doing some research and found this place. The rest is history.....

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I saw a guy smoking one at the smoking area at my last base in Korea. i was working mid shift(11pm to 8am) and all I could see was a lil green light and that caught my attention. I asked him and he told me all about it and where he bought them. But I decided to do a lil research and decided to order mine from another company.

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I was Googling for nicotine delivery systems to try and beat a tobacco ban at my work and stumbled upon VaporStation,ordered a Joye 302 kit and I still prefer the "pennstyle"atties after over a year.

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My hubby heard adds on the radio and one of the truckstops had an e-cig dvd on continuous play. He mentioned them to me at least 3 times over the summer before my curiosity peeked enough to research them. (I was very cynical/skeptical of them). Research led me to youtube's Chris and Sean and the rest is history (like others said).

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I have actually heard about ecigs since like 2007 or 2008. One of the guys I worked with had one and was just smoking anywhere he wanted and I liked the idea but I couldnt find too much info on them at the time. Earlier this year however It seemed like everyone here were I am stationed in Korea had one and it spiked my interest. First I bought the Blu ecigs and a Joye 510. I bought two because after hearing about the shipping problems for the Blu Ecig on the forums, and not too mention how bad they sucked, I bought the Joye 510. Actually I bought the 510 after seeing the review by Chris and Sean. And In one of their videos they mentioned Awesome Vapor and thats where I bought my first kit. Arno is great! Actually once I decide to give it another shot I bought my eGo kit from Awesome Vapor. Bought the eGo because of Grimm Greens review on it. Well thats my story, and the reason I am a Grimm Green supporter! LOL! I am always looking for product reviews and I hate the reviews that people get paid for. Grimm is just straight foward as well as Chris and Sean. Actually to Chris and Sean.... Guys I miss your product reviews. Did you guys stop doing them?

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My boss at my old job had one. He let me use it every once in awhile and I loved it. I had used a few while I was on tour and when I got back and got my money situation back in order I got one.

33 days later I have only taken 5 hits off of a cigarette. One being curious at a bar, one 5 days after I started to see if I still liked it, and the other was when I actually tried to smoke a cigarette but couldn't get past the third hit because it tasted so bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was walking around a county fair and some people had a booth. They would let you try one. I was all over it. Then discovered after hitting forums that I got took. Bought a Inlife Regal 2 - We bought 2 starter sets. We were told the cartomizers were cheap - NOT 3.50 each unless you buy 32 of them. Then they were 3.00 each. Then it was on to Smoketip and Vapor4life. Now I have a Precise ordered. Anybody know a cartomizer that is compatible with the inlife regal 2 - we have 5 batts laying around

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Okay here is my story :doctor:

My 15 year old was out playing manhunt (hide & seek in the dark). He called me and asked if I could pick him up. Since he was suppose to stay in the neighborhood I asked him where in the world he was, he told me at the end of the street. That he had baseball slid into base (which was the stop sign) and hurt his ankle, he didn't think he could walk home. So I go down and pick him up, all his friends are teasing him and calling him drama queen :rolleyes2: As soon as I pull away he breaks down in tears, so I pull in the driveway and have him show me his ankle. It was already swollen to the size of a baseball and purple, so we pull back out and head to the ER. While in the waiting room (for 7 hours) a guy sat next to us and pulled out what looked like a cigarette. I was close enough to tell it was plastic looking and not real, but it got my curiosity up, so I asked him about it and he told me about electronic cigarettes. That is how my mom (who went with me) & I found out about eCigs :thumbsup: OH and we found out that my son broke his ankle in 2 places (1 week into summer vacation) and spent the rest of the summer in a cast/walking boot and drove me batty <_< LOL

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